#garfield Logs

Feb 09 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:03 rue_house oh the 6 pin avrs?
00:03 useless2 no
00:03 rue_house I havn't tried them yet
00:03 useless2 the dragon isp header is 2x3
00:04 useless2 i'd need to patch in the pwr-gnd header, which can be 2x1, and then i'd need a 2x3 or a 2x4 header on the project boards for ISP
00:04 useless2 or, i program them on my carrier and forget about buying more cables
00:06 useless2 ok, it's too late to make noise, my brain shuts off in 8 minutes, i'd hate for that to happen with power tools running
00:07 useless2 but i need to shut off the lites
00:07 useless2 brb
00:13 rue_shop2 kat, do you think I can use a sift to sort screws?
00:17 rue_shop2 ok rue, pcf8574, what ARE these?
00:18 rue_shop2 8 bit io expander
00:20 rue_shop2 ooo its quasidirectional! :)
00:20 rue_shop2 its an input-tollerant output :)
00:22 rue_shop2 ok I have code here to operate a 7 segment shift register adc, and its completely obsolete,
00:22 rue_shop2 but its gonna be damn usefull code
00:22 useless2 i think you should use your robot arm to sort screws, isolate each screw, then with a camera determine it's length and width
00:23 rue_shop2 I told my roommate to file a claim for his work injury or move out
00:23 rue_shop2 and I think he moved out
00:23 useless2 oh
00:23 rue_shop2 kat, I'm no good at the opencv stuff
00:23 useless2 didn't that happen before?
00:23 rue_shop2 no
00:23 rue_shop2 I told them to pay rent or get out
00:23 useless2 what's opencv got to do with anything?
00:24 rue_shop2 object regognition
00:24 rue_shop2 I dont know what opencv actually does tho
00:24 useless2 you do not need to recognise it, just count pixels from the time the background isn't visable until it is again
00:24 useless2 heck, i did it with a C64 ~1984, surely you can do it
00:25 rue_shop2 I couldn't make a program find a perfect red line on a perfect black background when I wasy trying to make my 3d scanner
00:26 useless2 red on black isn't so easy, use contrasting colors with good lite
00:26 rue_shop2 and so I have all the hardware sitting on a shelf, the turntable, laser line, and camera
00:26 useless2 like red vs green
00:26 rue_shop2 were talking computer rendered, 255, 0, 0 against 0,0,0
00:27 useless2 255,0,0 is easier against 0,255,0
00:28 useless2 anyhoo, i set registers to count the hline, and then i counted pixel clock till something, then counted pixel clock till it wasn't any more, and the C64 read the counters
00:29 useless2 as a side effect, i output pixels from the couters, so the area the C64 looked at could be seen on the ntsc monitors
00:30 useless2 iirc, the entire circ lived on a 2x3 inch pcb
00:30 useless2 might i have been 3x4, i forget
00:30 useless2 prolly the 2x3, it was just wide enough for 2 dip20 across it
00:32 useless2 74LS688's, 74LS163(?)'s, various other things, used a series string of 74LS04 as a phase alignment timeshifter
00:32 useless2 OP27 to convert the analog to 1bit digital
00:49 useless2 http://www.inews.gr/155/Kyllini-ekleise-to-limani--vrikan-narki.htm
00:49 useless2 Remains closed for hours Kyllini port, and reportedly found a mine in the sea. This time divers attempting to spot. According to information from the ships lines Kefalonia - Zakynthos Kyllini Kyllini remain competent.
00:49 useless2 Outside the harbor, two ambulances, vehicle fire and dozens of cars and trucks waiting for departure. This is the old mine which had been identified and is currently trying turned off.
00:54 useless2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MNi3TMQitjg#!
00:58 rue_shop2 not saying anything, but know how ball lightning works?
00:59 eless2
01:00 useless2 so 2313 to get more descrete handshake lines is not a good idea?
01:01 useless2 hmm, 25 optos at 10ma each is less than 300ma for the whole project
01:02 useless2 they shouldn't ever all be on at the same time anyhow
01:05 eless2 heads to
01:40 rue_shop2 kat, I'm trying to merge our project goals
03:04 rue_shop2 kat, I successfully have scaling to 10 and scaling to 14 working
08:42 Tom_itx kat, wire your power with a dpdt then you can save a socket
08:42 Tom_itx unless you feel that might be too risky
09:34 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3Ad6tBdLbM
09:34 Tom_itx definition of 'paper thin'
09:43 Tom_itx http://www.123dapp.com/makeit/about
11:13 rue_house iiinteresting
11:14 Tom_itx got ALL the data sheets and app notes now
11:14 rue_house 'buy our software, we arranged how to get your stuff made'
11:17 Tom_itx i just get tired of having to go get one every so often
11:18 Tom_itx http://www.atmel.no/techlib/
13:42 useless2 ah, winrar extracts from the iso
13:44 useless2 sheesh, too easy, in the olden days i had to mine the whole site, often along with mouser and other sites to pick up chips atmel dropped and no longer documented
13:46 useless2 such as the 4414
13:55 useless2 or the ATSHA204
13:57 useless2 it's a 22.7 Gbyte directory, and is still missing stuff :-/
14:12 eless2 pats Tiggr on her warm fuzzy head full of 10 and 15 yr old downl
14:35 zhanx ok *most* my garden is in seed trays now
14:36 zhanx I have 4 - 6x12 for 72 cell starter trays.
14:38 eless2 reads "Measurements of Blast Waves From Bursting Frangible Spheres Pressurized With Flash-Evaporating Vapor or Liq
14:40 useless2 aka "what happens of you rip open a 3000psi O2 bottle in a compact car with the doors and windows closed"
14:41 zhanx umm depends on size of side bottle and its mounting features
14:42 useless2 a 4ft tall bottle so opened will peel the car wide open and likely fragment it
14:43 zhanx if done right can propel said car
14:44 useless2 yeas, but that isn't as i described the situation
14:44 zhanx true
14:44 zhanx i woke up and i got lots of bruises today. fun
14:44 useless2 basically, the results resemble a missile strike, but without the heat damage
14:44 zhanx cool
14:45 zhanx that i want to see
14:45 zhanx but not close up
14:45 useless2 i got pics somewhere, but not movies
14:46 useless2 in one case, the car was in two pieces, and anything not metal was simply missing
14:46 zhanx is it bad that i made a tracker for my garden, that even has a Julian date lookup function to spit out days that i will be needing to use y grow lights?
14:46 zhanx wow thats got to be cool
14:46 zhanx i happen to like to watch things blow up or something like that
14:48 useless2 there's diy thermobarics on youtube, if DHS hasn't removed them
14:49 useless2 like the usa MOAB
14:49 useless2 or the russian FOAB
14:51 zhanx ok be back in a few hours. need to get some work done
14:51 useless2 me 2
16:44 Tom_itx get your data sheets finally?
18:11 rue_shop2 I picked up a bunch of hardwood flooring while at the dump
18:11 rue_shop2 it burns HOT
18:17 rue_shop2 kat, I just have to work out the external adc
18:17 rue_shop2 witht eh simplifications, it could be done with a tiny13 now
18:17 rue_shop2 in asm
18:46 rue_shop2 I need an input expander, should I use '165 or a.. '154?
18:48 rue_shop2 150, I'm losing it
18:50 Tom_itx there was one...
18:50 Tom_itx wait, i think it was out
18:50 Tom_itx what did we use on the 68hc11...
18:51 Tom_itx i think i still got boards for it maybe..
18:52 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/old_misc_files/image012.jpg
18:55 rue_shop2 its a '165 board?
18:56 Tom_itx i'd have to look
19:00 Tom_itx mmm wonder where it went
19:01 Tom_itx ahh! found it
19:02 Tom_itx 244 & 574
19:03 Tom_itx haha
19:03 Tom_itx made in 2000
19:03 rue_shop2 its still young
19:03 Tom_itx found my 68hc11 botboard 2 as well
19:03 Tom_itx 32k flash added to it
19:04 rue_shop2 hmm I have way more '166 than '163
19:04 rue_shop2 er
19:04 rue_shop2 nmore 166 tha 165
19:05 Tom_itx a botboard still in the bag
19:05 Tom_itx a blank botboard 2
19:05 Tom_itx another botboard assembled
19:05 Tom_itx and one over on the desk
19:05 Tom_itx iirc there's one on my lightseeker still
19:07 Tom_itx mmm 5 boards in all and a couple spare chips
19:07 Tom_itx i had a c compiler here somewhere for them
19:08 Tom_itx did most of it in sbasic though iirc
19:08 rue_shop2 botboard?
19:09 Tom_itx karl lunt iirc made those
19:09 Tom_itx or kevin ross
19:09 Tom_itx lunt wrote the sbasic compiler
19:10 Tom_itx http://home.earthlink.net/~tdickens/68hc11/docs/botboard1.pdf
19:10 Tom_itx haha it's still out there
19:11 Tom_itx oo i forgot Marvin green
19:12 Tom_itx 2 botboards, 2 botboard plus and 2 botboard 2
19:12 Tom_itx the 2 had the 32k flash addon with lots more io
19:12 Tom_itx this board plugged into the botboard 2
19:13 e_shop2 points at Tom_itx and s
19:13 rue_shop2 :)
19:13 e_shop2 tries to posture himself so that tom cant see the wall behind
19:14 Tom_itx http://www.xar.it/Download/bb2man6.pdf
19:14 Tom_itx haha
19:14 Tom_itx it's still out there too
19:23 rue_shop2 kat, it occurs to me that a person could make an 8 bit parallel shift register with 74574 really easy,
19:25 Tom_itx yup
19:25 Tom_itx that's how they did it
19:25 Tom_itx i don't have that schematic anymore as i did those boards with one of the online schematic board places
20:48 useless2 ok, front panel space for each charger is 2x3 inches, holding 4 digit ammeter, 4 digit voltmeter, a push button, and a few blinky lites
22:00 useless2 they are 4 digits because what i have is all dual-digit displays, 600 of them, gotta use them
22:23 useless2 my cellar minions have not even started the subspace interplexing neutrino beacon yet
22:27 eless2 wanders away a
22:31 Tom_itx kat got any pics of your progress?
22:31 Tom_itx been busy this pm
22:54 useless2 progress of which?
22:57 Tom_itx i assume you're working on your psu
23:02 useless2 oh, i can take some pics of it, not getting much done
23:14 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/DC_Lighting/DSCF3158m.jpg
23:14 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/DC_Lighting/DSCF3159m.jpg
23:14 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/DC_Lighting/DSCF3160m.jpg
23:14 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/DC_Lighting/DSCF3161m.jpg
23:14 useless2 see, not much done
23:15 useless2 a button and lites go the right of the display, each penciled box is 2" tall and 3" wide
23:15 Tom_itx but it's a start
23:15 useless2 the breaker on the far right, a lite or two under it and a on-off pushbutton
23:16 useless2 DSCF3159m.jpg is a pcb orientation i was planning on going with, but i found cheap external fuseholders which i'd rather use, if i do not need all that pcb
23:17 useless2 DSCF3160m.jpg shows alt pcb orientation, in which everything that i could put on the back panel will fit easily, but i would still need to trim some off the pcb
23:18 useless2 DSCF3161m.jpg is just a downview
23:19 useless2 the rear panel is closest to me in pic, the 10 150w 1ohm resistors go tween the transformer and the rear panel (which will be a grill at that place)
23:19 useless2 airflow will be in both sides, across the fron to the center, then rearward past the xformer, past the rsistors, and out the back
23:20 useless2 i was going to put the fuses (which are tween the secondary and the chargers) inside meaning the box would haveto be removed from rack and opened if they blew,,, which is why i jumped on the cheaper external fuse holders
23:21 useless2 they came in today
23:22 useless2 either way i mount the pcb, ironically i haveto trim the same amount off the same edge
23:22 Tom_itx does the plastic covering on the wire affect it's performance?
23:22 Tom_itx is enamel better or just smaller?
23:23 useless2 enamel is thinner, throws heat better, and can run hotter, and allows more windings per same space
23:23 useless2 i didn't have any
23:23 Tom_itx just wondered
23:23 Tom_itx i think i'm gonna sleep a while
23:23 useless2 that said, i did test the transformer as shown for 20 minutes at 10amps, and i am only rating the chargers at 3amps
23:24 useless2 10amps is 1400w
23:24 useless2 i don't recommend that
23:24 Tom_itx did you see those little smps regs i got a while back?
23:24 Tom_itx cheap
23:24 useless2 no, i saw the 1amp ones you built
23:26 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.com/itm/180947008880?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
23:26 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.com/itm/400369337180?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
23:26 Tom_itx mmm
23:26 useless2 this will run ten outputs at 3amps 24-7, at the push of a button drop a 10amp load on any chosen battery to test it's impedance, gimme charge/discharge current and voltage display, logging, and have an external plug for remote monitoring
23:28 useless2 $5 for adjustable 2amp, not bad
23:28 Tom_itx one has the display and one doesn't
23:28 Tom_itx i got some of each
23:28 Tom_itx same chip i used
23:29 useless2 and it was cheaper for you to buy it assembled than to buy the parts?
23:29 Tom_itx DK parts for mine were ~10
23:29 useless2 ouch
23:30 Tom_itx so, yes
23:31 useless2 my bench unit has an easy continuous 80amps of pass transistor, with the "fuse" setting of 3 or 5 or 8 amps, i think i cannot blow it up
23:32 Tom_itx my 'bench unit' is a wall wart :D
23:32 Tom_itx but i don't do much
23:32 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/benchpsu/DSCF2753m.jpg
23:33 Tom_itx oh you finished that?
23:33 Tom_itx i thought this was that project
23:34 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/benchpsu/DSCF2959m.jpg
23:34 useless2 two diff projects
23:35 Tom_itx k
23:35 useless2 i'd have liked to make the bench psu bigger too, that transformer s only 400 watts or so, but at 5v that's more amps than i can put wire into the core
23:36 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/benchpsu/DSCF2018.jpg
23:36 useless2 vs
23:36 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/images/DC_Lighting/DSCF3158m.jpg
23:38 useless2 the bench psu regulators are made so i can pull 30amps intermittantly at any output voltage with zero problems
23:38 useless2 for motor starting, cap charging, playing with pulse circuits
23:40 useless2 if i ever feel masochistic enough to rebuild it, i can put in 3x as much power transformer, use the same heatsinks, triple the wire guages, and triple the continuous output current
23:43 useless2 the plastic wire i would with is a limiting factor, for one thing it's only 18awg