#garfield Logs

Sep 25 2014

#garfield Calendar

17:24 tWorthCr4p grabs a 40" tv with wifi, crams a Pi into a wireless keybd with wifi, straps a battery and invertor to the back of the tv, and struts around with her new "tablet" comp
17:25 TELunus Lol.
17:30 tWorthCr4p goes to the drag strip, audio records a burn-off by a fuelie, puts some thin wide tires on the wheelchair, a motor to spin the hubcaps really fast, enough batteries to power a kw sound system for 20 seconds, and smoke generators to release lotsa smoke where the tires touch the ground,, and goes into Walmart to simulate doing a dragster peel-out across the s
17:50 TELunus I would pay to see their reaction.
18:31 tWorthCr4p ponders recruiting someone, when they were not previously cruited, is that quired,, or required? to save someone is to scue them, to resave them is to rescue t