#garfield Logs

Oct 19 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:01 eless-afk still has a scar from cutting a steel "rope" off the tractor drawbar after pulling 500ft of fence off p
00:02 useless-afk it untwisted, spun around a large arc, i managed to get all of me out of the way but one skin thickness on one arm for ~5 inches
00:03 rue_shop2 :S
00:03 rue_shop2 I'v heard of people getting cut in half, effectivly
00:03 rue_shop2 I think the military procedure is to announce and step on the cable
00:04 useless-afk i are a kat, i can move *Really* fast at times
00:04 useless-afk you would not have wanted to step on that rope, it would have thrown you
00:08 rue_shop2 one of the changes that occured to me for the boiler was that, even tho I cant dry out wood chips (that I can get lots of ) once the boiler is up to temp, it dosn't care if the fuel is wet or not
00:08 rue_shop2 I'd like to ask Z
00:08 useless-afk you said that years ago
00:08 rue_shop2 oh
00:08 rue_shop2 heh, round and round I go
00:08 useless-afk post-its!
00:11 rue_shop2 I could cover every wall I have to the point that there are too many to read, and i just post new ones over the old ones
00:11 useless-afk ever been on a steep tin roof that was just painted with an oil paint?
00:12 useless-afk it has zero resiatance to sliding
00:12 useless-afk my boss , when i was working ona farm down the street, came up on the roof to see how i was doing, and look over his domain
00:13 useless-afk i told him where i had just painted, and he had on slick-bottomed shoes
00:13 useless-afk he stepped in the paint anyhow and his feet instantly went out from under him, just like mine did when i fell and busted my back 20 yrs later
00:14 useless-afk i had under a second to run/jump into the painted area and yell to grab my foot, i had the otehr foot up under me, kinda sitting on it
00:15 useless-afk there was just no time to not move
00:15 useless-afk he caught my foot just as both his feet went over the edge of the roof to a 30ft fall to the gnd
00:16 useless-afk i dug my other foot into the roofing nails once he had hold of me
00:16 useless-afk he climbed up me to where he could get out of the paint
00:17 useless-afk but i had no time to calc if i could make the jump out to him , him catch me, and i catch a nail before we both went off the roof
00:17 rue_shop2 I was standing on a wire mesh screen of a soil screener that was being replaced when it started sliding off, I had just enough time to work out where to get myself so that when there was no more screen left, I'd be standing on a support
00:18 useless-afk ya know, i saved his butt, and i didn't get a raise? back when pay was 50 cents/hour, before minimum wage existed!
00:19 e_shop2
00:20 useless-afk i was using a roller on a 10ft pole, i calc'd if i took 2 steps as fast as possible and lept off the last step to land right in front of his as he slid down the roof inthe paint, i could save him
00:21 useless-afk it all happened so fast, i had caught the nail in my mud-grip boots before the roller i dropped went off the edge
00:22 useless-afk from the time i lefp, till the time i landed, it was like it was half the afternoon i was in the air
00:25 useless-afk my eyes useto be as fast too: i once saw the coupling on a 100hp motor slip, a week before the motor tore it to bits and the elevator went to the bottom of the shaft, no one believed my warning
00:25 rue_shop2 I dont know how to fix all the issues with the reactor, but if I start with the problems I can solve, the rest might sort itself out
00:25 eless-afk useto watch hummingbirds hover, how they change shoulder rotation tween wing-move-forward and wing-move-
00:26 rue_shop2 the idea of heating the house THEN dumping the rest of the heat into the tank dosn't work, the loop on the house loses too much, I lose less if i hit the house with the really high temp water for a short period of time
00:26 rue_shop2 less fixing the loses in the to-house loop that is
00:26 useless-afk some moron "discovering" that is like columbus "discovering" "america"
00:26 rue_shop2 :)
00:27 rue_shop2 I have a box for shop wire, its under the pile of wire...
00:27 rue_shop2 why, and how does wire do this?
00:27 useless-afk it reproduces when the doors are closed
00:29 useless-afk yeas, every scenario i ran in my head for putting the fire outside, meant i had to burn 2x as much to get the same heat to the house, AND the pumps and fans drew enough power to heat the house all by their lonesome
00:30 useless-afk i turn on less than 1 hp of heat worst case to maintain temperature inside above 70F in winter, even if below freezing for days outside,, so if i need 1 hp of pump and fan to move hot water, i don't need the hot water
00:31 useless-afk i calc'd roughly that here, downstairs, it would cost too much to run the baby genny down here, because it throws more heat than i can possibly use , while making the electricity i can use
00:33 useless-afk but, if i had to burn LP or LNG or heating oil (diesel), it would be worth it to burn it in the genny to make the same amount of heat PLUS electricity for the SAME money
01:25 Lola8088 rue_house still going?
02:11 rue_shop2 yea
02:18 la8088 pokes rue_shop2 with a s
02:33 la8088 pokes rue_shop2 with a stick, aga
03:05 rue_shop2 wha?
03:06 useless-afk huh?
03:06 rue_shop2 who?
03:06 Lola8088 where?
03:12 rue_shop2 when!
03:12 useless-afk why?
03:12 useless-afk and how do you feel about that?
03:12 useless-afk and why should i feel about that?
03:12 rue_shop2 how do you feel about how I feel about that?
03:13 rue_shop2 ;)
03:16 useless-afk <core dump>
03:16 rue_shop2 oh god its 1am
03:16 useless-afk umm : [03:00] <rue_shop2> oh god its 1am
03:16 rue_shop2 kat, you should be aware, wherever you are its later than it is here
03:17 rue_shop2 which makes it so late its early
03:17 rue_shop2 I still need to make supper
03:17 rue_shop2 it should be 10pm, this is stupid
03:17 Lola8088 you should come sleep here.
03:17 useless-afk tomorrow is Saturn's Day, got kids?
03:17 rue_shop2 yea
03:18 rue_shop2 morning is gonna be heavy
03:18 rue_shop2 what the heck I gonna have for supper...
03:18 Lola8088 I have to be on the 10 20 ferry
03:18 rue_shop2 ouch
03:18 useless-afk is your home heater plant still downdraft or no?
03:18 rue_shop2 yup, still forced downdraft
03:18 Lola8088 you've got to be in the shop at 10
03:18 rue_shop2 I need to be awake at 8
03:19 useless-afk use a chip fluffer on the air intake to dry the chips before feeding them
03:19 rue_shop2 so at 7:30 I should take a powernap
03:19 rue_shop2 kat, there is a drying region
03:19 rue_shop2 its about 24" above the fire
03:19 useless-afk i know, extra can't hurt
03:19 rue_shop2 dont know how to meter the chips
03:20 useless-afk might make them clump less, or something i dunno, just a wire cylinder turning crossways in the airflow
03:20 rue_shop2 oh wow, I cant think
03:20 rue_shop2 I just realized that
03:20 useless-afk metering: a coffee can with x amount of grams or kilos or something of chips
03:20 rue_shop2 food...
03:21 rue_shop2 make a tipping bird chip feeder?
03:21 rue_shop2 it'd have to be about 10 feet high
03:22 useless-afk i am still pondering pine cones and bales of cheap olde cheap hay
03:22 rue_shop2 wow I cant think
03:22 rue_shop2 I need to food
03:22 rue_shop2 uh
03:23 Lola8088 soup
03:23 Lola8088 crackers
03:23 rue_shop2 maybe an icecream sandwich will give me a boost to think on it
03:23 rue_shop2 but yea, if I have another can
03:25 useless-afk i came up with a way to burn a whole cord of wood, entire trees at a time, the logs chunked and fed tot he fire by avr control, but i don't need that much btu for home heat
03:26 useless-afk besides, there's be a lod *thunk* and whirring noise every 15 minutes
03:36 rue_shop2 :)
03:48 rue_house ok, food
03:48 useless-afk <perk>
03:49 useless-afk ooo, the time was just 3:33:33
03:49 rue_house tho I'm crashing
03:49 useless-afk me too
03:49 useless-afk so anyhow, a bloody fast adder is needed, for indexing into tables
03:50 rue_house kat, mind problem, machine to make T pins, the T part anyhow... http://www.ebay.ca/itm/161110049357
03:50 useless-afk stamp them out
03:50 useless-afk you want to make those??
03:51 rue_house out of wire
03:51 useless-afk why?
03:51 rue_house ma is using them for making art
03:52 rue_house damn, some of the usb wifi dongles I was bidding on went for a low price
03:52 useless-afk can you get *that wire* ?
03:52 rue_house I think I ahve some of that wire
03:53 useless-afk ---------O <<== now crush the loop down
03:54 useless-afk now crush the loop down ==>> G------------
03:54 e_house
03:54 useless-afk where do you get that wire?
03:54 rue_house I was thining kinda
03:54 rue_house A
03:54 rue_house |
03:54 rue_house |
03:54 rue_house |
03:55 rue_house almost more
03:55 useless-afk 10ft / 120inches of wire for $5, plus a perty package to sell it in?
03:55 rue_house ```>_>
03:55 rue_house I dont need to sell it
03:57 useless-afk if you can beat the price on ebay, why not sell it?
03:57 rue_house I cant ship it
03:57 useless-afk i dunno where to get the wire, so i wouldn't even start,, some needle users can be really picky about the needle performance
03:57 rue_house its not just to canada that shipping is stupid
03:58 useless-afk it's like scissors, you find a good oem and you never buy anyone else's
04:05 useless-afk http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Hot-Sale-Stainless-Steel-Remembrance-New-Nickel-Plated-Bracelet-Memory-Wire-EP98-/130987082964 ?
04:05 useless-afk doesn't say how much
04:14 useless-afk hmm, one of my "spare" card racks can hold 16 slots of 8amp 14vdc psu , with a spare 1" non-spot for on/off switch, a power lite, fuse, and RJ jack
04:16 useless-afk because 16slots = 16 batteries, and if the batteries are 10v, then that's 160vdc, and still to make 115vac
04:16 useless-afk 14v with 8amp delivered = 1800 watts
04:17 useless-afk if i can make each slot at $20, then 16 would sell at over $320 (plus the box itself) ,, is that good?
04:18 useless-afk line in can be 100vac/dc to 330vac/dc , it's so not picky
04:19 rue_bed I dont know
04:22 useless-afk ok,, if i threw in the slot to make the 115vac too, making it an all in true sinewave UPS , then?
04:23 useless-afk make a pwm switcher to deliver 50 amps constant, 100's surge?
04:37 useless-afk how do i get past https://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research_projects.nsf/pages/iaa.index.html/$FILE/dataset.zip ?
04:54 useless-afk well crap https://metadata.ces.mil/dse/
04:57 eless-afk sighs : every GraudateStudent has an undergraduateDegreeFrom a Univer
07:35 useless-afk hmm, tv weather is saying Tom got snow, but Tiggr's snowmap and recent weather show no snow over Tom, altho there's snow in the mountains east of rue
10:44 rue_bed dakoda ridge will be happy
10:44 rue_bed they can start skiing
10:53 useless-afk this is real informative : http://sameas.org/rdf?uri=cow </sarcasm>
11:09 useless-afk i can't find anything online about dakoda ridge
11:13 eless-afk looks around for a nap to
11:19 rue_house I'm prolly speeling it wrong
11:20 rue_house http://www.dakotaridge.ca/
11:28 Lola8088 Morning!
11:28 rue_house I'm awkae, this is not an automated responce
11:30 useless-afk oh
11:30 rue_house I'm awkae, this is not an automated responce
15:49 Lola8088 Oh jeeze...
15:49 Lola8088 Must be a bad day.
15:49 Lola8088 rue_house: what's up buttercup?
16:11 tsmeow-afk looks poooo
16:12 katsmeow-afk some of the scanner/printer fell apart when ihadto roll it over a few times, so i salvaged some small chain and sprockets, the 5.8kv hv generator, the mobo, a 5.5inch fan, the rather large 120vac gearmotor, and the glass top
16:13 katsmeow-afk it pooed black powder in my driveway
16:17 katsmeow-afk and the real heavy power cord
16:21 rue_house just on 3rd visitor of the day, er, no 4th
16:21 katsmeow-afk not counting the kids?
16:21 Lola8088 hey...
16:22 Lola8088 I've got to babysit mark and jessicas kids tonight at their place...
16:22 tsmeow-afk is going to rest a few more min, then go take pics of what's going to the scrap yard Mo
16:22 Lola8088 I'll be going over at 5pm... if you don't mind, I'd like to postpone the dumprun till I have more time to get organized. I just got home from the ferry
16:22 katsmeow-afk just to be able to say "yep, i had that"
16:24 rue_house Lola8088, yup, thats ok
16:24 Lola8088 oh good
16:24 Lola8088 whew!
16:24 Lola8088 makes my day a lot less hectic
17:11 katsmeow-afk http://designerthinking.com/images/vcrs&scanner/DSCF3609m.jpg
17:11 katsmeow-afk DSCF3610m.jpg
17:11 katsmeow-afk DSCF3611m.jpg
17:11 katsmeow-afk DSCF3614m.jpg
17:11 katsmeow-afk DSCF3616m.jpg
17:11 katsmeow-afk DSCF3617m.jpg
17:11 katsmeow-afk DSCF3618m.jpg
17:48 rue_shop2 Lola8088, ok, call me back before I can find your number
18:00 Tom_itx that ain't gonna happen
18:01 Tom_itx * Lola8088 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
18:02 Tom_itx rue_shop2 have you seen any tutorials on MIG welding?
18:03 Tom_itx things like shield gas pressure, wire feedrate vs amps etc
18:43 rue_shop2 no
18:46 rue_shop2 damn I didn't go shopping in time
19:42 rue_shop2 looks like a beta player kat
19:43 rue_shop2 but oldly enough not much unlike the reel to reels I was fixing fr the meuseum
20:29 katsmeow-afk http://www.ebay.com/itm/Panasonic-NV-9300-Cassette-Tape-Player-VTG-Machine-VCR-VTR-U-Vision-U-Matic-/200804047642
20:33 rue_shop2 see list it for $250 and your a sure sell :)
20:34 katsmeow-afk shipping would be $100's just to get it out of Alabafuckingbama, these things are over 50lbs
20:34 rue_shop2 put a watch on the other one, see if it sells
20:35 rue_shop2 kniwing if it still works is a good early step tho
20:36 katsmeow-afk i dunno if mine still work, obviously the parts one doesn't
20:44 katsmeow-afk offer me something and pay s&h and it's your's, atm they are sitting outside in the driveway where i'll hook the baby trailer to the car
20:46 katsmeow-afk 3 of them, and the scanner, are too heavy to carry in the car
20:50 rue_shop2 ok, 10c rise at 4gpm is 37800btu/hr which its running at right now
20:51 rue_shop2 11kw (ish)
20:51 rue_shop2 at 240V that would be...
20:52 katsmeow-afk the scanner was apparently vintage 1980-ish
20:52 rue_shop2 46ish amps
20:53 rue_shop2 so the fire, right now, is putting out more than enough power to run everything electric I have going
20:54 katsmeow-afk which is why i said way back when to run a steam engine with the fire, dunp the waste heat into the house, and power all your electronics off the engine turning a generator
20:54 rue_shop2 your not wrong, its just not easy
20:54 katsmeow-afk oh
20:54 rue_shop2 the load of the shop hasn't changed in 6 mo easy,
20:55 rue_shop2 but meter reading just doubled....
20:55 rue_shop2 for that much money I can buy my own meter to put in series with the electronic one
20:55 katsmeow-afk the kwh or the cost doubled?
20:55 rue_shop2 make sure they roughly corrilate
20:55 rue_shop2 the kwh doubled
20:56 rue_shop2 WITH NO EXTRA LOADS
20:56 katsmeow-afk no renters?
20:56 rue_shop2 its the shop
20:56 rue_shop2 the load is constant till I add heat, and I havn't done that yet
20:57 katsmeow-afk well, you're using the lights in it 2 hours more now than 3 months ago
20:57 rue_shop2 nope, whenever I'm in the lights are on
20:58 katsmeow-afk the 48v battery charger is on 24-7 now?
20:58 rue_shop2 nothing
20:58 katsmeow-afk i dunno
20:59 rue_shop2 if it was maybe like 10% I would just say its minor cahnges
20:59 rue_shop2 double? no
21:00 katsmeow-afk i agree the meter went off the deep end, install your own
21:02 katsmeow-afk powerco here went round and replaced everyone'smeter, didn't always record the previous meter reading... i had to point out if i had used that much power in the time allowed, i'd have melted down the service drop
21:02 rue_shop2 electronic for electronic?
21:02 katsmeow-afk they agreed and billed me an average of previous month and previous year
21:03 katsmeow-afk no mechanical for mechanical
21:03 rue_shop2 they just went around and put in electronic ones
21:03 katsmeow-afk they figured everyone was magnetising the meters
21:03 rue_shop2 about a year ago
21:03 tsmeow-afk
21:04 katsmeow-afk you know with those they can reset the meter, and read it minute by minute without going out there?
21:05 katsmeow-afk i was a bit bothered by that feature, the minute-by-minute use, remote reading
21:05 rue_shop2 their network isn't working
21:05 katsmeow-afk k
21:05 rue_shop2 you cant get data here, it worked for a month
21:06 katsmeow-afk how did you fry it?
21:06 rue_shop2 no
21:06 rue_shop2 the whole network
21:06 rue_shop2 not just my meter
21:06 rue_shop2 they have no online data for anyone
21:07 katsmeow-afk ok, don't tell me ;-)
21:15 katsmeow-afk The train that crashed in the small Quebec town was carrying oil from North Dakota to a refinery in New Brunswick, Canada.
21:15 rue_shop2 hehe
21:15 rue_shop2 quebec has twice the rules, regulations, taxes and fines of anywhere else
21:16 katsmeow-afk the train explosion today : The train was travelling from Edmonton to Vancouver, British Columbia
21:16 rue_shop2 damn
21:17 katsmeow-afk http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57608318/fiery-tanker-train-derailment-in-canada/
21:17 Tom_itx mmm furnace issues today
21:17 katsmeow-afk snow today?
21:17 Tom_itx yesterday
21:17 Tom_itx a bit
21:17 Tom_itx mostly sleet
21:17 Tom_itx and rain
21:17 katsmeow-afk ah, no wonder
21:17 Tom_itx warm today
21:18 Tom_itx i think it was the blower relay
21:18 katsmeow-afk those don't usually cause sleet
21:18 rue_shop2 you have ac?
21:18 Tom_itx fire came on, heated up, blower never came on, furnace shut off when it reached the 'over' temp
21:19 rue_shop2 yep
21:19 katsmeow-afk where you live, if i were you, i'd keep a spare blower assy ready to slide into place on the furnace
21:19 Tom_itx took the relay apart and cleaned it and seems to work
21:19 rue_shop2 no blower motor
21:19 Tom_itx i also questioned the start cap
21:19 Tom_itx but didn't change it yet
21:19 rue_shop2 how many uF did it give up?
21:19 Tom_itx need another cold day to test it out but it was warm
21:19 Tom_itx didn't test it
21:20 Tom_itx i did get a new relay just in case
21:20 katsmeow-afk relay can'tbe much, i grab them a few for a buck at scrap
21:20 Tom_itx the inside was a bit coroded
21:20 rue_shop2 http://www.advantageengineering.com/fyi/288/images/formulaWeightWaterTest02.gif
21:20 katsmeow-afk corroded or burned?
21:20 rue_shop2 whats the units for the 500?
21:20 rue_shop2 tom, dont forget to oil the motor
21:20 Tom_itx both somewhat but i think the arm was sticking
21:20 katsmeow-afk rue, no units
21:21 Tom_itx yeah i will next time i look into it
21:21 Tom_itx i haven't oiled it for a while
21:21 rue_shop2 :) nobody does, to the point the new ones dont come with oil holes, they just sieze up
21:21 Tom_itx the back side is hard to get to
21:21 tsmeow-afk installed oil tubes in
21:21 Tom_itx gotta remove the fan
21:22 Tom_itx it's probably 30+ yrs old
21:23 tsmeow-afk is so lazy, to avoid ever needing to replace a bearing, she'll spend a day custom installing a grease line and zerk into an end
21:23 katsmeow-afk in fact, brake line is real handy to run grease lines from the back of a closet to the front
21:24 Tom_itx i wonder where they get that really small brass tubing for that
21:25 katsmeow-afk just remember, when you don't need that fan in summer, it's pretty cheap, and you are in no hurry,, but in winter, it costs double and you just cannot get it "right now"
21:25 rue_shop2 I was gonna use capaillary tubing
21:25 katsmeow-afk yeas, copper fridge line comes that small, brake line is at any auto store
21:26 katsmeow-afk cap tube might be a lot too small for a long grease line, depending on where the cap tube came from,,,,,,,,, i have seen 3/16 cap tube
21:27 katsmeow-afk in a pinch, specially for non-pressure oil lines, that tiny plastic line that comes with some oil guages for cars
21:27 katsmeow-afk i have seen it in extension kits, but rarely
21:28 katsmeow-afk if the line is too small, you get less grease thru it than you think you are, seen that
21:28 rue_shop2 calc "a+b(a=4)(b=2)"
21:28 rue_shop2 a+b(a=4)(b=2) -->> 6.000000
21:29 rue_shop2 my calculator does brackets first, and deletes as it reduces
21:29 rue_shop2 and it handles variables...
21:29 rue_shop2 so that tricks it
21:29 tsmeow-afk hands rue a pe
21:31 katsmeow-afk had a 6ft run one to a gearbox on a cooling tower, run in 1/4 brake line, the only gotcha is make sure it's full of grease before you think it's full of grease, else you chould pump grease into the zerk for a year before it gets to the bearing
21:32 rue_shop2 trying to get it to give me the btu/hr on command line just by changing the input and output temps in degrees C
21:33 katsmeow-afk umm, if the temperatuer changes bythe MINUTE, the btu / HOUR wil be off
21:35 rue_shop2 calc "g*dt*500(g=4)(dt=((ti*9/5)+32)-((to*9/5)+32))(((((to=50)(ti=60.5)))))"
21:35 katsmeow-afk ouch
21:35 rue_shop2 the brackets set what it does first, so the ((((( ensures that it sets ti and to first
21:35 rue_shop2 its right tho
21:35 rue_shop2 I just have to change ti and to
21:36 katsmeow-afk looks like Lisp mated to RPN
21:36 rue_shop2 do you understand how it works?
21:36 katsmeow-afk not even tryng, i have my ownproblems
21:37 katsmeow-afk i would not do it that way, but if that works for you, then i am happy :-)
21:37 rue_shop2 if I say a+b(a=2)(b=3) it evaluates the a=2 and b=3 first, because of the parens, as it does so it deletes the (a=2) and (b=3) from the string
21:37 rue_shop2 so when it gets to the a+b the variables a and b are already set
21:38 rue_shop2 it does the substitutions and results in 5
21:38 katsmeow-afk i agree, but not going to follow "g*dt*500(g=4)(dt=((ti*9/5)+32)-((to*9/5)+32))(((((to=50)(ti=60.5)))))" if you don't mind
21:38 rue_shop2 the main calc is g*dt*500
21:38 tsmeow-afk goes off for di
21:38 rue_shop2 before it does that it does (g=4) and deletes that part from the string
21:39 rue_shop2 etc etc
21:39 rue_shop2 that functionality was a fluke of how I wrote it
21:40 rue_shop2 I just want to get some high/low numbers
21:40 rue_shop2 so far its between 11 and 38kw
21:40 rue_shop2 er btu/hr
21:40 rue_shop2 er, try again
21:40 rue_shop2 its between 11k and 38k btu/hr
22:32 tsmeow-afk had a very strange warm feeling t
23:16 katsmeow-afk yanno how when you put on many layers of clothes, or multiple socks and thick boots, that parts(s) of your body gets warm?
23:17 katsmeow-afk my hind feets felt oddly warm for the first time since the early 1980's