#garfield Logs

May 26 2014

#garfield Calendar

11:36 Tom_itx i presume you wan't nothing PIC
11:37 Tom_itx what about paperwork on any of it?
11:37 Tom_itx sharp sensors etc
11:37 Tom_itx just adds weight to the box
20:34 rue_more 6811 isn't of too much use to me
20:35 rue_more sharp sensors?
21:08 Tom_itx IR
21:08 Tom_itx i think there are 3 different types
21:08 Tom_itx 02 12 and 15 iirc
21:09 rue_more coool
21:09 Tom_itx i don't honestly remember
21:10 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/maxbot/image027.jpg
21:10 Tom_itx you can see some of em there as well as the devantech sonar
21:12 Tom_itx that'll likely make it to the box too
21:13 Tom_itx except the batteries which are long since shot
21:13 Tom_itx i should keep the encoders
21:14 Tom_itx in case i wanna add em to my mill some day
21:14 Tom_itx most likely will never happen
22:01 rue_more set it up for feedback?