#garfield Logs

Aug 18 2013

#garfield Calendar

11:51 Tom_itx rue_house, what was that linux program that will capture streaming video?
11:51 Tom_itx and save it to a file
11:51 Tom_itx i had one installed once upon a time
11:58 rue_house dont kno
11:58 rue_house mplayer or vlc should be able to do it
11:58 rue_house gui or command line?
12:02 Tom_itx maybe it was vlc
12:02 Tom_itx that sounds familiar
12:02 Tom_itx just a right click and 'save to file'
12:03 Tom_itx was what i remember
12:22 Tom_itx vlc wasn't it
15:01 Tom_itx dammit i wish i could remember what it was
17:25 Tom_itx found a ff plugin instead