#garfield Logs

Jul 30 2013

#garfield Calendar

19:06 Tom_itx #robotics #seattlerobotics
19:06 jennie Tom_itx you used PIC microcontrollers ?
19:06 Tom_itx not in years
19:19 rue_house jennie, avr controllers cost a bit more but are much better
19:20 rue_house I cant get away from the frustration, every day is getting worse
19:20 jennie rue_house I got a ccs code I want to compile it to hex file I got ccs compiler installed
19:20 rue_house a co-worker just screwed up a job in a web that will take me weeks to fix, and I already need those weeks for doing other things
19:20 rue_house ccs?
19:22 jennie http://blog.ghatasheh.com/2012/01/pic16f877a-and-lm35-based-temperature.html
19:23 Tom_itx ccs c is a brand of c compiler for PIC
19:23 Tom_itx rue_house that's called job security
20:43 rue_another OH GOD, people are paying for C compilers for pics?
21:19 jennie yes
22:30 any17865971 http://24.media.tumblr.com/d2fecad1a1866cd56f99324e1d632540/tumblr_mgpl7dWuw81r4eoiuo1_250.jpg
22:38 any17865971 http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbc0atH6ZH1r4eoiuo1_250.jpg
22:39 any17865971 http://shitthatsirisays.tumblr.com/post/33711409491