#garfield Logs

Jun 11 2014

#garfield Calendar

18:07 Tom_itx damn, a spool of cat5 was nearly cheaper than 100' piece
18:08 Tom_itx didn't need a whole spool but i'm sure i'll use it eventually
19:09 rue_more solid vs stranded
19:09 rue_more when you crimp ends on solid wire it fails in evil ways a while later
22:48 Tom_itx ok pulled new (longer) cat5 to the garage. maybe this time it will actually reach
22:49 Tom_itx ran new cat5 to the DVR where it's gonna live
22:49 Tom_itx ran conduit outside for one of the camera mounts
22:49 Tom_itx put ends on the cat5 all but one
22:50 Tom_itx which needs a box for it
22:50 Tom_itx ran the camera wires