#garfield Logs

Jun 03 2014

#garfield Calendar

18:50 Tom_itx cite: http://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeMAX/Need-Port-Fwd-for-DVR-on-Edgemax-Lite-Help/m-p/863152#U863152
18:50 Tom_itx i'm not edgemax fluent yet. i may need some help writing these rules...
22:48 rue_shop2 ok I can add bobcat to the list of heavy machines I'v operated
22:49 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, no, you need DNAT
22:50 rue_shop2 I have to sit and de-fibrate
23:07 Tom_itx i made some progress but it's still not connecting
23:07 Tom_itx i had to reconfigure the server one for the rest to work right
23:07 Tom_itx now i think i need a firewall rule and maybe the camera port rules
23:08 Tom_itx i removed the port forwarding and added the NAT rules in place of it
23:08 Tom_itx otherwise all the traffic was going to the server and none to the DVR
23:09 rue_shop2 what your ip address?
23:49 rue_more get mowerbot2 going
23:49 rue_more convert hand tractor to vacuum motors
23:50 rue_more luandry
23:50 rue_more ride bike
23:50 rue_more new boiler design, figure out
23:50 rue_more VMMF
23:50 rue_more restock the nuts and bolts
23:50 rue_more put goldfish in pond
23:50 rue_more clear deck
23:51 rue_more sorry tom, your hard to help, you like to go off on tangents while being worked with
23:51 rue_more to port scan you from this end, i need to know your IP