#garfield Logs

Aug 17 2014

#garfield Calendar

00:00 zhanx he is HUGE
00:00 rue_shop2 does the job involve stepping on things?
00:00 zhanx yes but things are people
00:00 rue_shop2 well your good at it
00:02 zhanx true, got a cat also to help my ptsd
00:02 rue_shop2 your gonna come back make robots with us, right?
00:02 zhanx yes
00:03 zhanx i have been designing something different
00:03 rue_shop2 great!
00:03 zhanx very very different
00:03 zhanx my clock work robot
00:04 zhanx i can talk about it now, i am out
00:05 rue_shop2 :)
00:05 zhanx either way 14 year 7 months 28 days in the army and was allows early release for work
00:05 zhanx I got a good job so they let me out early
00:06 zhanx 4 months
00:06 zhanx fyi not the same person. things have changed. for the good and baf
00:07 zhanx bad*
00:07 rue_shop2 I see you as a guy who saved a lot of people from their own stupidity, even if not everyone is savable
00:08 rue_shop2 hey, any word from kat?
00:08 zhanx i see a guy who saw more than i was suppose to and was strong for everyone but himself and his family but is no longer that
00:08 zhanx not
00:10 zhanx rue, trust me the last few months were bad, torn out my knee again, soilders did so bad, people suck. but i won
00:10 zhanx from now on I WIN.
00:10 zhanx my view has changed
00:11 zhanx my son has done that and a few other things
00:12 rue_shop2 :)
00:12 zhanx had another solider commit suicide
00:13 zhanx same shit as before no reason and it spoke to me
00:13 zhanx I never took that way out
00:14 zhanx so what you working on... (not spoiling mine yet)
00:17 rue_shop2 my dad died in a really horrible way a while ago, so I been a little out of sorts myself
00:19 zhanx same here, then i was basically reborn. ( atheist )
00:26 zhanx i have a vision but be damned if i can build it
00:26 zhanx gonna try
09:46 Tom_itx who the hell would wanna live in orleans!
10:07 rue_bed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4533018/how-to-read-a-text-file-from-server-using-javascript
10:09 rue_bed yea, then I can use a text file to specify an image list for a slideshow