#garfield Logs

Sep 27 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:01 Lola8088 ?? areyou talking to me?
00:02 rue_house doug is there, I didn't know if you were busy
00:02 Lola8088 I think i'm closest to you geographically than anyone else here... cept zlog
00:02 rue_house oh
00:02 Lola8088 never too busy for you
00:03 rue_house (:/ sorry
00:03 Lola8088 ]'m ry for what>? i think i
00:03 Lola8088 sorry for what?
00:03 rue_house next time I just will
00:03 Lola8088 you're always welcome, silly man
00:03 rue_house hum
00:05 dumbass-afk ...
00:07 Lola8088 I nailed my favorite bassline today too
00:08 Lola8088 my fingers hurt
00:08 Lola8088 hey... did you get my msg about an rc tricycle?
00:08 rue_house yes
00:09 dumbass-afk no
00:11 Lola8088 whaddya think? is it too ambitions for me?
00:12 Lola8088 if i give myself till christmas?
00:12 rue_house hmm
00:12 rue_house my thought was more like...
00:13 dumbass-afk my thought was you tell me where to send the 74F04, but i guess you were just yanking my chain about wanting them? So i'd waste money buying far more than i needed?
00:13 dumbass-afk what the hell is with you humans!?!?
00:13 rue_house what would she think of that being done to her trike?
00:14 rue_house kat, nono, I just forgot to ask you to pm me
00:14 dumbass-afk so you pm me, damnit
00:14 rue_house speaking of, coud you pm me?
00:14 Lola8088 hehe ehhe well.. \i could find another one, if that became an issue
00:15 dumbass-afk i been peeved since yesterday, and pissed off all day today
00:15 Lola8088 you look like you have your hands full here,,, \
00:15 Lola8088 gnight
00:16 Lola8088 xxoo
00:16 rue_house gnight :)
09:20 rue_house kat, he's gonna piss you off in about 6 seconds...
09:21 NotWorthCr4p too late
09:33 NotWorthCr4p i am still waiting on how he is going to heat up some air and pour the moisture out of it
12:53 NotWorthCr4p-afk Starting bid:
12:53 NotWorthCr4p-afk US $59.99
12:53 NotWorthCr4p-afk 800 PCS INTERSIL RFP15N05L TRANSISTORS
12:54 NotWorthCr4p-afk 15A, 50V and 60V, 0.140 Ohm, Logic Level N-Channel Power MOSFETs
12:54 NotWorthCr4p-afk 1.4v drop at 10 amps
12:55 Tom_itx mmm is that an upgrade from dumbass?
12:55 m_itx wished the ole kat was
13:16 katsmeow $45 to snailmail an envelope to Canadia
13:17 katsmeow $33 for the 100lbs of shelving supports, 3 small engine starters, and 2pcs of 6" wide 3ft heavy aluminum
13:18 katsmeow $7 for the bedframe and the 5 brass candle holders
13:19 katsmeow $5 for the burger (with lettuce and tomatoe, which is the only reason to buy a burger), drink, and fries
13:19 katsmeow hmmm, $48 to mail,, the envelope was $1.60 or something, and they have no idea when it will get there
13:20 katsmeow and the heatsink, 3 big KM something flash chips, and 3 big eeproms
13:24 tsmeow ponders making a table with the steel, setting up candles because there's no power off the solar panels, programming the eeproms with english audio phenoms, and having a candlelite dinner with a Hardees mushroom and swiss bu
13:33 Tom_itx that's alotta snails
13:35 katsmeow it was a hard bargain, as if it was
13:37 katsmeow these are the 200 lb per bracket strong , enough to do the entire 16 ft wide section of livingroom wall dedicated to shelves, and i really need shelves up
19:29 rue_house katsmeow-afk, heh, you see the probem then
19:29 rue_house 45? really?
19:29 rue_house did you ask about an international packet?
19:30 rue_house the usa really dosn't want to export anything to canada
19:30 rue_house china does
19:30 rue_house kat, if they are gonna ask $45 to ship it, dont worry about it
19:31 rue_house put it in a box, we will stock the box, one day I'll come pick it up
19:45 tsmeow-afk slaps rue to see if he will re-read what she
19:46 tsmeow-afk tries again, with great frustra
19:47 rue_house so can you ship the chips for a reasonable cost? or do you need to pack them in a bed?
19:47 rue_house or a hamburger?
19:48 rue_house if you have to put them in a hamburger to ship them at a reasonable cost, please double-ziplock the chips
19:48 katsmeow-afk i went to town to mail the ~$1.60 envelope, it costs me $33 for the (more than) 100lbs of shelving supports, 3 small engine starters, and 2pcs of 6" wide 3ft heavy aluminum, $7 for the bedframe and the 5 brass candle holders and the heatsink, 3 big KM something flash chips, and 3 big eeproms, $5 for the burger
19:48 rue_house oooh
19:48 katsmeow-afk and i was able to send ONLY THE ENVELOPE
19:48 rue_house so it didn't get mailed?
19:48 rue_house oh
19:48 katsmeow-afk what?
19:49 rue_house could you send mental images instead of text?
19:50 katsmeow-afk if i had a website up, i could sent pics
19:50 katsmeow-afk well, only two are down
19:50 rue_house na mental images tell more
19:51 katsmeow-afk ok, i spent $45 on the way to the post offfice, $1.60 at the post aweful, and $5 on the way home
19:52 katsmeow-afk i have no clues when any of it will be in your paws
19:53 tsmeow-afk wonders if this is a bad d
19:55 katsmeow-afk hello?
19:56 katsmeow-afk hello?
19:58 katsmeow-afk shit
19:59 Tom_itx just did
19:59 katsmeow-afk rue justquit taking to me again
19:59 Tom_itx naw i bet not
20:00 Tom_itx i bet he's off doing stuff too
20:00 katsmeow-afk you see him talking to me?
20:00 Tom_itx i don't hang at the keyboard either
20:00 katsmeow-afk well, off doing things is afk, and when afk he isn't talking to me
20:00 Tom_itx but i pass by on occasion
20:00 katsmeow-afk he quit during a conversation
20:00 Tom_itx yeah that's a bad hobbit he has
20:01 Tom_itx i've experienced that more than once
20:01 Tom_itx i chock it up to being a 'rue trait'
20:01 katsmeow-afk i chock it up to not being important enough to finish the conversation with
20:01 Tom_itx i don't take it personally but i do get frustrated
20:03 Tom_itx is that you too?
20:03 Tom_itx ^^
20:03 katsmeow-afk yeas
20:03 Tom_itx the kat
20:03 Tom_itx rif gets pissed and leaves cause i run the log bot
20:04 katsmeow-afk feenode rules say a nick must be in use for a few hors before it's officially the luser's
20:04 katsmeow-afk so run it and don't let google index it
20:04 Tom_itx i'm not sure how not to
20:04 Tom_itx and i'm not so inclined to fix it right now anyway
20:05 Tom_itx i'm tired, frustrated, depressed and generally in a bad mood
20:06 katsmeow-afk you are? why?
20:06 katsmeow-afk maybe you need anotehr workbench, i found that often helps
20:09 katsmeow-afk another garden?
20:10 katsmeow-afk screen in the patio?
20:10 Tom_itx i'm gonna go for a while
20:11 tsmeow-afk hopes you feel be
20:56 tsmeow-afk winds up and tosses a url at Tom to see if there is anything amusing, or educational, on the page : http://floatliving.com/vessels.html
20:57 at^ chase
21:12 zhanx rue_house: rue_bed
21:12 zhanx home
21:12 katsmeow-afk goddamn gushh
21:13 katsmeow-afk hi zhanx, hows things?
21:13 zhanx just cratered in on a jump
21:13 katsmeow-afk knee ok?
21:13 zhanx had a cherry claspe my cute
21:13 zhanx yep i am sore as hell
21:14 zhanx dropped at a high rate for 100-150 feet
21:16 tsmeow-afk doesn't know what it was with your cute that made you fall
21:18 zhanx dude hit it
21:18 zhanx behind me
21:19 katsmeow-afk ahh, i'd hit him back, that's dirty
21:19 zhanx sure
21:20 tsmeow-afk just slammed the crap of of a fly, i heard it bounce 3x when it hit the boxes across the t
21:21 at^ goes to
21:21 katsmeow-afk don't eat that fly
21:24 katsmeow-afk [21:09] <katsmeow-afk> no one here but zhanx, who isn't here, has built ONE working spider?,, and zhanx built TWO ?
22:09 katsmeow-afk [21:52] <katsmeow-afk> zhanx was adding video cameras, and wasn't orlok importing vision into his puter?
22:39 zhanx back
22:39 zhanx internet died
22:40 zhanx .j #seatterobotics
22:40 zhanx er
22:44 rue_house I'm back
22:46 rue_house I think china changed their shipping cots
23:02 zhanx rue_house: i about died last night
23:02 rue_house yea, your not bone broken?
23:03 zhanx nope
23:03 zhanx dealing with an attempt suicdie again
23:03 rue_house ugh
23:12 rue_house he poofed
23:15 rue_house Lola8088, heya
23:17 Lola8088 hey ya!
23:18 rue_house my dental mirror arrived
23:18 rue_house I think I'll boil it in salty water first?
23:18 Lola8088 exciting! i have a couple of those
23:19 rue_house or how shall I clean it?
23:19 rue_house its from china..
23:19 Lola8088 is it totally stainless steel?
23:19 Lola8088 or part plastic?\
23:19 rue_house well its metal...
23:19 Lola8088 heh
23:19 Lola8088 boil it
23:20 rue_house sounds good
23:20 Lola8088 i've got some simple green hospital grade if you want
23:21 rue_house na, I wanted to get a nice metal one
23:21 Lola8088 simple green hospital is a type of cleaning agent
23:21 rue_house
23:22 Lola8088 it kills viruses... it claims
23:23 rue_house it would if you use it to reflect death rays
23:23 Lola8088 BAM
23:24 Lola8088 there's a death ray on your porch... just aim it at the thing
23:24 rue_house eek
23:24 rue_house yes, hit the teeth, dont miss!
23:24 Lola8088 heh
23:24 rue_house "dont look into end of laser with remaining good eye"
23:25 Lola8088 Class twentyfive laser
23:25 rue_house hehe
23:25 Lola8088 my ofspring are driving me mad
23:26 rue_house awe
23:26 Lola8088 please remind me why i thought reproduction was a good idea?
23:26 rue_house nono, dont put it that way I'm trying to convince myself it is
23:27 Lola8088 no seriously... i need positive reinforcement right now
23:27 rue_house the race ends when all the people stop doing so
23:28 Lola8088 that is notpossive... that's depressing
23:28 Lola8088 possive?
23:29 rue_house I'm told, when its all over, its the best thing in your life
23:30 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/AUDIOPHILE-Audio-input-AMP-AC-POWER-Cable-PLUG-CORD-110V-250V-Rhodium-Plated-/390665372121
23:30 rue_house buy that and resell it for $50
23:30 Lola8088 i suppose anything worth while is a little bit of work
23:30 rue_house seems to be the going price
23:31 Lola8088 afk... little munchkins still awake
23:35 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/RPM-Speed-Meter-for-Clearaudio-Cartridge-Tonearm-Turntable-NEW-/161114892735
23:35 rue_house ^^ I just bought one of theose from china for $3
23:35 rue_house costs lots less than 60 in shipping
23:36 rue_house paked with cocane?