#garfield Logs

May 22 2014

#garfield Calendar

19:25 Tom_itx ubuntu 10.04
19:25 Tom_itx some reason it just quit working
19:25 Tom_itx no wiring changes etc
19:31 rue_more ok
19:31 rue_more ifconfig -a what device names are listed
19:33 Tom_itx eth0 and lo
19:33 Tom_itx i was using eth0
19:33 rue_more yea
19:33 Tom_itx but it's not working now
19:33 rue_more thats all you have
19:33 rue_more so
19:33 Tom_itx i know
19:34 rue_more if you just run ifconfig, does it list eth0?
19:34 Tom_itx yes
19:34 rue_more with an IP address?
19:34 Tom_itx i don't see one no
19:35 Tom_itx i was about to try a manual static ip
19:35 rue_more ifconfig eth0 down
19:35 Tom_itx just a sec, need permissions
19:35 rue_more su bash
19:35 rue_more then your running as root
19:35 Tom_itx ok
19:36 Tom_itx i got it
19:36 Tom_itx i'll just use sudo for now
19:36 rue_more er, sudo bash then
19:36 Tom_itx ok
19:36 rue_more did you run ifconfig eth0 down ?
19:36 Tom_itx yes
19:37 Tom_itx then sudo bash
19:37 rue_more heh ok
19:37 rue_more run ifconfig now, no arguemnts, tell me if eth0 is listed
19:37 Tom_itx it isn't
19:37 rue_more good
19:38 rue_more try this: dhclient eth0
19:38 Tom_itx ok
19:38 Tom_itx it's listing an ip
19:38 rue_more yay
19:38 rue_more ok
19:38 rue_more ping soemthing
19:39 Tom_itx ok
19:39 rue_more working/
19:39 Tom_itx that pings now
19:39 rue_more ok
19:39 rue_more now
19:39 rue_more go to /etc/network
19:39 rue_more tell me if there is a file called interfaces
19:39 Tom_itx exit bash?
19:39 rue_more no
19:39 rue_more cd /etc/network
19:39 rue_more ls -l
19:40 Tom_itx interfaces is there
19:40 rue_more ok
19:40 rue_more cat interfaces
19:40 rue_more do the contents refer to eth0 or eth1
19:40 Tom_itx no
19:40 Tom_itx just lo
19:40 rue_more !
19:40 rue_more ok
19:41 rue_more add this to the end of it
19:41 rue_more auto eth0
19:41 Tom_itx with an editor?
19:41 rue_more iface eth0 inet dhcp
19:41 rue_more yes
19:41 rue_more ^^ just those two lines
19:41 rue_more added on the end
19:43 Tom_itx ok i saved that
19:43 rue_more then it'll work on reboot :)
19:43 Tom_itx we'll see
19:43 Tom_itx i can't figure out why it quit working though
19:44 Tom_itx don't recall changing anything
19:44 rue_more did you upgrade anything?
19:44 Tom_itx i dunno
19:44 Tom_itx it kept saying the cable was disconnected
19:44 Tom_itx but it wasn't
19:44 rue_more you running a gui or soemthing?
19:45 rue_more maybe a bad cable?
19:45 rue_more ifconfig has error counters
19:45 rue_more they should always be 0
19:45 Tom_itx not working
19:45 rue_more RX packets:8368897 errors:0 dropped:17 overruns:0 frame:0
19:45 rue_more TX packets:6562004 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
19:45 rue_more no happy on reboot?
19:45 Tom_itx no
19:46 Tom_itx the icon at the top showing connecting was gone too
19:46 rue_more from a root shell, cat /etc/network/interfaces
19:46 rue_more see if your changes are still there
19:47 Tom_itx still there
19:47 Tom_itx auto eth0
19:47 rue_more are you using a cable made of solid core wire with ends crimped on?
19:47 Tom_itx iface eth0 inet dhcp
19:47 Tom_itx no
19:47 Tom_itx the cable is good but i have plenty i can swap to try
19:48 rue_more hmm, put a space before the second line
19:48 rue_more aka indent it in one space
19:48 rue_more auto lo
19:48 rue_more iface lo inet loopback
19:48 rue_more auto eth2
19:48 rue_more iface eth2 inet dhcp
19:48 Tom_itx different cable
19:48 Tom_itx lights on the switch are both on
19:49 Tom_itx the local one didn't have space on the 2nd line
19:50 rue_more hmm
19:50 rue_more if you run ifconfig, right after a boot, does it list eth0?
19:51 rue_more I think you have some stupid gui app screwing up your interface
19:51 Tom_itx the gui isn't showing eth0 now either
19:51 Tom_itx i'll reboot and look
19:51 rue_more it dosn't come up in ifconfig?
19:51 Tom_itx just a sec
19:51 rue_more ifconfig will only list devices that are up
19:51 Tom_itx booting
19:52 rue_more a device can only be up without an ip if its been done specifically
19:52 rue_more which means something went stupid
19:53 Tom_itx ifconfig lists eth0 but no ip with it
19:53 Tom_itx gui shows no connections
19:54 Tom_itx how can i get the mac address for the card?
19:54 Tom_itx so i can put it in the gui
19:54 Tom_itx is that HWaddr ?
19:55 Tom_itx i'm trying reentering the gui entry
19:56 rue_more ifconfig -a
19:56 rue_more hmm
19:56 rue_more so the card works, the software is screwing it up
19:56 Tom_itx exactly
19:57 rue_more can you tell what hte program is that running network in the gui?
19:57 rue_more you want to ditch it
19:57 Tom_itx do what?
19:57 Tom_itx no i have no idea
19:57 rue_more the gui program will be whats scerwing it up
19:57 Tom_itx it's not rebooting now
19:57 Tom_itx it hung
19:58 Tom_itx i'll try again
19:58 rue_more hung?
19:58 rue_more are the caps ok on that motherboard?
19:58 Tom_itx when i went to reboot
19:59 Tom_itx the MB isn't that old
19:59 rue_more are the caps ok on that motherboard?
20:00 Tom_itx same problem
20:00 Tom_itx no connection
20:00 Tom_itx i may have to reinstall from the cd and start over
20:01 Tom_itx seems kinda silly
20:02 Tom_itx i know you're not a GUI fan but it's needed on this pc for linuxcnc
20:02 Tom_itx that's all i use it for
20:02 rue_shop2 hell no
20:02 rue_shop2 it should be find on boot
20:02 rue_shop2 command line:
20:02 rue_shop2 ps -uax |grep net
20:02 rue_shop2 anything look like netd ?
20:03 Tom_itx bad syntax
20:03 rue_shop2 as root
20:03 rue_shop2 brb
20:04 Tom_itx root yes
20:08 rue_shop2 ps -uax |grep net
20:08 rue_shop2 gives you an error?
20:09 rue_shop2 oooh, they got rid of the dash
20:09 rue_shop2 ps uax |grep net
20:10 Tom_itx yeah nothing unusual there
20:11 rue_shop2 I dont care about unusual, I want to kill the guil network tool
20:11 Tom_itx guys in #linuxcnc said ubuntu broke ifconfig
20:11 rue_shop2 so the normal system can do its job and you can have network
20:11 Tom_itx it's not running
20:11 Tom_itx i tried services networking restart and there was no instance
20:11 rue_shop2 no its not the right layer
20:12 rue_shop2 what does apt-file search ifconfig say
20:13 rue_shop2 then i have something else
20:13 Tom_itx apt-file isn't installed
20:16 rue_more hmm
20:16 rue_more ok lets try this
20:16 rue_more ifconfig eth0 down
20:16 rue_more then do
20:16 rue_more ifconfig eth0 up
20:16 rue_more then just
20:16 rue_more ifconfig
20:16 rue_more see if there is an address
20:18 rue_more if not, I have a course of action that should fix everything fine
20:20 Tom_itx inet address
20:21 Tom_itx but no pings out
20:22 rue_more is that a valid address for your network?
20:22 rue_more it got that from the dhcp server?
20:23 Tom_itx it's valid but i think i entered that manually
20:23 rue_more dont do that, it will confuse my results
20:23 rue_more ok
20:23 rue_more do the dhclient command again
20:23 rue_more dhclient eth0
20:24 Tom_itx hang on a bit here...
20:25 rue_more I'm gonna dissapear soon
20:25 rue_more I have a breadbaord to go burry my head in
20:25 Tom_itx go ahead
20:26 Tom_itx i can do this tomorrow
20:26 Tom_itx my head is killing me anyway
20:26 rue_more if you install a program called 'pump' it'll just do everything
20:26 Tom_itx shouldn't need it
20:26 rue_more you do
20:26 rue_more cause the rest if screwed
20:27 Tom_itx but can't get it easily without interweb
20:27 rue_more you dont need gui for it anyhow
20:27 rue_more cause you dont change your network paramiters whiel your running
20:27 rue_more you get them dhcp when you boot
20:28 rue_more http://i.cmpnet.com/powermanagementdesignline/2010/12/C0695-Figure1.gif
20:28 rue_more http://i.stack.imgur.com/2oIzg.jpg