#garfield Logs

Jul 16 2014

#garfield Calendar

20:33 Tom_itx GLIBCXX_3.4.15
20:33 Tom_itx GLIBC_2.15
21:45 _moon hey dan rue
21:52 _moon <?
21:52 _moon $string = "durp";
21:52 _moon $new_string = "is";
21:52 _moon $ding = strlen($string);
21:52 _moon for( $x = 0 ; x < $ding ; $x = $x + $x ) {
21:52 _moon $new_string .= ord($string[$x]);
21:52 _moon }
21:52 _moon print($new_string);
21:52 _moon ?>
21:53 _moon i see one error
21:54 rue_mohr2 ok
21:55 _moon oh wait i think i solved it
21:55 rue_mohr2 +$x!
21:55 rue_mohr2 0 it'll alwasy be 0
21:55 _moon yeah
21:55 _moon :P
21:55 _moon <?
21:55 _moon $string = "durp";
21:55 _moon $new_string = "is";
21:55 _moon $ding = strlen($string);
21:55 _moon for( $x = 0 ; $x < $ding ; $x = $x + 1 ) {
21:55 _moon $new_string .= ord($string[$x]);
21:56 _moon }
21:56 _moon print($new_string);
21:56 rue_mohr2 :) sometimes expalining a problem to someone is all you need them for
21:56 _moon ?>
21:56 _moon funny
21:57 _moon at first i think i tried $x ++
21:57 _moon but i dont think php likes that
21:58 rue_mohr2 it might have needed to be ($x)++
21:58 rue_mohr2 is that giving you what you wanted?
21:59 rue_mohr2 according to this, $x++ should work (no space)
21:59 _moon o
21:59 rue_mohr2 http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.increment.php
22:00 _moon <?
22:00 _moon $string = "durp";
22:00 _moon $new_string = "not";
22:00 _moon for( $x = 0 ; $x < (strlen($string)) ; $x = $x + 1 ) {
22:00 _moon $new_string .= ord($string[$x]);
22:00 _moon }
22:00 _moon print($new_string);
22:00 _moon ?>
22:00 _moon small ed it
22:00 _moon a bit
22:01 rue_mohr2 what are you trying to do?
22:01 _moon can paste only in one direction with xterm
22:01 _moon i
22:01 _moon am
22:01 _moon trying to convert a whole string to hex
22:02 rue_mohr2 use middle button to paste copied text
22:02 rue_mohr2 ah
22:02 rue_mohr2 the string durp?
22:02 _moon yes
22:02 _moon 100117114112
22:03 _moon im geting more than i should though
22:03 rue_mohr2 its decimal
22:03 _moon oh
22:03 _moon woops
22:03 _moon actualy i did not mean hex
22:03 rue_mohr2 print prints in decimal
22:03 _moon just some form of ascci number
22:03 rue_mohr2 '1' is 31 hex is
22:03 rue_mohr2 49 decimal
22:04 _moon ??
22:04 rue_mohr2 so change durp to "11" and you should see 049049
22:04 _moon oh i see
22:05 _moon im seeing mor didjits because in decimal its not limitid to 2 figures
22:05 _moon right
22:05 _moon 1 -255 not 1 - ff
22:05 rue_mohr2 print(dechex($new_string))
22:05 _moon i dont need it in hex
22:05 rue_mohr2 ;
22:05 rue_mohr2 ok...
22:06 _moon 1 sec
22:06 rue_mohr2 0 ascii is 30 hex is 48 decimal
22:06 rue_mohr2 that is the magic of numbers
22:06 rue_mohr2 0=30=48
22:08 rue_mohr2 what do you want your numbers to mean today?
22:08 rue_mohr2 42, the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
22:09 _moon <?
22:09 _moon function durp($string) {
22:09 _moon for( $x = 0 ; $x < (strlen($string)) ; $x = $x + 1 ) {
22:09 _moon $new_string .= ord($string[$x]);
22:09 _moon }
22:09 _moon return ($new_string);
22:09 _moon }
22:09 _moon ?>
22:09 _moon think thatl work
22:10 rue_mohr2 ok
22:10 rue_mohr2 sounds like its for making wifi keys
22:10 _moon nah
22:10 rue_mohr2 if I am at your place, I'll have to try the decimal value of 'durp' as the shared secret
22:11 rue_mohr2 :)
22:11 _moon :P
22:11 _moon <?
22:11 _moon function durp($string) {
22:11 _moon for( $x = 0 ; $x < (strlen($string)) ; $x = $x + 1 ) {
22:11 _moon $new_string .= ord($string[$x]);
22:11 _moon }
22:11 _moon return ($new_string);
22:11 _moon }
22:11 _moon print("hello");
22:11 _moon print(durp("aaaaaa"));
22:11 _moon ?>
22:11 _moon it totaly works :)
22:11 rue_mohr2 :)
22:12 _moon hello979797979797
22:12 rue_mohr2 I'm gonna go putz, see ya!
22:12 _moon ok
22:12 _moon bye
22:12 _moon thank btw
22:12 _moon s*
22:12 rue_mohr2 ;)
22:12 rue_mohr2 your helping ath the hospital tommorow? meet at shop?
22:12 _moon shop ok
22:12 rue_mohr2 k
22:12 rue_mohr2 I have to take off for a while, I'll set you up where I can
22:15 _moon ok
22:16 rue_mohr2 "I told you the secret password!, its the string appendation of the decimal values of the ascii characters of the word 'durp'!!!!! LET ME GO!"
22:32 Tom_itx no idea?