#garfield Logs

Sep 22 2014

#garfield Calendar

00:27 rue_house dispte checking my email every day, twice this week 3 days went by without it being checked
00:46 tWorthCr4p
00:48 NotWorthCr4p [11:21] <katsmeow-afk> if you had a choice of 3 computers, 1) a 1Ghz cpu , 2) ten 100Mhz cpus 3) a hundred 10Mhz cpus ,,,, and memory, power use, cost, were the same, which would you choose and why?
15:37 NotWorthCr4p i bought something on ebay, the seller had it drop-shipped from Sam's Club, sam's club won't let me in the door, not for over 20 years,,,,,,,,, i drove by the one outside Atlanta Ga and the one in Bham Alabama for YEARS
15:37 NotWorthCr4p couldn't shop at the online site either
15:37 NotWorthCr4p i won't pay $100 just to get in the door of a grocery store
15:38 NotWorthCr4p weeeeeelllllllllll come to find out, there's "guest passes" available for free
15:38 NotWorthCr4p so i am guessing they didn't tell me about those because they didn't want me there
19:17 NotWorthCr4p i found Tiggr a new home : http://static01.nyt.com/images/2014/03/25/science/25OVER2/25OVER2-articleLarge.jpg
19:19 NotWorthCr4p dumbassed stupidity : The Bicep observations are the deepest look yet into a thin haze of microwaves, known as the cosmic background radiation, left over from end of the Big Bang, when the cosmos was about 380,000 years old.
19:56 rue_mohr TELunus, how goes?
19:56 TELunus Good.
20:01 rue_mohr so TELunus what you up to?
20:01 rue_mohr whats that?
20:02 rue_mohr my backup camera arrived from ebay! :)
20:02 rue_mohr $10
20:04 tWorthCr4p programs the mowerbot to see the truck back up, and scurry over to yell BEEPBEEPBEEP while it's mo
20:04 rue_mohr the image is mirrored
20:04 rue_mohr and its got an overlay
20:05 rue_mohr verry washed out iamge...
20:05 rue_mohr oh well, $10...
20:05 TELunus Rue: bit of coding and listening to the billboard top 100 consecutively. I'm at #31
20:05 rue_mohr heh
20:05 NotWorthCr4p i am wondering if i should stay alive or not
20:06 rue_mohr it turns out if you look into the removal requests to google, you can find some good music download sites
20:06 rue_mohr kat, definitly
20:06 rue_mohr shall we register to that competition after my nap?
20:06 rue_mohr or are you not into that now?
20:07 TELunus Whatever happened to tom-itx?
20:07 NotWorthCr4p i think you already blew me off that
20:07 rue_mohr no, I was away from my computer while I had visitors and stuff
20:07 rue_mohr check your logs, this happens every weekend when I'm away from my computer all day
20:08 rue_mohr you get all fitzed out
20:08 rue_mohr sometimes on the weekend I have a nonstop stream of visitors, it happens
20:08 rue_mohr tommorow the peice of stainless pipe I need should arrive for my genorator exhaust!
20:08 NotWorthCr4p it was important, i was gungho to pull wire, haul out thos 2kva xformers, i was doing parts layout, etc etc,, and then *nothing* from you or Tom
20:09 rue_mohr well I wasn't at my computer
20:09 rue_mohr I'm prolly gonna take a half hour nap, but I wont wake up for an hour
20:09 rue_mohr +- 200%
20:10 NotWorthCr4p as all the pills last nite didn't kill me, with my luck i'll stillbe alive when you wake up :-(
20:10 TELunus Wait, wouldn't -200% mean you take a -half hour nap?
20:10 rue_mohr TELunus, it is possable I'm asleep now
20:11 TELunus Unless the 200% was of the 1 hour you mentioned, in which case it would be -1 hour?
20:11 rue_mohr and could have been for most of the drive home
20:11 rue_mohr I was working at the hospital, where so much as changing a lightbulb can take 4 hours of approvals, scheduling, setup, execution, and cleanup
20:12 TELunus That just means that the start point was erlier than now, not that the enpoint is before the startpoint.
20:12 rue_mohr and I had to run two network lines down the hallway to xray
20:12 NotWorthCr4p sinus spray, same ingredients, same size bottles, $7, $4, $2, then i quit looking and bought the $2 box
20:12 rue_mohr kat, amazing how people dont see that most of the time eh?
20:12 NotWorthCr4p humans can be stupid
20:13 TELunus Well, to be precise:
20:13 rue_mohr the cats were happy to get out when I got home today, but its raining, so they came back in after a few mins.
20:13 TELunus A few humans are really smart. If you're one of them all the average ones seem really dumb.
20:14 NotWorthCr4p local cop saw a teen guy carrying a large pistol, pulled over, drew on the kid, yelled the kid to drop the gun and turn around, the kid turned with the gun up, cop put 3 shots into his chest
20:14 rue_mohr and you cant give dumb people advise, even if its obvious, they just shun you
20:14 NotWorthCr4p it was a bb gun
20:14 NotWorthCr4p painted etc to look like real
20:14 rue_mohr did it have the ornage tip?
20:14 NotWorthCr4p orange tip was painted over
20:15 rue_mohr yea
20:15 TELunus Rue, that applies to average people, not just the particularly stupid.
20:15 rue_mohr if you take a gun into a bank to rob it, remember to paint the tip orange
20:15 NotWorthCr4p exactly
20:15 NotWorthCr4p thing is, it's not illegal to rob a bank with a bb gun, it's still robebry, but it's not a gun
20:16 TELunus It's illegal to rob a bank I'm pretty sure. Just not quite as illegal.
20:16 NotWorthCr4p it is illegal to use a cross bow for almost anything tho
20:16 rue_mohr cops and kids kill kids all the time in the usa tho
20:16 TELunus It would still by robbery, just not armed robbery.
20:17 rue_mohr is robbing a bank with a crossbow armed robbery?
20:17 rue_mohr "nono, please wait, I have to reload..."
20:17 NotWorthCr4p in Alabama, it's perfectly legal to walk round with a gun on your hip, no license required
20:17 NotWorthCr4p why screw it up by carrying a bb gun?
20:18 NotWorthCr4p last series of elections, humans showed up carrying rifles to vote
20:18 rue_mohr WOULD YOU BELIEVE that I gave rifraf I nice big good pocketknife and he said it was illegal to carry in australlia!?!
20:18 NotWorthCr4p why? cannot be folding??
20:18 rue_mohr it wasn't more than like 3"
20:19 rue_mohr dunno, but seriosly? IN AUSTRALIA!?!?!?!
20:19 NotWorthCr4p there's a knife ordinance around here too
20:19 NotWorthCr4p actual gun, that's ok
20:19 rue_mohr maybe I was taken in by the movies, but I wouldn't be surprised if the knife dundee carried was legal in oz
20:20 rue_mohr that was a machette... whatever
20:20 NotWorthCr4p you can go out to dinner carrying an uzi over your shoulder, but not a crossbow
20:20 rue_mohr TELunus, kat lead me onto a great idea that worked out sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
20:21 NotWorthCr4p and i am STILL notworthacrap
20:21 rue_mohr TELunus, a 64k eprom, loaded with 1 bit pwm of a sine wave
20:21 rue_mohr you clock thru all the bits, and the result is true sine pwm for a ups/etc
20:21 rue_mohr I set it up, works awesome
20:22 rue_mohr turns out the pwm on avr/etc isn't even close to fast enough
20:22 rue_mohr so its 8 bit pwm with 256 samples per half wave
20:22 rue_mohr has to be clocked at like 8Mhz, but it works
20:22 TELunus What's this for?
20:22 TELunus Oh, nm.
20:23 rue_mohr I want to see if I can use it to modify a modified sine ups into a true sine
20:23 TELunus What V&A can you do?
20:23 rue_mohr its just pwm, you can put it into whatever driver you want
20:23 TELunus Ah.
20:23 rue_mohr http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/circuits/pwmsine/p1060739.jpg
20:24 rue_mohr top is the sine wave (its rectified for a reason I can explain)
20:24 rue_mohr bottom is the pwm
20:24 rue_mohr http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/circuits/pwmsine/p1060737.jpg
20:24 NotWorthCr4p "modified sine" output a 2-stage stepped squarewave, there's no reason rue couldn't feed the same freq of pwm into the same circuit and make a true sine
20:24 rue_mohr I didn't hook it to a power inverter,
20:24 rue_mohr -- if the fets can respond fast enough -- which I think they can
20:25 rue_mohr http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/circuits/pwmsine/p1060736.jpg
20:25 TELunus I just went to http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/circuits/pwmsine/
20:25 TELunus Clicked them all.
20:25 rue_mohr the high bit of the counters would re-direct the half wave to the other half of the transformer, resulting in a full sine over the cycle
20:26 rue_mohr it turns out I can find *NO* other way of producing 8 bit, 512sample/cycle 60Hz sine wave pwm
20:27 rue_mohr I was playing with the avr and pwm genorator chip designs I started with, and they dont work, nothing can generate pwm fast enough
20:28 rue_mohr --_--''--_--''-- << modified sine
20:29 NotWorthCr4p well, yea, but you have the most detailed sine in the smallest parts count,, you *can* generate *much* faster pwm, i did a mhz clock in the early 1980's
20:29 rue_mohr TELunus, if you should get togethor C code that produces an X window with a command line at the bottom, do give me a shout, I want to make a drafting program
20:29 NotWorthCr4p proly do 100Mhz now
20:29 rue_mohr 2014 avrs cant do it tho :)
20:29 rue_mohr if I could just get it down to 1 counter chip!
20:30 TELunus Rue, I don't write in C.
20:30 rue_mohr yea
20:30 TELunus I write in C++.
20:30 rue_mohr when you see the light and write it, do give me a shout tho
20:30 rue_mohr I need my nap!
20:31 TELunus The nap is a lie.
22:14 NotWorthCr4p CULLMAN, Ala. — In what would appear to be a case of government run amuck, at least two state agencies in Alabama won’t let people take pictures of public records, with an attorney for one equating the idea with stealing.
22:14 NotWorthCr4p Tim McCollum, an assistant attorney general with the Alabama Department of Public Safety, told AL.com a taxpayer who wants to get a document for free by taking a picture wants “to steal from the citizens of Alabama.”
22:16 NotWorthCr4p in other news, Kris Jenner files to divorce Bruce Jenner and the USA is bombing the crap out of Syria
22:16 tWorthCr4p leaves it to you to decide which is more ipor
22:18 NotWorthCr4p what kinda name for a boat is Zaanstroom ?
22:18 NotWorthCr4p or Yxpila
22:26 rue_mohr **oops
22:26 e_mohr stret
22:26 rue_mohr Ihave to eat and get to bed!
22:26 NotWorthCr4p right
22:27 NotWorthCr4p which is why i didn't lift a finger on the $million google prise
22:28 NotWorthCr4p but i did score 128 for the 18th time on spider solitare
22:34 NotWorthCr4p see, if i had done a damned thing towards the contest, and you said that, i'd have been pissed, specially after you had said [19:47] <rue_mohr> shall we register to that competition after my nap?
22:34 tWorthCr4p sh
22:38 tWorthCr4p wanders off, knowing the world is still a fucked up p
22:38 rue_mohr I was falling asleep *before* the half hour drive home
22:39 rue_mohr happend most days
22:39 rue_mohr kat, so I take it your not still interested
23:21 NotWorthCr4p you are,'t lifting a finger towards it, i was, but i'll follow your lead
23:21 NotWorthCr4p i figure anything you say positive about it is just to jerk me around