#garfield Logs

May 24 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:13 Lolly8088 How's it goin?
00:13 rue_house my day kinda tanked
00:13 rue_house a) slept in
00:13 rue_house b) didn't get the garbage out in time
00:14 rue_house c) my 'short drive to town' turned into an all-dayer
00:14 rue_house d) I missed ma while she was here
00:14 rue_house d) finished making a sand compactor, motor smokes, need to put another one on
00:14 Lolly8088 did you get the truck back?
00:14 rue_house e) I didn't make it to your place to work on your garden with you
00:15 rue_house yea, thats f
00:15 Lolly8088 oh good!
00:15 rue_house f) its pitch black and I have to take the truck to bobs, means no bike back, the bus is ~midnight
00:15 rue_house I'm all hungry and grumpy too
00:16 Lolly8088 I'll pick you up there
00:16 rue_house :)
00:16 Lolly8088 you don't have to do that
00:16 rue_house I'm gonna make some fooood
00:16 Lolly8088 go make some food
00:16 rue_house (its making)
00:16 Lolly8088 yeah... and msg me when you want to go. I'll meet you at
00:16 Lolly8088 bobs
00:16 rue_house :) thanks
00:16 Lolly8088 *noserub*
00:17 rue_house :)
00:17 Lolly8088 are you too cranky to code?
00:17 rue_house maude is locked in and she's not happy about it
00:17 Lolly8088 did she try to make a run for it?
00:17 rue_house na
00:19 Lolly8088 why is she locked in?
00:19 rue_house its night
00:19 rue_house I keep them in at night
00:19 Lolly8088 oooh right. the nastys come out at night.
00:20 Lolly8088 is that neighbour cat giving her anymore greif or do you think it was raccoons that caught her ear?
00:20 rue_house on positives, I got a roll of wire I need, took the welding bottle back (here is hoping I dont need it now) and the wheelbarrow tire is fixed
00:20 rue_house not sure
00:21 rue_house I got more sand to the greenhouse for the floor
00:21 Lolly8088 YaY! I got a lot done at the house today, Jess and kids were here all day, she made us dinner and I cleaned and we had a great time together.
00:21 rue_house cool
00:21 Lolly8088 how hard is it to fix the tamper?
00:21 rue_house maybe wan't a good day for me over to work on garden then ?
00:22 Lolly8088 Any day is a good day. :)
00:22 rue_house I have to selelct another motor and put it on, a few hours
00:22 Lolly8088 we were orig going to garden all day together, but we didn't make it out of the house
00:22 rue_house it was mostly a good day to be out
00:23 Lolly8088 so much to do inside, but her kids occupied my kids and she made this amazing tammale pie and we ate the first snips of her baby greens
00:23 Lolly8088 it was
00:23 Lolly8088 AMAZING.
00:23 rue_house :)
00:24 Lolly8088 Oh, and lijah did not take a nap.
00:24 Lolly8088 at all
00:24 rue_house I usd two of the muffins for counterweights on the tamper
00:24 Lolly8088 hh eheh eh Yay for Muffins!
00:24 rue_house :)
00:24 Lolly8088 would you say today was a write off with some good stuff thrown in?
00:25 rue_house yes
00:25 rue_house :)
00:25 Lolly8088 well can I kidnap you tonight?
00:25 rue_house !! I still need to work on robotics! I almost have the arm fully going!
00:25 rue_house :S
00:26 Lolly8088 buUut... today was a writeoff... sooooo...
00:26 Lolly8088 :D
00:26 rue_house I want to show you it dance
00:26 rue_house that board we made runs it better than anything has yet
00:26 Lolly8088 oh good
00:27 Lolly8088 and the code you wrote before, it's still working with what you're writing now
00:27 Lolly8088 ?
00:27 rue_house thats what I have to find out
00:27 rue_house I need to insert the code that runs the board in place of the code that ran them before without a board
00:28 rue_house the computer was doing it direct before
00:28 rue_house it did a terrible job
00:28 Lolly8088 heh
00:30 rue_house its an easy change, I just need to sit down and focus on the two programs for a bit to understand them both at once for just a moment, then write the translation
00:30 Lolly8088 you still have to eat, and shut things down and take the truck to bobs, and get picked up... by the time all that happens and you make a tea and try to sit down and focus... you'll be shot... so you should come here and be shot rather that be there and be shot.
00:31 rue_house this is a good argument
00:31 Lolly8088 I should have been a lawyer.
00:31 rue_house I'm just resettig for a moment
00:31 rue_house right now
00:32 rue_house let me get you a pic of the tamper while I reset
00:32 Lolly8088 Yay!
00:40 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1050041.jpg
00:40 Lolly8088 (I've got Dr.Who? Seasons 1 - 7)
00:41 rue_house new connector for the zero sensors
00:41 rue_house heh
00:41 rue_house thats dangerous, I'd just be glued to the screen
00:41 Lolly8088 I'm watching them backwards.
00:41 Lolly8088 It's really really hard.
00:44 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/tamper.jpg
00:44 Lolly8088 boingy boingy boingy
00:45 rue_house I cant wait to see how it works, I was on my way up to the greenhouse when it started smoking
00:46 rue_house so the neighbours are kinda luckey on that one
00:46 Lolly8088 indeed
00:48 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/digiclock.jpg
00:49 rue_house quick, what time is it?
00:49 rue_house :)
00:49 Lolly8088 it's firefox... it's still not loaded
00:50 Lolly8088 7 25
00:50 Lolly8088 took too long.
00:50 rue_house :)
00:54 Lolly8088 are you done eating?
01:05 rue_house damnit damnit
01:05 rue_house mikey just came in, his tail is LIMP he has a few gouges out of him,
01:05 rue_house THIS is why I bring them in
01:05 rue_house ARG
01:06 rue_house I shouldn't ahve let him stay out
01:06 Lolly8088 you can't know these things.
01:10 rue_house I know to bring them in at night when it gets dark
01:10 rue_house I didn't
01:10 rue_house I dont know what the extent of the injuries are, he cant feel his tail at all
01:11 Lolly8088 tail injuries are serious. he needs a vet. there are too many different reasons for it to happen, and most are serious
01:11 Lolly8088 when was the last time you saw him before this?
01:11 rue_house its 11:00 what I gonna do!?
01:12 Lolly8088 tomorow
01:13 Lolly8088 or there is an emergency vet in sechelt
01:16 Lolly8088 http://www.secheltanimalhospital.com/itoolkit.asp?pg=Hours
01:16 rue_house no blood pouring out of anywhere
01:16 Lolly8088 page the dr. (s)he will call you back and then tell you what to do.
01:17 Lolly8088 at the very least, you'll have talked to a vet
01:21 Lolly8088 did you?
01:22 rue_house I'm still trying to work out what happenedt o him
01:23 Lolly8088 compleatly limp tails could possibly mean spinal injury, so you really should call the vet.
01:35 rue_house hit by a car, wch mkes sense
01:42 rue_house I cant come over :(
01:42 Lolly8088 nono... not tonight... you need to watch him
01:42 rue_house and I need to get my truck to bobs, I still havn't eaten
01:42 Lolly8088 stop and breathe
01:43 Lolly8088 i'll still pick you up at bobs... just go eat
01:43 Lolly8088 otherwise you won't make rational decitions
01:57 rue_house I did not need anything more bad to hapen today
01:57 rue_house I'm really sure I had more than a fair serving
01:59 Lolly8088 did you eat?
02:06 rue_house its made
02:06 rue_house trying to eat
02:29 rue_house I really really rally hope he hasn't lost his tail
09:41 rue_house ok I dont know if I should take him to the gibsons or sechelt clinic
09:41 rue_house the gibons one is open first
09:41 rue_house Lolly8088, you awake?
09:49 rue_house ok I'm gonna take him to the gibsons clinic
10:19 rue_house damn, no I had the wrong page, they both open at 8:30, now I dont know where to go again
10:21 rue_house gibsons, more people can help me if I need
10:33 rue_house damn, when Alfie died I got rid of my cat carrier
10:52 rue_house I have to go to sech with him
11:03 Lolly8088 i'm here
11:03 Lolly8088 you there?
11:05 Lolly8088 I have a good cat carrier
11:12 Lolly8088 Dammit Rue, there are these primitave things called telephones we occasionally use to communicate with. Where's my popsicle stick?
13:48 rue_bed
13:48 rue_bed so Tom_itx TELunus my cat got hit by a car, is having tail amputated ;(
13:50 rue_bed I read so much from a cats tail
13:58 Tom_itx poor kittie
13:58 Tom_itx you'll have to rename it.. shorttail
16:51 rue_house there is still a poability he has a serious problem
17:08 zhanx ?
17:54 rue_house cat got hit by a car, having his tail amputated...
20:10 rue_house I'm not done with my bad luck yet
20:10 rue_house the front left brake is latching up after being worked on
20:11 rue_house I stopped half way home to let it cool, it was worse than I thoguht, the new disk is now blue
20:11 rue_house cant phone the shop its closed now
20:11 rue_house what the hell did I do to the carma machine!?!?!?!
20:12 rue_house so, back to square 1, cant use my tuck till I can get it back from a shop
20:12 rue_house execpt now there is a new dimention
20:12 rue_house I have to get it towed, and it has to happen and be co-ordinated while I'm at work
20:45 zhanx fun
21:22 Tom_itx next time do your own brake work
21:22 Tom_itx you can't trust anybody anymore
21:22 Tom_itx i had a blowout today as well
21:23 Tom_itx cancelled work to get new tires
21:23 Tom_itx faulty tire i'm sure but what are ya gonna do. only 35k on them
21:23 Tom_itx steel cords broke
21:43 zhanx think i need to pick up some drills from harborfreight
21:45 Tom_itx one time use?
21:45 zhanx naaa
21:45 zhanx motors for the robot i am making