#garfield Logs

Oct 15 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:06 rue_shop2 just the plain stuff
00:06 rue_shop2 and cranberry
00:06 rue_shop2 iirc
00:06 rue_shop2 ok, heater is fixed *I think* off to bed with me!
00:32 useless-afk rue, 36vdc motor, 42lbs, normally $500 - $600 , 3 for $200 each : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Raymond-Prestolite-570-445-100-MGQ-4007-36-Volt-DC-Motor-/350871970307
03:31 useless-afk ebay is selling Canadian money : http://www.ebay.com/itm/111156144639
12:53 useless-afk newspaper headline from the UK that read simply: "School Reform Spells Choas"
16:26 useless-afk rue: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Qty-20-TI-SN-74ABT574ADWR-Octal-D-type-Flip-Flop-SMD-SOIC-20-US-SHIPPING-/300984481526 $3 + $2.12 s&h
16:27 useless-afk 32ma pull up, 64ma pull down
16:28 useless-afk pushed to extremes, that's almost 1/2 amp of TTL drive
16:35 useless-afk "yeas, that is a fine signal led driver, problem is the light is so bright that when it's on i cannot see the pcb it's sitting on"
18:29 Lola8088 Rue, going to look at the house today @4:45... I'll come by after dance class
21:26 useless-afk Nietzsche famously said, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." It sounds clever, but it's a loser philosophy. I don't want my failures to simply make me stronger, which I interpret as making me better able to survive future challenges.
21:26 useless-afk (To be fair to Nietzsche, he probably meant the word "stronger" to include anything that makes you more capable. I'd ask him to clarify, but ironically he ran out of things that didn't kill him.)
21:27 useless-afk Becoming stronger is obviously a good thing, but it's only barely optimistic. I do want my failures to make me stronger, of course, but I also want to become smarter, more talented, better networked, healthier and more energized.
21:27 useless-afk If I find a cow turd on my front steps, I'm not satisfied knowing that I'll be mentally prepared to find some future cow turd. I want to shovel that turd onto my garden and hope the cow returns every week so I never have to buy fertilizer again. Failure is a resource that can be managed.
21:31 eless-afk s
21:32 useless-afk <quote>
21:32 useless-afk WASHINGTON | Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:17pm EDT
21:32 useless-afk (Reuters) - Democratic and Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate could announce a deal late on Tuesday to extend the government's borrowing authority
21:32 useless-afk </quote>
21:33 useless-afk only thing is, by 9:17pm EDT, the date of this article, they'd already declared failure and gone home
21:33 eless-afk s
21:39 useless-afk so the guy who can't send me what i paid for in dip-16 package is sending me 50% more of them in a soic package, same cost
22:00 rue_house is that ok
22:00 rue_house ?
22:00 useless-afk i said to
22:01 useless-afk instead of 250 74F139 in dip16, i am getting 350 in soic-16, for the same $11
22:02 useless-afk good deal?
22:08 useless-afk <knock><knock> is i still here?
22:16 rue_house i SUPPOSE
22:16 rue_house i'M VERRY disptracted
22:27 useless-afk oH
22:38 rue_shop2 soemtimes trying to stay at 0 can be a real challange
22:39 rue_shop2 sometimes catching up to 0 is daunting
22:39 rue_shop2 sometimes, when your at 0, you make the mistake of taking the time to take a deep breath
22:39 eless-afk
22:40 rue_shop2 sometimes carma picks you up and throws you against the walls for a while, just for fun
22:40 useless-afk what's happening now?
22:40 rue_shop2 cat problems
22:41 useless-afk feed, water, change litter, be nice to,,, or is it lockjaw?
22:41 useless-afk bears?
22:44 useless-afk default, of course, is take the cat to a vet, who says "gimme $280 or i let your pet die"
22:48 eless-afk is still waiting to find out about the cats because she gives a
22:56 rue_shop2 Lola8088, you here?
23:10 useless-afk ...
23:12 useless-afk i guess the catsa re allright now
23:15 eless-afk has been locked out of reality again, humans not responding, it's as if i do not e
23:45 eless-afk goes