#garfield Logs

Apr 04 2013

#garfield Calendar

01:40 any64572945 plang
02:38 any64572945 this Veterans Affairs Administration Inspector General's report that points out that at one VA center, a regional office in Winston-Salem, N.C., had so much paper that it "created an unsafe workspace for (VA) employees and appeared to have the potential to compromise the integrity of the building."
02:38 any64572945 According to the report, the sheer weight of the combined folders actually exceeded the load-bearing capacity of the building itself.
02:38 any64572945 From the IG's report: "We noticed floors bowing under the excess weight to the extent that the tops of file cabinets were noticeably unlevel throughout the storage area."
07:30 y64572945 couldn't sleep, but kept checking the news to see if she'd been killed in a nuclear war
07:32 any64572945 the Cuban missile crisis happened while i was in elementary school, my stepfather was involved, we lived on a mil base, i never knew when i went to school (which was off-base) if i was coming home at the end of the day
08:14 any64572945 wikipedia says : Later that day, at about 3:41 pm EDT, several US Navy RF-8A Crusader aircraft on low-level photoreconnaissance missions were fired upon.
08:15 any64572945 i disagree: the F8's came in slow at tree top level and then hit afterburners as they went over the clearings taking pics, this was so the AA batteries had no chance to arm and fire
08:16 any64572945 but what happened was a mig was in the air, and the F8's hit the cannon buttons, AND hit afterburners, and when supersonic and flew right into the rear of their own bullets which had naturally slowed down
08:17 any64572945 that would have made real embarrassing PR tho, so that was hushed
08:22 jennie http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD00000089.pdf this chip can also do the job if we connect it to PIC ?
08:24 any64572945 well, it has only 2 outputs, your motor has 3 inputs
08:25 any64572945 but it should conect right to the pic if you like
08:29 jennie if i get two of those chips then it will do ?>
08:32 jennie something like this but L6203 instead of l293D ? http://www1.picturepush.com/photo/a/12602879/img/Anonymous/driver2.jpg
08:33 any64572945 two will give you enough outputs, yeas
08:34 any64572945 yeas,, since that schematic is online, maybe the code for the pic is slao?
08:34 any64572945 also?
08:36 jennie http://codepad.org/cOAL58Py
08:44 jennie or this one http://codepad.org/GWLbhXpk
08:49 rue_house jennie, is the voltage on the junction between the 2k pot and the 2k resistor 1.2V?
09:04 jennie y
09:04 jennie ywa
09:04 jennie yes
09:07 jennie rue_house: what about that IC I posted above ? what if I get two of them ?
09:17 rue_house how about we check your circuit before we change it?
09:17 rue_house is the voltage 1.2V?
09:18 rue_house if you take out te micro, and lock the btoom phase on, and one of the top phases on, does the 1R resistor for that phase have 1.2V across it?
09:19 rue_house jennie, (you would need 3 of those chips, the highest current version)
09:26 jennie rue_house : I tested it with LED in place of motor and LED are lighting fine and bright but as soon as I put motor in place of LEd then PIC gives very low current and few pins of PIC stops giving output. I have tested the PIC it is working very fine at all outputs at PIC testing board
09:27 jennie when motor is not connected and only led are running from motor output then battery is at 120mA and when motor is connected then battery is at 28mA
13:21 any64572945 jennie has a 6-wire motor??
18:27 any64572945 so this woman on tv keeps saying some dead guy is "prassless", she says it over and over, and i can't figure out what she meant, and if there was an english word for "prassless"
18:28 any64572945 just like humans can say "four" but not "your", she couldn't say "priceless"
18:45 any64572945 The Navy said in a statement that the officer and crewmembers were relieved because the ship's grounding did not comply with its navigation procedures and accountability standards.
19:18 rue_house any64572945, its a 3 wire motor
20:00 Tom_itx exciting morning yesterday
20:00 Tom_itx got a couple blocks down the road to a parade of cop cars and ambulances
20:00 Tom_itx bank robbery about a mile from me, perp shot dead
20:28 any64572945 so they had a parade, that was nice of them
20:29 y64572945 warns everyone about the lawsuit in Universal Supreme Court over the humans using too many bits in their puters and in youtube, so there's not enough left over for the other intelligent races in other gala
22:44 any64572945 ...
23:43 any64572945 For instance, PVC pipe will lengthen about 1/3 of an inch per 100 feet per 10°F, so a 250-foot-long PVC pipeline would lengthen about 4 1/2 inches with a temperature change from 40°F to 90°F.
23:45 any64572945 and since it was installed in the sun on the roof, the connections break and the conduit funnels the rain into the hotel rooms where it pours out of the retrofitted hvac unit electrical outlets