#garfield Logs

Jan 19 2014

#garfield Calendar

22:48 Tom_itx i fergot
22:48 katsmeow-afk oh
22:49 Tom_itx bet i lost a couple days there
22:50 katsmeow-afk .. 1 pm Friday 1/17/2014 ..
22:50 katsmeow-afk [13:23] <katsmeow-afk> those 12v zeners i bid 99 cents on..... i won, s&h is gonna be $5.25 ... 750 12v smd zeners
22:50 katsmeow-afk [13:24] <katsmeow-afk> where'd Tom go?
22:50 katsmeow-afk [13:25] <katsmeow-afk> he left with zlog at noon?
22:51 katsmeow-afk so yeas, noon on the 17th till now on the today
22:56 katsmeow-afk want logs? i been here the whole time
22:57 Tom_itx meh, it's ok. i'd have to format them anyway
22:57 tsmeow-afk deletes the copy she made of the logs for
23:07 rue_house asciidoc?
23:16 Tom_itx yes asciidoc
23:18 rue_house I'v never heard of it
23:21 Tom_itx you write a text file
23:21 Tom_itx and run a makefile over it
23:21 Tom_itx and it turns into formatted html
23:41 rue_house ah
23:41 rue_house I have a better one
23:41 rue_house I write a php program, I run it redirecting the output to a file, i post the file (html)
23:42 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/ata2isp/main.html
23:42 rue_house it makes those
23:42 rue_house I just say the text and images