#garfield Logs

Apr 17 2013

#garfield Calendar

20:55 rue_house bep
21:13 useless blorm
21:43 useless Any time the engine is running, it is ingesting a substantial amount of air which makes the engine space a mildly negative pressure zone. Even with adequate intake ventilation this will always be the case.
21:43 useless As a result, some small amount of air is always drawn into the engine spaces from the accommodations; fumes or heated air thus being burned and sent out the exhaust pipe along with any drifting cat hair
22:48 useless is Tom having weather?
23:13 useless the water here is so clear, you can see the bottom!! : http://www.liveantares.com/img/enough/enough1.jpg
23:19 useless this happened in Alabama, afaik : http://www.liveantares.com/img/enough/enough13.jpg