#garfield Logs

Jun 12 2013

#garfield Calendar

20:03 rue_more no ebay packages :/
20:14 Tom_itx i must bring the mill back inside
20:14 Tom_itx the heat seems to be affecting it's performance
20:15 rue_bed doe sit use those silly little surface mount driver chips?
20:16 Tom_itx i think it is the PC that is acting up
20:16 Tom_itx the geckos were fine i believe
20:16 Tom_itx other random errors
20:17 Tom_itx like asking for a tool change in the middle of a cutter path
20:17 Tom_itx i was quite pleased with the accuracy of the cuts though
20:17 Tom_itx got the backlash set pretty good
20:18 Tom_itx for a little toy mill anyway
21:42 TELunus|2 kat, do you read the scroll back?
23:32 Lola8088 boo
23:43 rue_shop3 oo!\
23:43 rue_shop3 how are you
23:43 Lola8088 OMG the boat is Amazing.
23:43 rue_shop3 you have internets!
23:44 Lola8088 I am at home. :(
23:44 rue_shop3 oh
23:44 Lola8088 but I am going to see about a Satlink
23:44 rue_shop3 oh
23:44 Lola8088 I'm not joking, it's beautiful. And clean, and not sinking...
23:44 rue_shop3 :)
23:44 Lola8088 It doens't smell yucky, it's not got any mold...
23:45 rue_shop3 cool!
23:48 Lola8088 it's fairly large, the v berth can take the kids easily, and there's a large-ish single in the wheel house that also doubles as a couch... the wheel house bulkhead was taken apart to make the galley and the rest of the boat one nice big open spacious room
23:48 Lola8088 it's all hand done wood work, beautiful.
23:48 rue_more cool
23:49 Lola8088 and there's a large covered deck out the back that's really nicely contained for lijah... it's like the boat was built to have a baby on it
23:49 Lola8088 big swim grid, all windows work... and no leaks in the roof
23:52 Lola8088 i need to put in mattresses, which I would be replacing anyway, and there are terido worms in a few planks. Doug said he'd do that for me. but as they stand now, no leaks. bilge pump hasn't gone off in two months
23:53 Lola8088 diesel, it's goes about 6 knots, which is fine by me, cause it'll only use 2L an hour
23:53 rue_more 2L/hr, yike
23:54 Lola8088 you think tha's bad?
23:54 rue_more that seems like a lot of fuel
23:55 Lola8088 two litres? burnt in an hour... tha's like what... 3$ an hour @ 6knots...
23:55 rue_more I suppose
23:56 Lola8088 I burn two litres of fuel to get to Gibsons in my car
23:57 Lola8088 so that trip to Malibu in the Crew boat @ 1.5 hours takes $260... in my boat it would take 5 hours and cost me 15$
23:57 Lola8088 20$ if you count oil changes.
23:58 rue_more oh
23:59 Lola8088 Anchor chain is good, anchor is good, plus a spare, there's no generator, but I can put one in. it needs an inverter, it's already wired for shore power, light fixtures etc.