#garfield Logs

Apr 08 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:43 eless-afk ponders paying someone $15 per pcb when she has the drill bits and did have the pcb driller
00:49 rue_house dunno
00:55 useless-afk well then shit, i can't have anyone else do them, because to me "gerber" means "baby food"
00:58 rue_house oh, gerber is photoplotter, but I dont know the specifcs of THAT gerber
00:58 rue_house sorry
01:14 useless-afk i guess i should just tell the guy i can make the boxes, but not the pcb
01:15 useless-afk that's going to sink the project
01:16 rue_house boxes?
01:16 useless-afk plugins for Tektronix 7000 series oscopes and TM500 mainframes
01:21 rue_bed I dont know enough regarding what your talking about
01:21 rue_bed pcb for?
01:22 useless-afk plugs into the mainframe for the user to put a circuit into the plugin and connect to the scope or TM500 psu
01:23 useless-afk a TM506 i sold on ebay : http://designerthinking.com/TM500.html
01:23 rue_bed oh
01:24 useless-afk here's a tester i made in a plugin : http://designerthinking.com/TM500_tester.html
01:26 useless-afk this is a plugin for a 7000 oscope : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tektronix-7A18A-Dual-Trace-Amplifier-Plug-In-DC-100-MHz-/310639191249
01:27 rue_bed sory fi i odnt replay I'm falling sleep
01:28 useless-afk this is what a 7A18 might plug into : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tektronix-7903-Oscilloscope-500-Mhz-Mainframe-Untested-/270873197477
01:28 useless-afk or this : http://www.ebay.com/itm/TEKTRONIX-TEK-7904-Oscilloscope-Mainframe-/111037155961
01:29 useless-afk what i can build is the plugin frame so someone can make circuits other than the 7A18 to plug into the equipment
01:29 useless-afk all cept for the pcb, which i cannot drill, so never got around to attempting platethru either
01:30 useless-afk in all my dsign work life, getting paid for well thought out ideas, i never got laughed at
01:30 useless-afk some design was rejected sometimes, but i wasn't laughed at
01:31 useless-afk so i did something so bad, i used a pink string in a home made shaft coupler with zero backlash, and super cheap, and i got laughed at, made fun of
01:32 useless-afk because that is the string i had, and i didn't think of the social consequences of pink, i was oblivious to it, i made such a fucking huge mistake
01:40 rue_bed you cant drill a pcb without a pcb driller?
01:41 useless-afk rue, i have projects with 1000's of holes
01:42 useless-afk there's one here beside me now laid out with 1664 holes on this one pcb
01:43 useless-afk if i can sell, i will wanna make 10 boards, that's 16,640 holes
01:43 rue_bed your the one who said you used to make smt parts by bending leads
01:43 useless-afk i cannot make a pin grid array on both sides of the pcb by doing it smd
04:08 useless-afk http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/robots-mania/2011/09/28/gIQAd8Hc6K_gallery.html
04:15 useless-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=robot+Aila+(Artificial+Intelligence+Lightweight+Android)
04:27 useless-afk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd5iEke6UlE <<== time 1:21 is the dog i remembered from way back when, when they cranked that thing up it hauled ass
04:27 useless-afk and, they did almost everything in that youtube with NO computers, it was all pneumatics and mechanicals
05:17 useless-afk Tom : http://designerthinking.com/images/nov-9-2011%20properties.JPG
05:30 useless-afk how to kill the Tor connection and then restart it with new in and out ports:
05:30 useless-afk if equal(loopcount,5) -- got 5 downloads?
05:30 useless-afk then text_color(RED)
05:30 useless-afk puts(1,"\nkilling vidalia...\nsleeping 60 seconds while it restarts \n")
05:30 useless-afk junk = system_exec("taskkill /F /T /IM vidalia.exe",2)
05:30 useless-afk sleep(20)
05:30 useless-afk --system("C:\\Program Files\\Vidalia Bundle\\Vidalia\\vidalia.exe",2)
05:30 useless-afk system("start /MIN \"\" \"C:\\Program Files\\Vidalia Bundle\\Vidalia\\vidalia.exe\"",0)
05:30 useless-afk sleepcount = 60 -- 1 minute
06:29 useless-afk Tom : http://designerthinking.com/images/CHIPS.GIF
08:36 -niven.freenode.net:#garfield- [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
08:47 useless-afk there's a Maxim dir that's 4.6 Gbytes
14:24 useless-afk so , Margaret Thatcher and Annette Funicello die together, and Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD), one of the last remaining Democratic holdouts to oppose same-sex marriage, announced Monday that he now supports gay nuptials
14:25 useless-afk all coincidence, of course
14:27 Tom_itx kat
14:27 Tom_itx for the 1500uf 16v:
14:28 Tom_L http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Panasonic/EEU-FR1C152B/?qs=%2fha2pyFaduhFqi7ONF37%2fGlMe0O8n1ed2s8WHnaX07b1wXgc7ieT4w%3d%3d
14:28 Tom_itx i think that's the same series
14:28 Tom_itx as the other one you recomended
14:28 Tom_L http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=EEU-FR0J392Bvirtualkey66720000virtualkey667-EEU-FR0J392B
14:28 Tom_itx btw, my page was set to cz
14:29 Tom_itx there was an option for that
14:29 Tom_itx probably because i broused a link from somebody
14:29 useless-afk i didn't read *all* the pdf datasheets, but the couple of Panasonic FR series i did read, i approve of
14:29 Tom_itx care to check that 1500uf one?
14:29 Tom_itx i'm gonna order shortly
14:30 Tom_itx the 3900 will do since that series doesn't list a 3300 that i see
14:30 useless-afk uhh,, ok, i'll read while you get the rootbeer float and coconut macaroons ;-)
14:30 m_itx gets foam all over the place pou
14:32 Tom_itx i _could_ get a 3300uf in 10v instead of 6.3
14:32 Tom_itx better choice?
14:33 Tom_itx same price as the 3900uf 6.3v
14:33 useless-afk the EEU-FR1C152B is a good choice, more appropriate amp rating even, and 10,000 hr
14:34 Tom_itx currently populated are 3300uf 6.3v and 1500uf 16v
14:34 useless-afk the 10v may not fit, you checked?
14:34 Tom_itx same package it appears
14:34 Tom_itx 12.5 x 20mm
14:35 Tom_itx ok i'll use the EEU-FR1C152B for the 1500uf one then
14:35 useless-afk heh, looks like the same cap on the datasheets
14:36 Tom_itx now about the bigger one...
14:36 Tom_itx 3900uf at 6.3v or 3300 at 10v?
14:37 useless-afk i choose the 3300@10, only because the oem used 3300 , and 10 beats 6.3 for 5v switcher
14:37 Tom_L http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Panasonic/EEU-FR1A332B/?qs=%2fha2pyFaduhFqi7ONF37%2fC%252bMKJrWosnPkmOl7QZT5kc3KG77UdaDOQ%3d%3d
14:37 Tom_L that one
14:38 eless-afk
14:38 useless-afk order it already, while i enjoy the rootbeer and icecream all over the table
14:40 useless-afk it's a simple case of the mobo company saving 20 cents by using cheaper and less robust parts, 20 cents x a million mobo is $200,000 , it adds up, customer good will be darned
14:41 eless-afk crosses her fingers that Panasonic isn't fudging the datasheets, and faceplants in the icec
14:45 useless-afk winblows error popup: Cannot remove folder b: The filename or extension is too long.
14:45 useless-afk the filename is:
14:45 useless-afk b
14:45 useless-afk it;s too long to be deleted
14:46 useless-afk and winblows is being it's usual helpful self by not providing the complete path to the offence
14:51 useless-afk i've had 3 puters running to move data last nite, and not a one of them can tell me why "b" is too long of a filename or path,, or where "b" is
14:58 useless-afk i should go out and bother the birds,, i built the barn roof over the driveway so i could do dirty work out there in shade, this weekend two birds built a nest on the bridge crane
15:02 Tom_itx should be on the way
15:03 useless-afk yeas, but imagine the superiority complex when they hatch: "look mommy! i can lift a 400lb sheet of steel!!"
15:04 useless-afk "only when you are in your bridge crane and that kat is around, dear"
15:04 eless-afk puts a stop watch on mo
15:04 useless-afk <click>
15:07 useless-afk Tom, did you see the two screen shot pics of data sheets (and why not?), and thanks for the rootbeer
15:10 useless-afk <cough>
15:14 eless-afk wonders what she did to run Tom away after she helped
15:24 useless-afk i wonder why 10v zeners cost so much more than 12v or 8.2v
15:54 Tom_itx i went for cheap shipping so it will take a bit longer
15:55 eless-afk quietly says
15:57 eless-afk waited an hour for that, and now goes
16:00 Tom_itx i was outside
16:02 Tom_itx i saw the shots of the tiggr directories
17:19 useless-afk data transfer tween two 2.6Ghz puters on a gigabit lan is taking place at 500 bytes/sec
17:23 Tom_itx awesome
17:34 useless-afk it is, isn't it
18:25 eless-afk quickly digs a hole in Tom's back yard and buries his house i
18:28 useless-afk since i did that for you, can you tell me if you can mill slots in some .020 pcb so some 0603 parts can be put into the slots?
18:30 useless-afk oh, the slots cannot break into an adjoining slot, and i need 4 slots in a 0.2" wide space
18:30 useless-afk like:
18:30 useless-afk |||
18:30 useless-afk |||,
18:30 useless-afk or
18:30 useless-afk |||
18:30 useless-afk |
18:30 useless-afk |||,
18:31 useless-afk oriented something like that
18:31 useless-afk isit possible?
18:46 useless-afk 0603 is .031 wide, and four x .031 = .124 , so it should fit in a .200" space, yeas?
18:47 useless-afk even with a .025 space tween them
18:48 eless-afk remembers when these were mounted in cutouts in the pcb : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatpack_%28electronics%29
19:51 eless-afk got blocked from another site for mining, normally they allow 5 urls per week or so, i dl'd 579 megabytes, 32 file, in 4 days, so they caught on and blocked me, 3 minutes later i am downloading a
19:53 useless-afk i think it makes no sense to do the blocking
19:54 useless-afk if everyone in here cooperated in mining, we could download the whole internet, regardless of blocking
20:02 Tom_itx i doubt the mill cutter would hold up
20:02 Tom_itx i've tried milling pcb before and my spindle doesn't spin fast enough
20:02 Tom_itx for those tiny cutters
20:03 useless-afk what if it was 2 or 3 overlapping holes?
20:03 useless-afk the slots should go all the way thru, not be blind holes
20:04 useless-afk no copper
20:04 useless-afk only .020 or so thick
20:15 useless-afk Liquid Robotics Wave Gliders have now logged over 300,000 nautical miles, traveled from the US to Australia (a record for autonomous sea-going robots), and weathered ten hurricanes.
20:16 useless-afk There are over 100 Wave Glider missions in operation worldwide.
20:16 useless-afk SV3 will cost $300,000 to purchase outright—a $125,000 premium over the less capable SV2.
20:16 useless-afk An older 3,000+ robot network, dubbed Argo, recently logged its millionth data point. Where Liquid Robotics gliders gather data from the surface, Argo’s robots dive up to 2,000 meters below the surface to record ocean salinity and temperature. Since deployment, Argo alone has doubled the total ocean data gathered by ship in the 20th century.
20:19 useless-afk If your computer could randomly show you only one finger at a time, why would it know that the third digit is the offensive one?
20:20 useless-afk course, in some ways, the little one is too
20:24 useless-afk Your answer was correct. Please copy and paste the text in this text box into the box below.
20:25 useless-afk there is no box below
20:32 useless-afk
22:25 rue_shop2 ok, so, hmm
22:25 rue_shop2 clear space for a shelf
22:25 rue_shop2 ok
23:48 useless-afk SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9 ?
23:49 rue_house secure shell, whjats the question?
23:50 eless-afk throws an url at rue : http://designerthinking.com/images/hb_12V_10A.png
23:50 useless-afk i couldn't upload a pic to you
23:50 rue_house ok
23:50 rue_house 1k?
23:50 rue_house seems high
23:51 rue_house why are you showing me?
23:51 useless-afk it's a stepper motor drive using mosfets with ttl drivers
23:51 useless-afk forget it, i'll delete it
23:52 rue_house looks like a dc motor?
23:52 useless-afk i dunno, i deleted it
23:52 e_house is, as usual, conf
23:53 useless-afk i thought it was relavant to Jenny, you say i was wrong, i deleted it, didn't want a fight, sorry to bother you
23:53 useless-afk i'm useless
23:54 rue_house no, jenny needs a current cntrolled, tristate driver
23:54 rue_house but thankyou
23:55 useless-afk sorry
23:55 rue_house np, I appreciate your effort
23:57 rue_house I'm running out of good things to get from ebay $1 w/free shiping, buy-it-now
23:57 useless-afk for the record, i wasn't competing with you on that
23:57 rue_house compete?
23:58 rue_house erp I have to go make supper brb
23:58 useless-afk i think the Chiese were using that to get 100 5-stars, and then they raise the prices to something reasonable