#garfield Logs

Sep 24 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:05 rue_shop2 grr
00:06 dumbass-afk Tiggr doesn't have those numbers
00:06 rue_shop2 ok, well, I just stitch a few more
00:06 rue_shop2 gates
00:06 rue_shop2 7404
00:06 dumbass-afk that's an invertor, obviously
00:06 rue_shop2 yea, I'll chain two gates
00:07 dumbass-afk use 74ABT244 , surely you have some?
00:07 rue_shop2 too late, the dip14 is in
00:07 dumbass-afk 74ABT or F574? or 573?
00:07 dumbass-afk oh
00:08 dumbass-afk 7428?
00:08 rue_shop2 28?
00:08 e_shop2 flips a few pages a
00:08 rue_shop2 nor?
00:09 rue_shop2 7404 will give me 2 gates to abuse for led drivers
00:09 mbass-afk nods, bu
00:09 dumbass-afk k
00:10 rue_shop2 what are good rx/tx led colours?
00:10 rue_shop2 I can only convince myself to use green for both
00:11 rue_shop2 hmm wonder if I have any orange
00:14 Lola8088 purple and chartruse
00:16 rue_shop2 is chartruse like "new shoe"?
00:16 Lola8088 nah... it's light light yellowy green
00:17 mbass-afk needs a super cheap way to make 30Mhz and 60Mhz recie
00:17 dumbass-afk no, it's like purple
00:17 rue_shop2 so its not that far off, except for the chromatic value
00:18 dumbass-afk http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chartreuse
00:18 dumbass-afk A yellow or green liqueur made by Carthusian monks.
00:18 dumbass-afk A greenish yellow colour.
00:18 Lola8088 yeah... that's what I said.
00:19 Lola8088 did you stop ignoring me?
00:19 Lola8088 must not have.
00:20 dumbass-afk http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Colors
00:31 Lola8088 it's still gone argh.
00:32 rue_shop2 hmm
00:33 dumbass-afk .008 x .072 tabbing
00:33 dumbass-afk 0.000576 of an inch
00:35 dumbass-afk 1/173rds of 10 awg
00:36 dumbass-afk 200 ma
00:36 dumbass-afk :-/
00:37 dumbass-afk the fricking solar cell acts as a heatsink to keep the tabbing from fusing
00:49 dumbass-afk ok, 4mv @ 3amps per inch , not warm, haveto try to tell it's getting warm, will make a good current shunt at least up to maybe 5 amps
00:51 rue_shop2 board is done, quick test shows it works, I'll tap itinto the 75323 later
00:51 rue_shop2 <- ouse!
00:51 rue_shop2 <- house...
00:51 Lola8088 Louse!
00:51 Lola8088 Grouse?
00:51 dumbass-afk k
00:52 Lola8088 Eeek a Mouse!
00:52 Lola8088 Anyone seen Faust?
00:53 dumbass-afk you see what i said? the solar cell tabbing i got makes a super duper cheap .001 ohm current sense resistor
00:53 dumbass-afk ~.001 ohm per inch
00:53 dumbass-afk of course it's solderable
00:54 rue_house :) and spot weldable
00:54 rue_house ok supper
00:54 dumbass-afk it's tinned copper, i dunno i'd weld it
00:55 rue_house hmm
00:56 dumbass-afk but now you can solder a lil tabbing wire inline with the motors, and use an opamp to move the voltage drop up to full scale measuing on an avr
00:56 dumbass-afk guesitmating 3/4 inch = 1mv per amp
00:58 dumbass-afk ~ 10 turns around a AA cell ~ 10mv per amp (take it off the battery before use,a ndfasten it so the loops don't short to each other
01:07 dumbass-afk or 5 wrapsaround a 1" wide pcb
01:07 dumbass-afk 10 turns
01:08 dumbass-afk no, 5
01:15 rue_house I wonder , if there was a high resistnace on the batteries of the ups, if it would think that the voltage failure when it enguaged was an internal fault instead of the battieres
01:16 dumbass-afk i wonder, do i wanna try Gnutella
01:18 dumbass-afk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shareaza
01:31 dumbass-afk First, waiting slowly. But then starting for waiting faster.
01:31 dumbass-afk Sometimes I'm thinking. But sometimes: it's thinking me.
01:34 rue_house fet rectifier
01:34 rue_house on by voltage, off by current?
01:35 dumbass-afk huh?
01:35 rue_house "why would anyone use a diode"
01:36 dumbass-afk yeas,, *very* low voltage drop, able to be on/off by a avr, etc
01:36 rue_house on by voltage, off by current?
01:36 dumbass-afk i dunno what "off by current" means
01:36 rue_house when I = 0 release gate?
01:37 dumbass-afk or if I is reversed
01:37 dumbass-afk what application are we talking about?
01:37 dumbass-afk solar?
01:37 rue_house I was thinking reverse leakage diodes
01:37 rue_house on a pane
01:37 rue_house l
01:38 dumbass-afk if a cell in a panel is shadowed, it's currernt capacity drops, the otehr cells can force the chadowed cells into reverse polarity
01:38 dumbass-afk diodes stop the reversing, but thet also look like shorts to the shadowed cells
01:39 dumbass-afk a fet can open the path to one end of the shadowed colum in the panel, and a 2nd fet can bypass it
01:39 dumbass-afk and a diode has .7v or .5v drop a fet will drop a few millivolts
01:40 dumbass-afk and the TO-220 is thinner than any 10amp diode
01:40 dumbass-afk and will run cooler
01:43 dumbass-afk a IRFZ44 will throw 0.16 watts at 8 amps, a diode dropping .4v will throw 3.2 watts, a diode dropping .8v will throw 6.4 watts of heat
01:46 dumbass-afk if i use a 10 wire connection, i can put fets outside, and an avr to localise logging to each column in a panel,, if i put the avr inside the panel, with fets dissipating less than 0.16 watts max, i can log data on each cell in the panel,a nd run fewer wires out
01:46 dumbass-afk if i have a wek panel, i know before i open it what the power output of each cell is, before i even go out there
03:22 mbass-afk suddenly notes that she can use a low voltage fet to change the emitter resistor values on a high voltage bip
03:24 dumbass-afk this is to scale the dynamic range of the voltage swing on a hugely variable current source or meter, to fit into the adc range of an avr at all times and conditions
03:24 dumbass-afk kooooooooooooooool
03:25 dumbass-afk so 0-50ma can scale to 0-5v, so can 0-5amps
03:26 dumbass-afk even the fet's vdrop can be measured and taken into account
03:26 dumbass-afk kooooooooooooooool
03:54 dumbass-afk hmm,, if the data rate into a lookup table is going to be as slow as 180ns per char, or 22ns per bit, i discovered a way that the pointer to the word can be spit out by the time the end of the "end of word" byte is recieved, AND the same circuit can process a new request every ~180 ns apart,
03:55 dumbass-afk so even on 32 char words, the completion rate can be as high as 50 million lookups/sec
03:55 dumbass-afk obviously, this is stupidly fast
03:57 dumbass-afk <me> Tiggr, i need you to look up every word in all languages on Earth <Tiggr> that will take a second, hold on
04:00 dumbass-afk counting serial transmission overhead, it can keep up with several 50 megabit serial data streams
04:01 dumbass-afk so............... i can dumb it down and slow it down to do other types of lookup as well
04:04 dumbass-afk a search for "ab*aca*ab*a" could take considerable time if done wrong
04:05 dumbass-afk for one thing, all the letters are at the end of a binary tree limb
04:05 dumbass-afk and it's unknown beforehand how many letters are in each *
04:08 mbass-afk ponders a feedback where for "ab*aca" there is a limited pool of what can be in the first * for all known w
04:24 dumbass-afk aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg
04:28 dumbass-afk ok, can dumb it down to allow brute force word searches like wildmatching, but it drops to ~3000 look ups a sec
04:29 dumbass-afk that is a loooog way from 50,000,000 per sec
04:30 dumbass-afk still beats winxp on a 2.4 Ghz P4 single core tho
04:44 dumbass-afk The Oxford English Dictionary lists over 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific, and slang terms.[16][17]
04:45 dumbass-afk The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words. To this may be added around 9,500 derivative words included as subentries.
04:45 dumbass-afk If distinct senses were counted, the total would probably approach three quarters of a million.
04:50 dumbass-afk If distinct senses were counted, the total would probably approach three quarters of a million.
04:50 dumbass-afk wierd
04:52 dumbass-afk i think languagemonitor.com has issues
04:53 dumbass-afk an operation known as the Global Language Monitor from estimating * that—as of this writing—there are exactly 988,968 words in English.
04:53 dumbass-afk Top Stories
04:53 dumbass-afk [wowslider id="16"]
04:53 dumbass-afk &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;div class=”statcounter”&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a title=”visit tracker&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;on tumblr” href=”http://statcounter.com/tumblr/”&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
04:56 dumbass-afk GLM estimates that a new English word appears every 98 minutes and that there are currently about 1,023,081.2 words in the English language.
04:58 dumbass-afk The American Chemical Society has a registry of over 84 million named chemical substances, and there are about a million named species of insects alone; surely these must count as words?
04:58 dumbass-afk Dictionaries include great-grandfather but not great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, which is real enough to get over 3,500 Google hits.
05:11 dumbass-afk Wolfram says the average english word length is 5.1 chars , someone isn't using any big words
05:27 dumbass-afk i'll be darned, the 5-letter words are used most often in Tiggr's db as paths
05:28 dumbass-afk altho most of those seem to be numbers :-/
05:29 dumbass-afk 34,320 unique directory identifiers, the longest is 210 chars
05:30 dumbass-afk most of the diectories over 17 chars long end in "_files"
05:33 dumbass-afk 28,007 are 32 chars or less, including those ending in "_files", so 6,313 are longer than 32 chars
05:34 dumbass-afk 32,641 are 64 chars or less, including those ending in "_files", so 1,679 are longer than 64 chars
05:36 dumbass-afk 30,772 are 48 chars or less, including those ending in "_files", so 3,548 are longer than 48 chars
05:43 dumbass-afk 34,094 are 96 chars or less, including those ending in "_files", so 224 are longer than 96 chars (2 x 48) , a 99.3% find rate
05:44 dumbass-afk 32 is 81% , 48 is 89% , 64 is 95% , 96 is 99%
05:47 dumbass-afk slight spike in paths at 102 chars, like
05:47 dumbass-afk Meet Robo Habilis Robot Has Human-like Hand Controlled By 'Brain' Modeled After Human Cerebellum_files
05:47 dumbass-afk NASA lunar probe blasts 461 gigabytes of moon data per day back home NetworkWorld_com Community_files
05:48 dumbass-afk SkyTower Press Release -Economist Projects UAVs Like Helios May Soon Be Doing Work of Satellites_files
05:51 dumbass-afk 3,800 at 5 chars, 1,800 at 9 chars, 1,400 at 12 chars
22:34 TELunus Windows seems to have decided to eat my bootloader.
22:50 dumbass-afk rue, i think i can ship 200 74F07 per business envelope
22:50 dumbass-afk you don't pay extra to get common envelopes, do you?
22:51 rue_house nope
22:51 rue_house but the thikness limit is about 5mm
22:52 rue_house for shipping one from canada
22:52 rue_house damn power keeps going out
22:53 dumbass-afk 3.04800mm
22:54 mbass-afk holds on
23:01 rue_house prefolded chips?
23:03 dumbass-afk short legs
23:04 dumbass-afk i showed you the ebay pics of it
23:34 rue_house kat
23:34 rue_house pardon my french,
23:35 rue_house http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/289874-REG/RDL_STM_LDA3_STM_LDA3_Microphone_Preamplifier_with.html
23:35 rue_house WHAT THE FUC* ?
23:37 rue_house these are selling for $50 MIN on ebay