#garfield Logs

Mar 02 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:38 tsmeow-afk goes to
06:23 rue_bed sorry katsmeow-afk I forgot to scroll down again
12:24 rue_shop2 katsmeow-afk, good morning
14:09 rue_shop2 Lola8088, morning
14:13 Lola8088 I'm roller skating!
14:14 Lola8088 I havn't been on rollers skates in two years!
14:38 rue_house :)
14:44 rue_house !! recycling!
14:45 rue_house youtube is distracting me!
14:48 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tAz5YDFtAs these videos you can skip a few mins at a time and not miss anything
15:49 Lola8088 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESO9w-rogPE&feature=player_embedded
15:50 Lola8088 youtube is evil.
16:56 rue_house heh
17:10 rue_house Lola8088, AHA!
17:10 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aRQOQQboZc
17:10 rue_house totally!
17:14 Lola8088 what time is the thing
17:14 rue_house 5:30
17:14 Lola8088 at the place?
17:14 rue_house yup
17:15 Lola8088 perfect
17:15 Lola8088 we'll meet you there?
17:15 rue_house what do you think of there cutter
17:15 rue_house sounds good
17:16 rue_house their...
17:16 Lola8088 Susy just tried to tell me she's going to give me half of all her sales until we're paid off.
17:16 Lola8088 :/
17:16 Lola8088 in 2056
17:16 rue_house uhhh...
17:17 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A54H8rkW3Xs&feature=endscreen&NR=1 < about 19 mins in, there is another one
17:18 Lola8088 video currently unavailable
17:18 rue_house ?
17:18 rue_house both of them?>
17:18 Lola8088 er first onr
17:18 rue_house oh
17:20 Lola8088 yeah... thats the one i was talking about
17:24 rue_shop2 that would be easy
17:24 Lola8088 seriously?
17:24 rue_shop2 a video from china, they grind up the soap and squeeze it into a continious strip, they have a chopper blade that cuts it up as it goes along
17:24 rue_shop2 yea
17:24 rue_shop2 ask kat :)
17:26 Lola8088 :D
17:26 Lola8088 kay... lemme show you somethin
17:27 Lola8088 S$&T. All my soapmaking digital was on the laptop that got stolen.
17:29 rue_shop2 :/
17:34 Lola8088 i'll have to find it later
17:34 Lola8088 argh. digital. argh.
17:37 rue_shop2 :)
17:45 Tom_itx delivery guy got stuck in the mud
17:45 Tom_itx he's running late
17:45 Tom_itx dammit!
18:04 rue_shop2 your roads are worse that ours
18:04 rue_shop2 oh Tom_itx I meant to ask if you know if the economy is collapsing
18:47 Tom_itx they didn't agree so i believe they are all locked in a room until they can agree
18:47 Tom_itx and yes it is collapsing
18:48 Tom_itx you go to any store now and the shelves are all 'fronted' with little stock behind them
18:48 Tom_itx the clothes stores have spaced their racks much further apart now with alot less stock
18:49 Tom_itx and the public is believing that things are better
18:59 rue_shop2 as they do when a shelf is well faced
19:22 Tom_itx well at least i got the whole of the electrical out of the washer
19:23 katsmeow-afk you can tell when Walmart is out of stuff, like food, and anything they do have is noticeably smaller content
19:23 Tom_itx i wanna be able to check the signal to the motor driver on a scope or LA
19:23 Tom_itx they said their sales were down
19:23 tsmeow-afk found her two dip40 z
19:24 katsmeow-afk yeas, i saw told everyone spent their tax refund last month
19:24 katsmeow-afk refunds were down
19:24 Tom_itx alot
19:25 katsmeow-afk i don't have enough money to file taxes
19:25 Tom_itx i won't if this keeps up
19:25 katsmeow-afk i did note this month, instead of a direct deposit of money, i got a "intent of forthcoming deposit"
19:26 Tom_itx they will likely hold refunds too
19:26 Lola8088 wholly crap you guys.
19:27 Tom_itx yeas?
19:27 rue_house katsmeow-afk, tell Lola8088 about florida!
19:28 Lola8088 i don't want to know.
19:28 katsmeow-afk what part of Fla ?
19:28 Lola8088 I read Fark, they have a whole Florida tag.
19:29 katsmeow-afk ?
19:29 Lola8088 www.fark.com
19:29 tsmeow-afk is there, didn't know of the
19:31 tsmeow-afk does a search for florida there, since there's still no tags sho
19:31 rue_house Lola8088, they were tearing siding off trailers for moneies
19:32 Lola8088 Small gifs located between headline and sorce image.
19:32 katsmeow-afk oh, the topics
19:33 rue_house Lola8088, meet you there!
19:33 Lola8088 outside
19:33 katsmeow-afk where?
19:41 katsmeow-afk wow@Florida on fark
21:11 katsmeow-afk COWs need tests. COWs need a test suite to ensure that they expose properties as per our specification (see bug 518991).
21:14 tsmeow-afk had not thought of cows that
22:02 rue_house ok
22:14 Tom_itx mmm
22:14 Tom_itx laundry marathon has begun
22:19 katsmeow http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21640347
22:21 katsmeow and
22:21 katsmeow A four-legged robot called BigDog now sports an arm powerful enough to lift and throw breeze blocks.