#garfield Logs

Mar 11 2013

#garfield Calendar

02:56 Lola8088 Hey Kat. :) you there?
20:41 rue_house hey
20:41 rue_house midnight?
20:41 rue_house ugh
21:25 useless-afk 9:12pm here
22:04 rue_house kat, if I may ask without you taking any offence, in what ways are you and Marvin different?
22:05 useless-afk who or what is Marvin?
22:06 rue_shop2 marvin is a key player in the hitchikers guide to the galaxy
22:06 useless-afk i've never played it
22:06 rue_shop2 oh
22:09 useless-afk is it a game i would like to play?
22:13 useless-afk silent treatment again?
22:23 Tom_itx no, just tired
22:23 Tom_itx going to sleep now
22:24 useless-afk gnite
22:48 eless-afk goes away
23:18 rue_house !time
23:18 tobbor My watch says its 09:06PM Mon Mar 11 2013