#garfield Logs

Jun 05 2014

#garfield Calendar

15:05 Tom_itx hail came around 6AM
15:05 Tom_itx sunny now
15:09 rue_more so, your config working?
15:10 rue_more I have a few mins, I think
15:10 Tom_itx no
15:10 Tom_itx i have about 30
15:10 rue_more your suing a group or a straitforward rule?
15:10 Tom_itx i reverted to the straight rule
15:10 rue_more ok
15:10 rue_more lets see the rule your using
15:11 Tom_itx i'll have to post the config
15:11 rue_more something else
15:11 Tom_itx there are 2 things it can do but not both at once
15:11 Tom_itx port forward OR NAT
15:11 rue_more tell me if the netmask on the drv matches the newmask in your dhcp server settings
15:12 Tom_itx you mean the ip?
15:12 rue_more no the netmask
15:12 rue_more or whatever
15:12 Tom_itx it does
15:12 rue_more if you mismatch them, you can get 1 way connections
15:13 rue_more if you have on one and and on the other
15:13 Tom_itx i'm booting things...
15:13 rue_more I'd be to by now
15:13 Tom_itx i set it by doing an ipconfig check on one of the other pc's
15:15 Tom_itx gateway and net mask are both good
15:15 rue_more I hear a dumptruck
15:15 rue_more what is the netmask
15:15 Tom_itx
15:15 rue_more k
15:15 Tom_itx gateway is
15:15 Tom_itx static ip is
15:15 Tom_itx port is 82
15:16 rue_more ok
15:16 Tom_itx something i did in the last config caused it to fail to connect to the server now
15:16 rue_more and you can connect to 82 internally ok?
15:16 Tom_itx well i was yes
15:17 Tom_itx but apparently not now
15:18 rue_more conenct to the dvr directly
15:18 rue_more NOT through the router
15:18 rue_more
15:18 Tom_itx but that still passes thru the router doesn't it?
15:18 Tom_itx on the LAN side
15:18 rue_more no
15:18 rue_more its direct
15:19 rue_more traffic wise
15:19 Tom_itx i get a login page yes
15:20 rue_more ok
15:20 Tom_itx but it fails to connect to the server
15:20 Tom_itx i'm not sure the application will run on my pc
15:20 rue_more next we just work on getting that via the router
15:20 rue_more so, you shoudl have an entry thats more-or-less a copy of your webserver entry
15:20 rue_more for port 82
15:20 Tom_itx and i do
15:21 rue_more ok, 1 min
15:21 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/video/config.txt
15:21 Tom_itx current config
15:21 rue_more your ip changed
15:21 Tom_itx DVR: port 82
15:21 Tom_itx which ip?
15:21 rue_more your public ip changed
15:22 Tom_itx external?
15:22 Tom_itx no it didn't
15:22 Tom_itx
15:22 Tom_itx :82
15:22 Tom_itx fails to connect
15:22 rue_more what if your public ip
15:23 Tom_itx ^^
15:23 rue_more no
15:24 Tom_L Your public IP address is
15:26 rue_more no your not at that address
15:26 rue_more there is nothing at that address
15:26 Tom_itx ok well where am i then?
15:27 Tom_L try then
15:28 Tom_L i bet that's the router
15:28 Tom_L when i enter i get the router login page
15:35 rue_more you dont be .1
15:36 rue_more nither of those ip addresses have ANY open ports
15:36 Tom_itx it's 115
15:36 Tom_itx i swear
15:36 rue_more nmap
15:36 rue_more Starting Nmap 6.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-06-05 13:04 PDT
15:36 rue_more Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn
15:36 rue_more Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.16 seconds
15:36 Tom_itx that's probably why i can't connect the DVR to ther server
15:38 Tom_itx i had been editing the file and uploading it to the router but i got an error and had to redo it. In order to get rid of an error during upload i had to manually enter the rules at the router
15:39 rue_more ah!
15:39 rue_more wait
15:39 rue_more I did a harder probe
15:39 Tom_itx for some reason half the rules dissappeared then
15:39 rue_more 81 and 82 are open
15:39 Tom_itx as they should be
15:39 Tom_itx because of the new firewall rules
15:39 Tom_itx look at the config.txt file
15:40 Tom_itx you will see the rules
15:40 rue_more ok
15:40 Tom_itx but i don't get why the DVR won't connect to their server now
15:40 rue_more I dont get a page, but I get a blank 'web view for samsung dvr'
15:41 Tom_itx really?
15:41 Tom_itx that's progress :)
15:42 rue_more yes!
15:42 rue_more I might have javascript off
15:42 rue_more I dont but..
15:42 Tom_itx i don't think my pc will let their program work
15:42 Tom_itx it tries but fails to connect
15:43 rue_more did you just close it?
15:43 Tom_itx what do you mean?
15:43 rue_more nm, missed a :
15:43 rue_more huh, not even chrome
15:44 Tom_itx i gotta go in a min
15:44 rue_more I think it dosn't like linux browsers
15:44 Tom_itx well i don't like ie brousers
15:44 rue_more atleast we can log progress
15:44 Tom_itx yeah but i gotta get the dvr to connect again
15:44 Tom_itx and right now it's not
15:44 Tom_itx i'll look over the changes when i get back in a while
15:45 Tom_itx once i get it back online i'll post another config
15:45 Tom_itx i dunno what screwed it up
15:45 Tom_itx i don't think i changed that much if anything
15:53 Tom_itx it's starting to get irritating
16:02 Tom_itx ok, back in a while...
18:10 Tom_itx you around?
18:29 Tom_itx needs UPnP to connect :)
18:29 Tom_itx i removed it because someone suggested not to use it
18:29 Tom_itx o\/o
18:30 Tom_itx ok we have established a use for that now. and that it is working
19:05 Tom_itx so i disabled NAT rules 3 & 5 since i added the internal maquerade rule
19:05 Tom_itx and it seems to be working
19:07 Tom_itx basically it routes the internal addresses as part of the router
19:11 Tom_itx well son of a bitch! it works internally!!
19:13 Tom_itx still not externally though
19:13 Tom_itx i will save this config and upload it
19:54 Tom_itx the problem though is i probably didn't really fix anything. i changed the DVR back to port 80 to get it to work. my ISP blocks port 80 so it likely won't work externally unless i change the port
19:56 Tom_itx that kinda tells me the rules for port 82 weren't really working right
22:15 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/video/config.txt
22:16 Tom_itx allows local access to DVR
22:16 Tom_itx rules marked 'BROKEN!" have been disabled in the router
22:17 Tom_itx access to DVR from WAN results in the Router's login page instead.
22:17 Tom_itx not a desired effect
22:18 Tom_itx some port 82 stuff left in but the DVR is on port 80 right now
22:19 Tom_itx i'd rather use 82 but can't seem to get it to go
23:57 rue_more you know how to get the firewall to translate the port
23:57 rue_more yes?