#garfield Logs

Oct 10 2013

#garfield Calendar

09:22 rue_house if the project has a budget, maybe see netduino
09:22 rue_house iamturnip, hello?
11:04 useless-afk rue, a 1Mhz 8bit C64 can serve webpages, i do not see why it now takes a 168Mhz 32bit cpu instead of a 20Mhz 8bit avr
11:15 useless-afk even if the avr server accepted only real plain http, with a <meta command> and returned CSV txt files, it would be great
11:22 useless-afk Oct 5, 2008 - Uploaded by nexp76
11:22 useless-afk Simple WebServer - ENC28J60 and AVR(Atmega128)
11:22 useless-afk AVR Webserver - Atmega32 + ENC28J60 + Full Source Code [1160 ...
11:22 useless-afk www.sunrom.com/189?
11:22 useless-afk This board is an embedded AVR Webserver. It is based on ATMEGA32 and ENC28J60 chipset. It can serve webpage as well as can be controlled from a PC ...
11:35 useless-afk or ftp, that's fine too, wget can do ftp and it's natively bidirectional and binary
11:38 useless-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=ENC28J60+avr&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
19:31 useless-afk ask me what?
19:32 Tom_itx after combustion in an engine, with compressed natural gas, what's the end product?
19:32 Tom_itx <GuShH> co2?
19:32 useless-afk and water
19:32 useless-afk some NOx if the temperature is high enough