#garfield Logs

Jun 06 2014

#garfield Calendar

12:15 rue_bed er, accident caps
12:38 Tom_itx now that i've seen it work i'm gonna set it up for port 82 and work on the WAN connection
13:25 rue_more you just leaving the media port to the pnp?
15:17 Tom_itx i think that's how it works
15:17 Tom_itx i haven't added any of the camera ports
15:18 Tom_itx i know it doesn't work without it
16:00 rue_more unless you add the rules yourself
16:07 Tom_itx i've got a config i'm working on to test this evening
19:23 rue_more webpage is fine
19:23 rue_more I'm out of cookies
19:23 rue_more :(
19:24 rue_more I have to move another truckload of sand
20:52 Tom_itx had to walk away from it a while
21:21 m_itx shoots himself in the
21:21 Tom_itx no wonder i wasn't getting anywhere...
21:22 Tom_itx the cat5 was unplugged to the DVR
21:22 Tom_itx DUH
21:35 Tom_itx some reason i can't get 82 to work
21:59 Tom_itx but i don't know why
21:59 Tom_itx i'm afraid i'm gonna have to get it to work because the ISP blocks inbound port 80
22:00 Tom_itx so for it to work remotely it's gonna have to be on another port just like my server
22:28 Tom_itx i was looking at wireshark which i've only used once before.
22:29 Tom_itx is pn-requester2 (2718) the port requested by the upnp function?
22:29 Tom_itx it's names as Src Port: pn-requester2 (2718) Dst Port: xfer (82)
22:30 Tom_itx i wonder if switching off port 80 screws up the upnp function
22:32 Tom_itx locally it works on port 80, swtiching to port 82 it tries to connect then i get a message 'Can not connect to the server'
22:32 Tom_itx soon as i switch back to 80 i get the camera screen
22:34 Tom_itx can't find much info about upnp