#garfield Logs

Oct 18 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:00 useless-afk Output Voltage Range: 0.76 V to 5.5 V
00:00 useless-afk does not include chokes, caps, or resistors
00:01 useless-afk he does have an awefull lot of them to sell tho
00:01 useless-afk just search for the part number on ebay
00:07 rue_house I'm gonna call taiwan
00:07 rue_house $1.10/min
00:07 useless-afk why?
00:08 rue_house I'm really curious to know who called me
00:09 rue_house no answer, I'll try again later
00:09 useless-afk the vac motor company?
00:09 rue_house I dont think so
00:09 useless-afk late afternoon there now
00:09 rue_house it sounded like someone who knows me and the language mannerisms ring a bell
00:10 rue_house nope 12 hrs diff
00:10 rue_house its 9:54 am
00:10 rue_house they are gmt+8, I'm gmt -8
00:10 useless-afk may be someone trying to see if your phone plan does allow phone call hacking across the ocean at $1.10/minute, which they will resell at 50 cents/min pure profit
00:11 rue_house haha I only have one line
00:11 useless-afk they only need authorisation to an operator to know
00:11 useless-afk default cell phone in usa is international calls OFF
00:11 rue_house my system dosn't have one
00:11 useless-afk doesn't have one what?
00:11 rue_house an operator
00:12 useless-afk nono, they get the aoperator in Taiwan to call
00:12 useless-afk i'm fuzzy on the details
00:13 rue_house oh, wait, i wonder, there is a guy who i made some stuff for, i wonder if its him
01:00 rue_house I let it ring too long, got a machine, didn't understand the outgoing message, didn't leave a message
01:01 eless-afk
01:05 rue_house the number I was given googles as a company called "green future investing" that has an expired page
01:05 rue_house straaaange
01:05 useless-afk phone hacking
01:06 rue_house maybe THEY were hacked to call me?
01:06 useless-afk watch your phone bill closely the next few days
01:06 rue_house you cant hack out from my house
01:06 rue_house its not possable
01:06 useless-afk i am not talking about hacking your computers
01:06 useless-afk i am talking hacking the system, using a Taiwan operator, to pass charges off onto your phone
01:07 rue_house ?
01:07 rue_house they cant just collect call a call to me
01:07 eless-afk shrugs like it's been done be
01:07 rue_house ?
01:08 rue_house I'll call the telco and check
01:08 useless-afk IT'S BEEN DONe BEFORE
01:08 useless-afk it's a world wide scam
01:09 useless-afk MANY such scams are done to call places the NSA doesn't want called, or poor countries, especially India, Indonesia, Mayasia, etc
01:09 useless-afk specially with stolen cell phones, they actually get permission fromt he phone owner withut the owner even knowing it
01:09 useless-afk [23:57] <useless-afk> i'm fuzzy on the details
01:10 rue_house I'll call and ask tommorow
16:03 useless-afk rue, guy was true to his word, he sent me the qty 25 6ft vga cables, as the ebay ad said, some never been opened
18:53 useless-afk seller who did not have the dip 74F139 sent me the soic 74F139, and 50% more for free, i got them
19:57 rue_house cool
19:57 rue_house !
21:21 Lola8088 rue rue rue rue rue
21:22 Lola8088 rue rue rue rue
21:31 Lola8088 rue rue rue
21:31 Lola8088 rue rue
21:31 Lola8088 rue
22:54 rue_house :)
23:01 useless-afk i think what else we need is a way to send 300v@100ma down some skinny/flexable ribbon cable to the selenoids and relays and motors in the arms/legs, and have it converted out there to 10v@3amps,, or 3v@10amps
23:03 useless-afk it's like, we can do that now, but it costs $7 per line
23:03 useless-afk and it isn't small
23:30 useless-afk rue, can you see a .txt file in a fixedsys font?
23:32 rue_shop2 I typically stick to fixed width fonts
23:34 useless-afk http://designerthinking.com/binary_math_demo.txt
23:34 useless-afk i mapped out a series of multiplies in increasing binary size, to demo the problem
23:35 useless-afk from trivial, to bigger, but still can be looked up in a ram/rom
23:35 useless-afk at 32bits it all fell apart from timing (and i made an error somewhere)
23:36 useless-afk eventually, using 20ns lookup, the speed drops to just a mhz because of the ripple adds
23:38 useless-afk doing just the partials on the 32x32bit is 26 adds, which limits the multiply to 2Mhz, and the ripple adds make it even slower, even using rams good for 50Mhz
23:40 useless-afk to do a look up directly for a 2^31 x 2^31 would need a fully programmed rom 18,446,744 Gigabytes
23:41 rue_shop2 damn, at some point I bent the handle on my 18" pipe wrench
23:41 useless-afk just the power requirements to keep it powered up is impossible
23:41 rue_shop2 its not a cheap one!
23:41 useless-afk stop buying aluminum wrenches
23:41 rue_shop2 its a made in america, I put out for this one
23:42 rue_shop2 it was prolly the 8 foot ridgid pipe cheater bar I was jumping on
23:42 useless-afk i've never bent a steel pipe wrench, i bent every aluminum one i ever had
23:42 rue_shop2 I shouldn't use cheater bars over 4 feet
23:42 useless-afk true
23:43 rue_shop2 esp if i'm jumping on them
23:43 useless-afk guy told me his lug nuts came off "this-a-way", 20 minutes later, using a 6ft cheater pipe, i handed him his twisted off lug studs
23:44 rue_shop2 heh
23:44 useless-afk in the olden daze, some vehicles came with reverse thread on one side
23:45 useless-afk so how to solve the adder issue in the ascii file?
23:46 rue_shop2 sorry, please expalin the problem again, or .. wait is it up there?
23:46 useless-afk up there?
23:46 useless-afk i gave you the url
23:46 rue_shop2 ah
23:47 useless-afk i formatted it the way kids are taught to do it on paper
23:47 rue_shop2 yup
23:47 rue_shop2 I see
23:47 useless-afk the first examples of the olde shift-add are easy
23:48 useless-afk the last example gets extremely slow, but it's a common problem
23:48 rue_shop2 yea doing more than 8 bits = function(8 bits, 8 bits) isn't neccisarily easy with a rom
23:48 rue_shop2 I been thinking about what I would change if I were rebuilding the reactor from scratch
23:48 rue_shop2 there are a number of things
23:49 rue_shop2 Lola8088, you out there?
23:49 useless-afk well, it's easy, but there's so many do-overs that the time cost is excessive
23:49 useless-afk the very first series of adds after the 32bit shift happens, if **26** series of additions
23:49 useless-afk if/is
23:50 useless-afk then there can easily be 24 more ripple-carry additions after that
23:51 useless-afk just to add 20bit to 32bit address to make an offset into a table in memory will drop the cpu speed to 1Mhz!!
23:52 rue_shop2 I have a program to write out how to do fixed multiplication code for any size stuff
23:52 rue_shop2 let me see if I can find it
23:53 useless-afk i have it for the C64 and vic20 , those are 1us 1Mhz cpus
23:54 useless-afk when it takes 1000 steps of software in a loop to do the long math, it still adds up
23:54 rue_shop2 oh, its division
23:54 rue_shop2 zippo:/files/programming/c/constdiv# ./a.out
23:54 rue_shop2 Number to divide by? 6
23:54 rue_shop2 precision? 8
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#1
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#2
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#3
23:54 rue_shop2 Add dividend to accumulator (dividend /8.000000)
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#4
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#5
23:54 rue_shop2 Add dividend to accumulator (dividend /32.000000)
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#6
23:54 rue_shop2 Shift dividend right. Shift#7
23:54 rue_shop2 Final error: -0.010417 would require 1/-95.999954 th of dividend to be added to accumulator
23:55 useless-afk yeas, i showed the shifts
23:55 rue_shop2 yup
23:55 useless-afk the shifts can be done in paralel, and are the fastest easiest thing to do,,,, it's the adds after that which are the problem
23:55 rue_shop2 have hard wired pre-shifts, and just gate thru the right one
23:56 useless-afk even using ECL, at 1ns per bit, it's 32ns per add on a 32bit result
23:56 rue_shop2 registers for each shift of the main reg
23:56 rue_shop2 I was, at some point, making a rom image for a small alu
23:56 useless-afk the shifting isn't the problem, why are we talking about the shifting?
23:56 rue_shop2 seeing as these new roms have so many address liines
23:57 rue_shop2 because I'm all over the map
23:57 rue_shop2 I'm wound up on tea, I have the music cranked, I'm awake, but only just by definition
23:57 useless-afk i have some 64kx16, so i can lookup 8x8 math, which is why i grouped the last example in 8-bit segments
23:58 rue_shop2 need to cut string? put it thru a round hole in a moderte thickness peice of metal, put a screwdriver thru the hole and, pressing it at an angle against the edges, run it around in a circle
23:59 useless-afk better: lay it off the edge of the vise or steel table, hit it with a hammer
23:59 useless-afk i useto cut steel wire that way when fencing