#garfield Logs

Jan 14 2014

#garfield Calendar

04:02 katsmeow-afk A group that bills itself as the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) claimed credit for grabbing control of a pair of Microsoft company Twitter accounts and the firm's primary blog for a short time Saturday.
09:04 rue_house microsoft has a primary blog?
15:51 Tom_itx my head hurts trying to figure this out: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/lut5.9.html
19:53 rue_house hah the pots for the bench supply arrived, now i just need THE AMMETERS
19:54 rue_house why cant you people understand lookup tables?
19:56 rue_house what the hell did they do...
19:57 rue_house terrible explination
19:57 Tom_itx i'm starting to get it now
19:57 Tom_itx i agree with that
19:57 Tom_itx you can have any type of logic on the output based on the mask you give it
19:57 Tom_itx https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhjJW1-T6n7CdFNhVnlhNEEwLU1lS3B5Q0FfWGtfTEE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
19:58 Tom_itx someone did that for it
19:58 Tom_itx to generate the mask value
19:58 rue_house their explination is a mess
19:58 rue_house seriosly
19:58 Tom_itx for sure
19:59 rue_house the bits compose an address line
19:59 rue_house I need sleep
20:00 rue_house and I'm gonna get it if I'm in bed or not
20:00 Tom_itx do that when you can't reopen your eyes
20:00 rue_house they keep snapping shut, but I dont notice, all I notice is that I'm in imagination land and my eyes are closed
20:02 rue_house Tom_itx, ask me when I wake up and I'll show you what they did
20:02 Tom_itx dammit!
20:02 Tom_itx i can't save it into excel
20:02 Tom_itx it's all botched up
20:03 rue_house tom, its like using a 16:1 multiplexor as a logic gate, where the address lines are the inputs and the Y is the output, and the 16 inputs are set high or low to be the result of the logic function
20:03 rue_house accept its a 32:1 mux
20:04 Tom_itx yeah i'm starting to get it. but with their explanation i was pretty lost
20:05 Tom_itx someone else in linuxcnc was showing me how it works
20:05 Tom_itx pretty cool it's part of linuxcnc
21:09 Tom_itx excel experts?
21:09 Tom_itx i want to limit a range of input to a cell say 0 to 3 not 4
22:41 rue_house hmm
22:41 rue_house by changing it or making it red
22:41 rue_house and flashing
22:41 rue_house and beeping
22:41 rue_house or plays a nickleback song if its out of range
22:42 Lolina8088 ack no!
23:04 Tom_itx rue_house, i made a spreadsheet for that function
23:49 rue_house yaaaaay I got the christmas tree down
23:49 rue_house Tom_itx, still want to know how lut5 works?