#garfield Logs

Jan 16 2014

#garfield Calendar

00:21 katsmeow-afk holycowpies @ the remote controlled devil baby carriage
00:32 katsmeow-afk this is true, when the car gets low on fuel i do not put grape juice into it
00:37 katsmeow-afk hmm, mmbd7000 @ 1.5 cents each
00:38 katsmeow-afk hmm, mmbd7000 @ 1.06 cents each
00:39 katsmeow-afk mmbd7000 are like BAV99
01:46 katsmeow-afk Extreme heat halts play at Australian Open tennis championships in Melbourne as temperatures reach 41C (106F)
05:45 katsmeow-afk someone please put me to sleep
07:46 katsmeow-afk it is 21f outside
18:07 katsmeow-afk *** Note 5 - If devices are stored out of the packaging beyond this time limit the devices should be baked before use. The devices should be ramped up to a temperature of 110oC and baked for 8 to 10 hours.
19:22 katsmeow-afk seems many smd chips can explode when soldering, or warp their seals and fail later, if not absolutely dry when soldered
19:22 Tom_itx yep
19:22 Tom_itx is why i have a prebake on my toaster oven
19:22 tsmeow-afk
19:23 katsmeow-afk BBC News - ?17 minutes ago?
19:23 katsmeow-afk
19:23 katsmeow-afk
19:23 katsmeow-afk
19:23 katsmeow-afk The US National Security Agency (NSA) has collected and stored almost 200 million text messages a day from around the world, UK media report.
19:24 katsmeow-afk so google is now putting chips into contact lenses
19:25 katsmeow-afk it reads the sugar in lacrimal fluid and (maybe some day) alerts the werer with a printout to do something
19:25 katsmeow-afk http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/01/16/google-smart-contact-lens/4540727/
19:26 Tom_itx the 'hacker' says the AFC website is more unsecure now than it ever was
19:26 Tom_itx his buddies agree with him
19:27 Tom_itx it's now tied into ssa and all your private info
19:27 katsmeow-afk AFC ?
19:27 Tom_itx err... obamacare
19:27 katsmeow-afk oh, obamacare
19:27 katsmeow-afk of course it is, it always was
19:27 Tom_itx but it's much worse now
19:28 katsmeow-afk half the issue witht he rollout failing was the links to the proivate data were breaking
19:28 katsmeow-afk the private data was a separate server that could not keep up with the demand
19:28 katsmeow-afk i expect it's all in one server farm now
19:30 Tom_itx all tied in to state sites as well
19:30 Tom_itx nothing is secured
19:31 katsmeow-afk as if the non-government servers are secured? or the dept stores you shop at?
19:32 tsmeow-afk is just waiting on her internet bill to double, due to the latest court rulings, because she downloads news and datasheets a
19:40 katsmeow-afk https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12597 ouch at the price tho
19:48 katsmeow-afk Tom, i think we have reached the point where all data should be encrypted, and decrypted only with a megabyte key on a capsule embedded in you, such that people cannot steal your capsule or it's contents
19:49 katsmeow-afk it will be so fascist that it will put DRM to shame
19:49 Tom_itx i'll just store it in my head
19:50 tsmeow-afk ponders di
23:13 tsmeow-afk stops pondering di
23:25 tsmeow-afk ponders lesbian peng
23:31 rue_house les...?
23:33 katsmeow-afk they were on JimmyKimmel making out
23:34 katsmeow-afk the zookeepers thought one was male, but blood tests say both are female, which sorta explains why they have had no chicks for years
23:37 katsmeow-afk another think on tv ad for some idiot tv show i don't watch: guys tworking ,, "twerking/tworking" is a amalgam of two words, and as guys have no anatomical parts which start with "tw", they cannot "tw"-anything