#garfield Logs

Nov 23 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:47 Lola8088 rue_house, still up?
01:07 rue_bed yea
01:07 rue_bed just catching up with kat
01:08 rue_bed she's getting frustrated with things
01:08 rue_bed hmm, frustrated or fed up...
01:08 rue_bed Lola8088,
01:11 rue_bed iamturni1, anything new and exciting?
01:14 rue_bed hmm, I lost comms with one of the boiler controllers
01:14 rue_bed and a sensor
01:14 rue_bed hmmmm
11:27 Day aactualy not going to make it today -zack
11:36 rue_house huh
11:37 rue_house at least I'm updated
12:52 katsmeow-afk i cannot work on the car till tuesday, i don't have enough antifreese to fill it and look for leaks, if i use water, it will freese tonite, and may burst something
13:01 Tom_itx that will give you time to make room to work on it
13:03 katsmeow-afk relocate the 16ft x 8ft steel plate that's not completely welded up and ready to move?
13:04 Tom_itx i don't know where you plan to find the leak
13:04 Tom_itx i've noticed some working on theirs in walmart parking lots
13:04 tsmeow-afk
13:04 katsmeow-afk i've done work in autozone, etc , parking lots too
13:05 Tom_itx i wouldn't fit into that category
13:05 katsmeow-afk one does what one must to get by
13:05 katsmeow-afk it botehrs me that there's been no water dripping from the car
13:06 Tom_itx must be fixed :D
13:06 katsmeow-afk this means it loses water only when under load drivng, which means it's NOT a leak in the plumbing or radiator, but it's an overpressure dump, caused by a leaking head gasket
13:06 Tom_itx put pressure on it then decide
13:07 Tom_itx make sure the oil isn't milky
13:07 katsmeow-afk oil looks good as can be expected
13:07 Tom_itx i had to put intake manifold gaskets on my truck once
13:07 Tom_itx same reason
13:07 katsmeow-afk slick, clean, plenty of it
13:08 katsmeow-afk which also boehrs me, because of the oil dump that happened last weekend, but thing is, with all that oil on the firewall and exhaust system, the dipstick says i still have plenty of oil
13:09 katsmeow-afk bothers me 3x: the oil, water, and low tire all happened on the same day, and all on the same side of the car
13:09 Tom_itx other fluids appear as oil
13:09 katsmeow-afk lemme rephrase: the oil level is unchanged
13:10 Tom_itx power steering, tranny could be mistaken for oil
13:10 katsmeow-afk power steering is disconnected: pump went bad years ago
13:10 Tom_itx check that one off
13:15 katsmeow-afk it's getting real annoying that when i have car trouble, it's winter
13:17 katsmeow-afk looks lke it quit raining, going back outside
13:28 Tom_itx that's when things go bad
13:28 Tom_itx batteries especially
15:25 rue_house sorry, kat, didn't read enough to notice you were down
17:19 katsmeow-afk The U.S. Postal Service Regulatory Commission ruled, Thursday, the agency can raise the price of one stamp to 47 cents
17:29 tsmeow-afk thinks they should auction that one stamp, not sell it, it would be kown as "the one stamp we could charge 47 cents
17:41 katsmeow-afk hmm, according to my math, two 6" single-acting piston can replace a 350 car engine at the same rpm, so 8 single-acting steam can replace the same HP at 1/4 the rpm, or 4 double-acting can replace the same HP at 600rpm vs the 350's 2400 rpm
17:46 katsmeow-afk @70mph, burning a gallon per 10 miles is 7 gallons per hour ($28 per hour @ $4/gal), so doubling that intermittantly on steep hills means a burner and boiler good for 14 gallons per hour or 4.3 minutes per gallon
18:15 katsmeow-afk is it feasable to use several nozzles in one firebox, with variable airflow depending on how many nozzles are actually throwing fuel on the fire?
18:20 katsmeow-afk hmm, 3gph firebox should be 18x18x16 inches
18:22 katsmeow-afk so 14gph would need to multiply one dim by 5, or use one 30x30x30" box?
18:23 katsmeow-afk that's gonna bite
18:45 katsmeow-afk or use 5 fireboxes
18:47 katsmeow-afk that will bite when needing to cycle one to get in-between btus
19:16 rue_house hmm
19:17 Lolina8088 hmm
19:17 katsmeow-afk so the t13 CAN do the adc and serialising work, but it won't ever happen?
19:20 Tom_itx rue_house
19:20 Tom_itx did you forget how to write avr code?
20:28 rue_house how do you mean?
20:28 rue_house katsmeow-afk, is there a project deadline I should know about?
20:28 Tom_itx the t13 kat keeps mentioning
20:29 Tom_itx come to think of it, i may have code for that
20:29 katsmeow-afk i guess there isn't, cept i started this project last yr, and i'll finish it this winter even if it means using a vic 20 on it
20:30 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_adc_index.php
20:30 Tom_itx that could be modded to work
20:30 Tom_itx adc with serial out
20:31 katsmeow-afk i think rue said the t13 was too small to put C code into
20:31 Tom_itx you can put c code into any avr
20:32 katsmeow-afk he mentioned "stack size"
20:32 Tom_itx t10 has a smaller stack
20:32 Tom_itx they made c to work with it
23:10 katsmeow-afk damnit, i bid a $1 on a camera, it was an auction with a price of $25, it was canceled just before the auction ended because "item no longer available"
23:11 tsmeow-afk wanted those 5 megapixels with zoom and macro for robot
23:11 katsmeow-afk granted, the video out isn't 5Mpix, it's only ntsc, but it still had macro and zoom and autofocus
23:28 katsmeow-afk the idiot weathercaster on tv is trying to make it sound cold by repeatedly, over and over and over "but the wind makes it feel cloder"
23:37 katsmeow-afk Main Engines
23:37 katsmeow-afk 2 - STORK 9 FAHD - 2,450 HP