#garfield Logs

Mar 07 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:57 useless-afk i don't know why i bother seeking out humans to talk to, even on irc, it's obvious i am not worth talking to,, because if i was worth it, i'd be talked to
02:36 rue_bed oh kat
20:44 rue_house Lolina8088, ah the old nickname swaperoo eh?
21:52 Lolina8088 rue_house, yeah... I am not intirely sure as to how that happend...
21:56 rue_house :)
21:57 Lolina8088 Bathtime for kiddies
21:58 Tom_itx o goodie
21:58 Lolina8088 Tom_itx, you know it.
21:58 Lolina8088 heh hehhehe
22:49 rue_shop2 throwing non-beach wood in now to try to get it to go
23:51 rue_shop2 !assist tutorials
23:51 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials