#garfield Logs

Feb 20 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:00 rue_house sure
00:00 sstupid :-/
00:00 sstupid k
00:00 rue_house .def D = r19 ; nickname register 19 as 'D'
00:01 sstupid k
00:01 rue_house .cseg ; code segment
00:01 sstupid k
00:01 rue_house .org 0x000
00:02 sstupid k
00:02 rue_house rjmp init ; reset vector
00:03 sstupid k
00:04 rue_house .org 0x000A ; dont know how many interrupt vectors the 4414 has, but this should be after all of them
00:04 sstupid k
00:05 rue_house init:
00:05 sstupid k
00:05 rue_house ; Set up stack
00:05 sstupid why are you giving me one line ata time instead of the whole file?
00:06 rue_house I'm writing as I go :) I'm heavily modifying what I can find
00:06 sstupid o
00:08 rue_house ldi A, low(RAMEND) ; load low address of ram to A register
00:08 sstupid k
00:09 rue_house out SPL, A ; set stack pointer to top of ram
00:09 sstupid k
00:09 rue_house cli ; disable interrupts
00:09 sstupid this saved to the wrong dir
00:09 sstupid k
00:10 rue_house if its saved, we can change that later
00:10 sstupid i changed it
00:11 rue_house ; set default state of IO port B
00:11 sstupid k
00:12 sstupid i haveto drill 864 holes by hand cause i have no pcb driller
00:12 rue_house ldi A, $00
00:12 rue_house you cant use the verobaord?
00:13 sstupid not for the completed project, that would be 864 hand wirig to do
00:13 sstupid k
00:14 rue_house out PORTB, A
00:14 sstupid and, since i can't have plated thru holes, i need to use double side, at least on the outside layers, to solder both sides
00:14 sstupid k
00:14 rue_house sandwhich two veroboards togethor? :)
00:15 rue_house ; set default directions of port B to all output
00:15 sstupid going to sammich 9 .008 pcb together
00:15 sstupid k
00:15 sstupid unless, of course, everything i do is all wrong again?
00:15 sstupid .. Midnight, start of Wednesday 2/20/2013 ..
00:16 rue_house ldi A, $FF
00:16 rue_house I dont think your wrong kat
00:16 sstupid even with a drill press, i dunno how i will slot these, ~96 slots
00:16 rue_house 9 boards, might want to use wire wrap sockets :)
00:17 rue_house ooo slots...
00:17 sstupid k
00:17 sstupid i am not using any sockets
00:17 rue_house oh
00:17 rue_house out DDRB, A
00:18 sstupid k
00:18 rue_house MainLoup:
00:18 sstupid MainLoup: ?
00:19 rue_house I avoid 'loop' in asm, beacuse its an instruction on some processors
00:19 sstupid k
00:20 rue_house ; clear all bits of port B
00:20 sstupid k
00:20 rue_house ldi A, $00
00:21 sstupid k
00:21 rue_house out PORTB, A
00:22 sstupid k
00:22 rue_house rcall wait ; do a bunch of nothing
00:22 sstupid k
00:22 rue_house ; turn on all bits of port B
00:23 sstupid k
00:23 rue_house ldi A, $FF
00:23 sstupid k
00:23 rue_house out PORTB, A
00:23 sstupid "wait undefined"
00:23 rue_house we will define later
00:23 sstupid k
00:24 rue_house rcall wait ; do more nothing
00:24 sstupid isn't "ldi" = load indirect? aren't you loading directly?
00:24 rue_house uh
00:25 rue_house its... LoaD Immediate
00:26 sstupid ok
00:26 rue_house rjmp MainLoup ; repeat for a while
00:27 sstupid k
00:27 rue_house I think your right for the z80
00:27 rue_house wait:
00:28 sstupid k
00:28 rue_house ldi B, 1
00:28 rue_house only the hex numbers are prefixed with $
00:28 sstupid k
00:29 rue_house d1:
00:29 sstupid k
00:29 rue_house ldi C, 200
00:29 sstupid k
00:29 rue_house d2:
00:30 sstupid k
00:30 rue_house ldi D, 200
00:30 sstupid k
00:31 rue_house d3:
00:31 sstupid k
00:31 rue_house dec D ; decrement D register
00:32 sstupid k
00:32 rue_house brne d3 ; branch if last op result wasn't 0
00:33 sstupid k , brb, ggt
00:35 sstupid you quit?
00:35 rue_house dec C ; decrement C register
00:35 rue_house I thought I was waiting
00:36 sstupid you can type when i am afk!
00:36 sstupid at least, i can type when you are afk
00:36 sstupid so i assume you can
00:36 rue_house brne d2 ; branch to d2 last op result wasn't 0
00:36 sstupid k
00:37 sstupid these avr do not have a sleep command?
00:37 rue_house no
00:38 sstupid or something silly, like,,, "sleep(1)" = "set clock to 1 hz, set clock to 8Mhz"
00:38 rue_house dec B ; decrement B register
00:38 sstupid at the end of the next 1hz clock, one sec has gone by
00:38 sstupid k
00:38 rue_house brne d1 ; if decrementing B didn't cause 0, jump to d1
00:39 sstupid k
00:39 rue_house ret ; return
00:39 sstupid k
00:39 rue_house thats all the code
00:39 sstupid k
00:39 rue_house can you find an assemble button?
00:40 rue_house I was converned for a min there you just set up a drinking bird on your keyboard :)
00:41 sstupid no assemble button
00:41 rue_house huh, I wonder what we do with it
00:41 sstupid afaik, studio doesn't assemble, and doesn't do 4414's?
00:41 rue_house they all assemble, only some do C
00:42 rue_house I suspect nobody got rid of the 4414 stuff from studio
00:43 sstupid i dunno what to do with this now
00:43 rue_house I dont either
00:43 rue_house do the icons have popup text?
00:44 sstupid yeas
00:44 rue_house any of them say assemble?
00:44 sstupid nope
00:44 rue_house huh
00:45 rue_house in some programs, you have to start a project
00:45 rue_house is that saved where your sure you could find it if you didn't know you'd ever written it?
00:45 sstupid there's a "run" icon, but it's grey'd out
00:45 sstupid yeas
00:46 rue_house ok, is there any menus there that reffer to a 'project' ?
00:46 sstupid yeas
00:46 rue_house anything about creating a new one?
00:47 sstupid trying to
00:47 rue_house ok
00:47 rue_house if we cant get it, tom can prolly help you tommorow, I'm on linux, I cant even run studio
00:48 sstupid i cannot select AVR Dragon and 4414 at the same time, selecting one greys out the other
00:48 rue_house ok, try the STK200 programmer
00:48 rue_house we just want to know if the asm will compile
00:48 sstupid not am option
00:48 sstupid there's avr simulator
00:49 rue_house STK500?
00:49 sstupid no
00:49 rue_house ok, simulator is fine
00:49 sstupid "Period in project name is not supported"
00:49 rue_house WTF?
00:50 rue_house give it a plain name and see what it does iwt it?
00:51 sstupid Loaded plugin STK500
00:51 sstupid Loaded plugin Atmel AVR Assembler
00:51 sstupid Loaded partfile: C:\AVR\PartDescriptionFiles\AT90S4414.xml
00:51 sstupid AvrAssembler: Please add entry file to project
00:51 rue_house give it the asm one we just wrote!
00:51 sstupid i did
00:51 rue_house oh
00:51 rue_house will it assemble it?
00:52 sstupid Loaded plugin STK500
00:52 sstupid Loaded plugin Atmel AVR Assembler
00:52 sstupid Loaded partfile: C:\AVR\PartDescriptionFiles\AT90S4414.xml
00:52 sstupid AvrAssembler: Please add entry file to project
00:52 rue_house little bugger
00:52 rue_house I wonder what an entry file is
00:53 rue_house ok I found an instruction for studio
00:53 rue_house you said new project, and then selected atmel avr assembler right?
00:53 sstupid no
00:53 rue_house was "create initial file" and "create folder" checked?
00:53 rue_house no?
00:54 rue_house did it ask?
00:54 sstupid no, no
00:54 sstupid yeas
00:54 rue_house http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~cs684/Firebird_resources/FireBird-3/Software%20and%20hardware%20documentation/Using_AVR_Studio.pdf
00:54 rue_house did it look at all like that
00:54 sstupid fuck
00:54 rue_house top of page 2, you would select atmel avr assembler
00:54 rue_house ? whats up?
00:59 sstupid Build started 20.2.2013 at 00:46:52
00:59 sstupid avr-gcc -mmcu=at90s4414 -Wall -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -MD -MP -MT fuckingflash.o -MF dep/fuckingflash.o.d -c ../fuckingflash.c
00:59 sstupid ../fuckingflash.c:1: error: expected identifier or '(' before '.' token
00:59 sstupid ../fuckingflash.c:2: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'register'
00:59 sstupid ../fuckingflash.c:3: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'register'
00:59 sstupid ../fuckingfla
01:00 rue_house aha, it thinks its a C project
01:00 rue_house this is good, it means you have a C compiler on your machine
01:00 rue_house but we want an assembler project :)
01:00 sstupid you said i had to select a c compiler, so i did
01:00 rue_house I did?
01:00 rue_house I'm sorry, long day,
01:00 sstupid you said to follow that pdf, so i did
01:01 rue_house nono
01:01 rue_house not follow that pdf
01:01 rue_house it has a picture on page 2 that shows there is an option to click assembler project
01:01 rue_house they use C for theirs
01:01 sstupid told ya this would happen
01:01 rue_house this is kinda cool if you want to code in C, you can
01:02 rue_house I personally think your more comfortable in asm, but you have never really said one way or the other that I'v noticed
01:03 sstupid AVRASM: AVR macro assembler 2.1.42 (build 1796 Sep 15 2009 10:48:36)
01:03 sstupid Copyright (C) 1995-2009 ATMEL Corporation
01:03 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damnedflasher.asm(12): error: Undefined symbol: RAMEND
01:03 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damnedflasher.asm(13): error: Undefined symbol: SPL
01:03 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damnedflasher.asm(17): error: Undefined symbol: PORTB
01:03 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damnedflasher.asm(20): error: Undefined symbol: DDRB
01:03 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damn
01:03 rue_house COOL
01:03 sstupid glad you are so happy, it does not work, gnite
01:03 sstupid :-(
01:03 rue_house ok, so when I said .device 90S4414, it dosn't understand .device
01:03 rue_house try this
01:03 rue_house hold on...
01:04 rue_house I'm watching a youtube video with a really bad indian speaker
01:04 sstupid yu buy speakers from india?
01:04 rue_house replace the .device line with
01:04 rue_house .include "90S4414def.inc"
01:05 rue_house I THINK thats the equiv of my device line but for studio
01:05 sstupid AVRASM: AVR macro assembler 2.1.42 (build 1796 Sep 15 2009 10:48:36)
01:05 sstupid Copyright (C) 1995-2009 ATMEL Corporation
01:05 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damnedflasher.asm(1): error: Cannot find include file: 90S4414def.inc
01:05 sstupid Assembly failed, 1 errors, 0 warnings
01:05 rue_house oh rrrly
01:05 rue_house their a pain in the ass to write, please wait a minute
01:06 sstupid C:\AVR\Partdescriptionfiles\AT90S4414.xml
01:06 sstupid <?xml version="1.0"?>
01:06 sstupid <AVRPART>
01:06 sstupid <ADMIN>
01:06 sstupid <PART_NAME>AT90S4414</PART_NAME>
01:06 sstupid <SPEED>8MHZ</SPEED>
01:06 sstupid <BUILD>203</BUILD>
01:06 sstupid <SIGNATURE>
01:06 sstupid <ADDR000>$1E</ADDR000>
01:07 rue_house nope, wrong format, hold on
01:07 rue_house ok change the include line too...
01:07 rue_house .include "90S8515def.inc"
01:08 rue_house apparently the two chips are almost COMPLETELY identicle
01:08 sstupid AVRASM: AVR macro assembler 2.1.42 (build 1796 Sep 15 2009 10:48:36)
01:08 sstupid Copyright (C) 1995-2009 ATMEL Corporation
01:08 sstupid C:\AVR\programs\4414\damnedflasher\damnedflasher.asm(1): error: Cannot find include file: 90S8515def.inc
01:08 sstupid Assembly failed, 1 errors, 0 warnings
01:08 rue_house rrrrryl
01:08 rue_house hey, look at is this way, we only have _1_ error!
01:09 rue_house can you look for *def.inc on your machine? maybe you can find a list...
01:09 sstupid all i find are .xml
01:10 rue_house there will be .inc files somewhere
01:10 sstupid C:\AVR\AvrAssembler\Appnotes\4414def.inc
01:10 rue_house yes!, lets try that!
01:10 rue_house .include "4414def.inc"
01:12 sstupid umm, it spit out a pile of stuff, said it copiled, i don't see any blinking lites, says "auto Stopped" ?
01:13 sstupid yellow arrow at rjmp init ; reset vector
01:15 rue_house this sounds good
01:15 rue_house if you can find the projects folder, look for a .hex or .ihx file ?
01:16 sstupid damnedflasher.hex
01:16 sstupid and .aps, .asm,. map..obj
01:16 rue_house it sounds like the emulator is 'running' the program, waiting for you to press a single step button, your free to play with it as you like ofcourse, but I would say out primary mission is complete
01:17 rue_house yes, they like to make a mess of files
01:17 sstupid but it isn't doing anything
01:17 rue_house there is a big yellow arrow?
01:17 sstupid yellow arrow at rjmp init ; reset vector
01:17 rue_house that the instruction pointer of the simulator
01:18 sstupid so?
01:18 rue_house but to get there it assembled it
01:18 rue_house so we have assembled the source successfully (the resulting .hex file)
01:19 sstupid k
01:19 rue_house I suspect there is a way to *just* assmble it, but I dont have a clue how
01:19 rue_house congradulations kat!
01:20 rue_house were you able to obtain a breadboard?
01:20 sstupid i dunno what i did, it didn't DO anything, and i don';t kow what to do with it
01:20 sstupid and i need to goto bed
01:20 rue_house ok, sleep well, good work
01:20 sstupid [09:52] <katsmeow-afk> .. 4 pm Monday 2/11/2013 ..
01:20 sstupid [09:52] <katsmeow-afk> [16:06] * katsmeow now has a solderless breadboard thingy as rue requested
01:20 sstupid .. 10 am Tuesday 2/19/2013 ..
01:21 sstupid so yeas, it arrived 9 days ago
01:21 rue_house one day we can wire it up and apply your new program to it ;)
01:21 rue_house !thislog
01:21 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23garfield-2013-02-20.html
01:21 sstupid k
01:21 sstupid gnite
01:21 rue_house was that during my internet outage?!?
01:22 Lola8088 How did your internet stop?
01:22 rue_house it just did, I woke up and it was gone
01:23 rue_house the modem was sitting in the closet panicing
01:23 Lola8088 how long did it last?
01:23 rue_house by morning it was fine
01:23 rue_house well, by reasonable morning it was fine
01:23 rue_house katsmeow-afk, I see that now, not sure how I missed it
01:23 rue_house right before I asked about the R clip
01:24 rue_house ok I'm going to bed!
01:24 Lola8088 Okie Dokie... night night.
01:25 rue_bed goodnight
12:25 Tom_itx bama gettin rain or snow?
12:25 Tom_itx ms afk...
12:29 katsmeow-afk rain, but nothing atm
12:29 Tom_itx radar looked like you might be
12:29 Tom_itx about 3" snow here
12:30 Tom_itx maybe a bit more
12:30 katsmeow-afk depends on the radar, local radar says noting, intellicast says rain
12:34 katsmeow-afk they say it snowed the other day, i missed it
12:34 katsmeow-afk most snow has not dropped below the Tn line here
12:35 Tom_itx you probably don't get alot do you?
12:36 katsmeow-afk not usually, tho we have had temps that didn't get above freezing for a week, and as much as 2ft of winddrifts
12:36 katsmeow-afk over the border in Ga, same amount of southness, the lake froze 6 - 8 inches thick one winter
19:07 rue_house katsmeow-afk, are you feeling well enough to breadboard an avr? shall we do it later?
19:07 rue_house then again it sounds like this evening is full
19:07 rue_house I have 5 mins to rest, then I have to re-assmble the truck
20:11 katsmeow-afk <tv> so pick up a 328 Icy Dan now...
20:11 katsmeow-afk <me> parse error, huh?
20:11 katsmeow-afk <tv> 328i Sedan
20:11 katsmeow-afk <me> oh
20:13 katsmeow-afk why am i awake 15 minutes, then drowsy 15 minutes, then dead asleep 15 minutes, then drowsey 15 minutes, then awake 15 minutes, then drowsy 15 minutes, then dead asleep 15 minutes, then drowsey 15 minutes, then awake 15 minutes, then drowsy 15 minutes, then dead asleep 15 minutes, then drowsey 15 minutes, then awake 15 minutes, then drowsy 15 minutes, then dead asleep 15 minutes, then drowsey 15 minutes, then awake 15 minutes?
20:31 katsmeow-afk 40 icd fc-20 for $19.80 , or 20 assembled idc 20 cables for $19.98 , meaning i would save under 1 cent each cable if i used my own wire and assembled them myself
20:32 katsmeow-afk Tom, where's the best place to get the idc ribbon wire headers for 20 (10x2) conductors?
20:32 Tom_itx i got my 10 cond local
20:32 Tom_itx i dunno for sure
20:33 Tom_itx what about ebay?
20:33 Tom_itx i got pc mount idc from mouser
20:33 katsmeow-afk seems to be a language barrier, i get more sparkplug cable results than anything else
20:34 Tom_itx you want pc mount or plug?
20:34 katsmeow-afk idc = insulation displacement connector, = mash onto ribbon cable
20:34 Tom_itx yes
20:34 katsmeow-afk i finally got decent results after 2 days with this : http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=idc+header+female+20+pin&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=idc+header+female+%2220+pin%22+%2220+pcs%22&_sacat=0
20:35 katsmeow-afk which is how i discovered for 20 cables, i am betetr off buying them alreadu built :-/
20:36 katsmeow-afk or i use the 2x12 cables i have 300+ of from cable boxes, butthat makes a bigger pcb
20:36 Tom_itx mmm my server is down
20:36 katsmeow-afk bigger pcb can cost more than the $20 for buying new 2x10 :-/
20:37 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/new_kits/USBTinyMkII_blue_full_kit_desc.jpg
20:38 Tom_itx i meant pc like the one on the 12v recovery board
20:38 katsmeow-afk well, i have a separate question then: i am repeated laughed at n places for all my puter video being svga, which is far higher res than i can see text and very available on any surplus spot for cheap,,, but if i wanted to be less laughed at, would i use dvi or hdmi to read by?
20:39 Tom_itx beats the hell outta me :)
20:39 Tom_itx i'm not up to speed on that stuff
20:40 katsmeow-afk the header-to-header cable that is not attached to any pcb
20:41 Tom_itx i got all those from mouser except the black ones you pointed me to off ebay
20:41 Tom_itx which work great but the plastic is cheaper
20:41 katsmeow-afk buying enough of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-x-2-54mm-Pitch-Dual-Row-20-Pins-IDC-Socket-Connector-Female-Header-Gray-/230918722651 to make jumpers like http://www.ebay.com/itm/20pcs-8-20pin-IDC-Flat-Ribbon-Cable-wire-for-ISP-JTAG-/300847380319 would cost more than buying the cables already built
20:42 katsmeow-afk or, like i said, i do the 2x12 headers i have, which is gonna add to the pcb sizes
20:42 tsmeow-afk frets over the
20:42 Tom_itx hard choices sometimes
20:43 katsmeow-afk yeas, especially if it's $20 to the cost of the item if i can sell it at all
20:44 katsmeow-afk for myself, i'll prolly glue more pcb togther and use what i have, but that's not really building the sell-able prototype then
20:48 katsmeow-afk rue made my do a .asm program last nite, Studio may or may not have said it runs in a "simulator1" , but i cannot tell, how do i know?
20:48 Tom_itx depends what part it is
20:48 Tom_itx it's either 1 or 2
20:48 katsmeow-afk no, it's a 4414
20:48 Tom_itx if you see the part in the list you have the right one
20:49 Tom_itx oh
20:49 Tom_itx i doubt studio supports that
20:49 Tom_itx you could try the 8515
20:49 katsmeow-afk it was a selectable item from the menu
20:49 Tom_itx it's compatible
20:49 Tom_itx no idea on that
20:49 Tom_itx the 4414 was in the list?
20:49 katsmeow-afk i just gave you the idea, Studio had it on the menu i said
20:50 katsmeow-afk and Studio said it ran with no error, but i saw no blinking lite, and it was supposed to be a bliny lite .asm
20:50 Tom_itx sim2 has it blacked out
20:51 katsmeow-afk good thing i didn't try sim2 then
20:51 Tom_itx ahh there it is
20:51 Tom_itx sry
20:51 Tom_itx sim1
20:52 Tom_itx can you single step and see the port pin change?
20:52 katsmeow-afk no, i see no single step option, and see no port pins
20:52 Tom_itx f11
20:52 Tom_itx step into
20:52 Tom_itx or on the menu icons
20:53 Tom_itx i don't have a project to load so i can't follow very far
20:53 katsmeow-afk how do you start the code running so you can step?
20:54 katsmeow-afk all i see if "build and run"
20:54 Tom_itx the > arrow
20:54 Tom_itx start debugging
20:54 katsmeow-afk where?
20:55 katsmeow-afk "assemble and run (F7) " ?
20:56 Tom_itx try that
20:56 katsmeow-afk Assembly complete, 0 errors. 0 warnings
20:56 Tom_itx or assemble
20:56 Tom_itx then debug
20:56 katsmeow-afk and NOTHING happened
20:56 Tom_itx yeah, build and run
20:56 Tom_itx starts the debugger
20:57 Tom_itx then you need to either single step or run it
20:57 Tom_itx the top bar icons light up when you build and run
20:57 Tom_itx right?
20:57 Tom_itx on the right side
20:57 Tom_itx F5
20:57 Tom_itx run
20:57 Tom_itx F11 step into
20:57 katsmeow-afk umm, i clicked "debug" , got a yellow arrow, now what?
20:58 Tom_itx next one over is single step
20:58 katsmeow-afk F11 makes it move
20:58 Tom_itx i believe
20:58 Tom_itx that's single step
20:58 Tom_itx F5 should run it
20:58 Tom_itx mouse over the icons to find the hotkeys
20:59 Tom_itx i don't use it alot to have it memorized
21:00 Tom_itx open up the port in the right window
21:00 Tom_itx to view the values
21:00 katsmeow-afk F10 is supposed to be "step over", but it isn't, i haveto follow each no-nothing loop 200 times?
21:01 Tom_itx once you're in it probably
21:01 katsmeow-afk i'll wear out the F11 button :-/
21:01 Tom_itx in the IO window click on the left icon to see the bit values
21:01 katsmeow-afk what does it mean : AVR Simulator: Stack pointer below start of RAM
21:01 katsmeow-afk ?
21:02 Tom_itx umm that may be a rue question
21:02 Tom_itx but it may be out of bounds
21:05 katsmeow-afk it won't step over the wait routine
21:05 katsmeow-afk so i never see it goto the next instruction
21:06 Tom_itx F10 steps over my delay loop
21:06 Tom_itx and the regs change
21:06 Tom_itx i found a blinky c to try
21:06 katsmeow-afk this is SOOOOO not the compiler/decompiler/debugger in Turbo Pascal or Euphoria
21:07 katsmeow-afk AVR Simulator: Invalid opcode 0xffff at address 0x000002
21:07 katsmeow-afk AVR Simulator: Uninitialized stack pointer used at 0x0013
21:07 Tom_itx no
21:07 Tom_itx is this asm rue did?
21:07 katsmeow-afk yeas
21:08 Tom_itx maybe he didn't get stuff initialized right
21:08 Tom_itx for the part
21:08 katsmeow-afk which opcode is at 0x0013 ? there's no line numbers here
21:09 Tom_itx i'm not much help here
21:10 tsmeow-afk comments out the rjmp w
21:12 katsmeow-afk ok, with no waste time calls to rjmp wait, it toggles the PORTB blocks and the main program loops
21:12 katsmeow-afk with rjumps, it never toggles the blocks
21:13 katsmeow-afk there's no stackcalls, i dunno why it is complaining about stack
21:15 tsmeow-afk thinks it would save power with a wake-on-timer
21:27 katsmeow-afk ooookkkk,,,, on a 2U rackmount, i can put 16 [db15-vga + ps2 + ps2] *puts, and 6 [db15-vga + ps2 + ps2] *puts , and no room for the 120vac cord or fuse :-/
21:30 katsmeow-afk i could grind down the solderside with belt sander after soldering, i spose
21:45 katsmeow-afk it's just too wide, my biggest pcb in .008 is 8x10
21:48 katsmeow-afk 10 wide is 100 tenths, subtracting 5 tents, i have space for 4 sets of 22 pins (or 3 set of 22 and 2 set of 2x10)
21:49 katsmeow-afk if i use my 2x12, i cannot use the pcb, or i haveto loose how many active pins, wasting even more of the 2x12
21:57 katsmeow-afk sheesh this is a lot of wiring
22:27 tsmeow-afk holds up a pcb for Tom to look at, with over half the pcb covered *on both sides* with header
22:39 Tom_itx heh
22:39 Tom_itx gnite kat
22:43 katsmeow-afk gnites Tom
22:43 katsmeow-afk don't forget the pepto