#garfield Logs

Oct 04 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:01 rue_house tats npn right?
00:05 katsmeow-afk TIP35C= [!what][!electronics][!device] Material:NPN Si ; Use:HS pwr ; Device:trans. ; Vceo:100V ; Current:25A ; PwrDis:125W ; Gain:15-75 ; Freq:3 Mhz- ; Case:TO-218
00:06 tsmeow-afk managed to grab two bargains in the last couple days , just hour or so after they were posted to
00:13 katsmeow-afk like the 2000 74abt16245 trancievers $25
00:19 rue_house I mentally add $50 shipping to everything you say you find
00:20 rue_house cause it would cost me that much more
00:21 katsmeow-afk ($25 + $50) / 2000 = 3.75 cents per chip
00:41 katsmeow-afk _______
00:41 katsmeow-afk \/
00:41 rue_house agrered
00:41 katsmeow-afk there, a foot
00:41 rue_house but I dont need any...
00:42 katsmeow-afk k
00:44 tsmeow-afk ponders going back to the store to get the j
00:44 katsmeow-afk since it's 0:30am now
00:45 katsmeow-afk it's noon in Bangladesh
00:47 katsmeow-afk i wonder if the smoke has cleared
00:49 rue_house gngiht all
17:51 useless looking at NOAA sat pics Tiggr downloads, there seems to be a surprisingly large pressure zone around Karen, there's pushing showing in the clouds over Arkansas and south Missouri
17:54 useless there's a cloudbank which was over water off Tx gulf coast, arced up thru Tenn-Ky, a lot of it went north to NY, the lower portion has wrapped around and south off Fla east coast
17:55 useless lot of odd movement in 3 days
18:00 useless is someone hacking/flooding ebay?
19:23 useless http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2013/10/131004_POL_AlaskaWeatherService.png.CROP.promo-mediumlarge.png
19:26 rue_house I didn't get any packages from china today
19:26 rue_house but I did get an envelope from the states :)
19:30 useless that's wierd
19:30 eless looks all tarry
19:31 useless i should have washed my paws in gas before i brushed hair out of my eyes
19:31 eless goes to do that
19:31 rue_house mmm num num num, I'll have to make a fvd driver board with these!
19:37 useless look up the data sheet specs !
19:38 useless nice thing about having 74F and HC/LS parts, you can take advantage of the speed difference
19:43 eless thinks it's like finding qty 1390 dip-18 sockets for $9, because dip-18 can be cut to make dip-16, dip-14, two dip-8, two dip-6, and three dip-4 soc
19:44 useless because normally, 100 dip-16 cost ~$9 , so getting 1390 for $9 seemed like a good idea at the time
19:45 useless <cough>
19:46 useless i think i have a minute to eat the dinner i cooked this morning at 2am
19:47 eless hopes rue is enjoying his 74F
19:55 rue_house :) just headed back out
20:45 useless i got pics of the roof-tar-eater-bugs
20:46 eless zooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed in on the bug
20:47 useless 7megapixels, 7mm wide pic
20:55 rue_house do we get to see?
20:55 eless wonders where to post
21:55 useless-afk http://designerthinking.com/images/roof_tar_eater_bugs/DSCF3591m.jpg
21:55 useless-afk and
21:55 useless-afk DSCF3592m.jpg
21:55 useless-afk DSCF3593m.jpg
21:55 useless-afk DSCF3594m.jpg
21:55 useless-afk DSCF3595m.jpg
21:55 useless-afk DSCF3596m.jpg
22:02 useless-afk <cough>