#garfield Logs

Jun 02 2013

#garfield Calendar

16:08 useless-afk there no rue here
16:08 useless-afk i cannot ask him if he is bidding on the HMU-65764H-5
16:08 TELunus He'll be back.
16:08 useless-afk in 40 minutes?
16:10 useless-afk these are 8kx8 static rams, for his state machine to microstep 256 instructions, this gives 32 bytes of microcode per inst, or 64 bytes for 128 instructions, etc
16:10 useless-afk 5000 of them for < $15
16:10 useless-afk + s&h
16:12 useless-afk or parity or majority encoding over 13 bits
16:12 useless-afk or both over 12 bits
16:13 useless-afk if they go for $20, that's $0.004 each chip
16:13 useless-afk but, none of my business, no one to talk to in here
16:14 TELunus I more kind of meant he'll be back eventually.
20:40 useless-afk damnit : http://www.motherjones.com/media/2013/05/robots-modern-unimate-watson-roomba-timeline