#garfield Logs

Feb 07 2014

#garfield Calendar

10:47 dumbass i guess i do not know how to use english to convey situations
10:47 dumbass i post pics of my weldng, i say i can weld, but rue thinks i cannot weld a box to contain fire within
10:48 dumbass i say "it is cold upstairs", and altho it is warm downstairs, rue thinks i am "freezing my ass off"
10:48 dumbass it's like saying "it's cold outside", and rue thinks "it is cold inside"
10:49 dumbass i cannot communicatew ith you humans
10:49 dumbass i just am incapable of it
10:52 dumbass somehow, i build a house, i finsh the downstairs enough to be comfortable before the dogs gain enough political clout in the DA's ofice to stop me from working onthe house, but it's as if humans think i am in the age of cavemen, neaderthals, and need to have a fire to be warm
10:54 dumbass it's like the dentist who was drop-jaw shocked and said "you can talk!", or Lola saying "did you ask him to stop sic'ing his rottwilers on you on your property?", or the clerk at store saying "you can write a check?", rue asks "are you sure you cannot make a wood burner?"
10:59 dumbass it's as if you live in an alternate reality bubble, but i am the one spitting into the wind to fight for an ounce of respect for my abilities
10:59 dumbass and i touch your bubble of reality, i lose it all
11:06 dumbass i don't even know what it is like to be human, because iam not treated ike you treat each other
11:07 dumbass in some cases, i am not allowed to be like you, you clothe yourselves, everyone expects that you put on your clothes, but you think i am incapable of that, and someone must clothe me
11:07 dumbass i show you i can build things, but you ask "are you sure you cannot build a wood heater?" , you spit inthe face of the evidence i can build damned near anything
13:31 Tom_itx kat is bak
13:31 Tom_itx although i must say i don't quite recognize her
14:15 dumbass i am the same incompetent dumbass i was yesterday when rue decided i was freezing my ass off when i was sitting here in my underwear with the thermostat saying it was 73F in here, and he thinking i could not build a wood heater
14:16 dumbass i am so fucking stupid, i was thinking i was comfortable at 73F, i was sitting here with no clothes on , freezing my ass off
14:19 dumbass i believed, and still do, when i say it is cold upstairs, i have not said a word on how lovely warm it is downstairs, altho i had separately said i was warm downstairs
14:19 dumbass i don't know the english language well enough to say one word that means both concepts
16:53 Tom_itx well wtf does he know?
18:25 dumbass i dunno, but i was the only one objecting to it
19:12 dumbass "i don't know why you thought this camera is small, i plainly labled it a Mirco Camera, and Mirco doesn't make micro cameras"
20:24 TELunus thislog
20:24 TELunus this log
20:25 TELunus !this log
20:25 Tom_itx zlog
20:26 dumbass Tom, why can't you change that to be more like Tiggr? or would that make zlog be a hated as her?
20:26 Tom_itx i'm not gonna edit it
20:26 Tom_itx i didn't write it
20:27 dumbass o
20:35 TELunus Thanks.
20:35 TELunus I actually managed to find it using my webrowser history
20:37 TELunus rue, I went to lee's, but they said they didn't have the pins we were talking about.
21:25 rue_house !?
21:26 rue_house damn
22:09 dumbass yea
22:27 rue_shop3 kat, is it getting any warmer upthere?
22:31 dumbass same
22:31 dumbass but how would i know?
22:51 rue_shop3 I trust your judgement
22:52 rue_shop3 hmm :/ I need a 24V (+-) to 12V converter, but, I dont think I need more than 10mA and I'm really tempted to just use a 7812
23:01 TELunus It looks like main electronics might have them.
23:01 TELunus I'll have to see if they're open tomorrow.
23:07 dumbass you do not trust my judgement
23:32 rue_shop3 kat, why do you say that
23:33 rue_shop3 TELunus, na, I'm sure they dont have, they have really terrible bulky connectors
23:33 TELunus http://www.mainelectronics.com/pdf/mode/mode30.pdf
23:34 rue_shop3 'mode' is what they shrink-wrap in the back
23:34 rue_shop3 and they shrink wrap it so tight you have to break the parts to get them out
23:35 rue_shop3 TELunus, which ones you looking at?
23:35 rue_shop3 bottom right?
23:35 TELunus No.
23:35 rue_shop3 top left?
23:35 TELunus On the right, near the top. 0.062" contacts.
23:36 rue_shop3 those aren't for circuit boards, they are nothing like the dupont ones
23:36 rue_shop3 they will not clip onto the arduino...
23:36 TELunus Aren't the dupont ones like 0.063-0.064"?
23:37 rue_shop3 the arduino is 0.1"
23:37 TELunus that's the spacing between pins.
23:37 rue_shop3 their .062" reffers to the pin diamiter
23:37 TELunus Ya.
23:38 rue_shop3 the ones at the top right of that diagram are the same as the 4 pin hard drive connectors on pc power supplies
23:38 rue_shop3 I thought you wanted pins for the arduino
23:39 dumbass because you said i was freezing my ass off, for one
23:39 TELunus Oh, ya. I got confused. Somehow I was forgetting that 0.062 is almost 0.1.
23:39 rue_shop3 http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/myCfWUL8bhqbK268LbdOkEw.jpg <-- you want pins like the ones on the left side of this cable, right?
23:40 rue_shop3 kat, you must be, you have said alot about how cold you are...
23:40 TELunus Correct.
23:41 rue_shop3 main dosn't have that
23:41 TELunus Know anywhere in Vancouver I can buy them?
23:41 rue_shop3 did you see the break away header at leees?
23:41 TELunus Ya, they had the header.
23:41 rue_shop3 TELunus, how many do you need?
23:41 TELunus ~20 I think.
23:41 rue_shop3 ...
23:42 TELunus More is fine.
23:42 rue_shop3 and how many pins on the shroud?
23:42 TELunus Shroud?
23:42 rue_shop3 the cover you clip on the ... that black bit
23:43 rue_shop3 singles? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 8? 10?
23:43 dumbass it's cold upstairs, it's winter, it's the way it is, and i have told you more than once it is not possible to heat the top floor because it's not finished due to dogs
23:44 rue_shop3 TELunus, ?
23:45 rue_shop3 http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/myCfWUL8bhqbK268LbdOkEw.jpg <-- singles like that?
23:45 TELunus Probably singles.
23:47 rue_shop3 ~20?
23:48 rue_shop3 TELunus, I have a solution
23:48 TELunus Ok?
23:49 rue_shop3 there is a shop on the coast that has enough
23:49 rue_shop3 you could prolly get them for $1.50
23:49 rue_shop3 ;)
23:49 rue_shop3 Electronic Device Services, know of them?
23:50 TELunus Not sure that I do. They're in Sechelt?
23:50 rue_shop3 closer to gibsons
23:51 rue_shop3 they have a 24hr number, want to call and see and make sure they have them?
23:56 TELunus I'll probably call tomorrow.
23:59 rue_shop3 I called, they have a kit pack, 25 pins and 25 single shrouds, $1.50 in stock