#garfield Logs

Jul 13 2013

#garfield Calendar

21:13 rue_shop2 is cylinder 1 at the front or the back?
22:26 zhanx s-10 right? front left
22:26 zhanx ford front right
22:26 zhanx all engines that you would own are front to right
22:27 zhanx rear*
22:33 Tom_itx http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ww2.justanswer.com/uploads/Bugfuel/2010-05-24_021825_S10firing.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.justanswer.com/classic-cars/3jht1-need-firing-order-1982-chevy-s10-pickup-2-5.html&h=320&w=290&sz=6&tbnid=WeepLZ9X5dOLTM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=82&zoom=1&usg=__ZdhJn9hV9ikdQDxwMi02MFVeZ_c=&docid=rZNXe4jIc8UA5M&sa=X&ei=lxjiUYG_JcalyAGxlIHQCQ&ved=0CDcQ9QEwAg&dur=127
22:33 Tom_itx or
22:33 Tom_itx http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://0.tqn.com/d/autorepair/1/0/g/_/41894088.gif&imgrefurl=http://autorepair.about.com/library/images/bl619a-lib.htm&h=325&w=160&sz=16&tbnid=-e_ostWlkpxXZM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=44&zoom=1&usg=__N7PQ6ocMH90X1RQlFkiAR0prmZ4=&docid=Ydq3_K1mDi10bM&sa=X&ei=lxjiUYG_JcalyAGxlIHQCQ&ved=0CDEQ9QEwAA&dur=189
22:35 zhanx confirms what i said
22:35 zhanx and i didn't google it
22:35 Tom_itx i knew i did it for rue
22:36 zhanx k
23:33 zhanx rue timing plays on the carbon build up you got on top fyi
23:35 rue_house had timing checked, its 'spot on'
23:35 rue_house but ok
23:35 zhanx so like 10 degrees out
23:35 zhanx but what is the main issue
23:37 rue_house the ticking, I'm concerned cause I'v been working on getting rid of it, checked timing ,plugs, ... other stuf... I'm thinking lubrication
23:37 zhanx no ticking is a sign of wear, miles?
23:37 rue_house it only ticks when I give er gas, if I'm lights, its ok
23:37 rue_house its got 306000km :)
23:38 zhanx lol thats a rebuilt time. ok
23:38 zhanx oil pump psi is a must
23:38 zhanx should be 30-60 psi
23:38 zhanx not 140
23:39 rue_house er, its half way, I assumed thats good, like 137
23:39 zhanx thats crazy high
23:39 rue_house sorry, 275kpa
23:40 zhanx k
23:40 zhanx i was like wtf
23:40 rue_house 39.8 psi
23:40 zhanx thats good
23:44 zhanx rtv is used on lots of auto stuff fyi