#garfield Logs

Feb 06 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:11 useless2 http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/DHq5OiPxXeKcKldUDaVxrQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD00MjA7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/12/16/RTXX9FV-jpg_225300.jpg
00:11 useless2 http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/fh5fIjeuNbIcJFWtykBmvw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD00MjA7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/12/16/RTX7DOY-jpg_225214.jpg
00:11 useless2 http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/6ZIJo9G1vEu5VkULjRaZbw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD00MjA7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/12/16/RTR3414J-jpg_225218.jpg
00:15 rue_house ok
00:31 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=6JNq1COqB_s
00:31 rue_house hmm
00:33 useless2 ?
00:35 useless2 in 10 yrs, we should be seeing these things all over the place,,,,but i said that 10 yrs ago, and 20 yrs ago, and 30 yrs ago
00:37 useless2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwoFjzLZ5rQ
00:51 rue_house these poor walking robots, everyone is always kicking them
00:54 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teri9muJnTk&feature=endscreen&NR=1
00:55 rue_house "I work at a robot development firm, I peturb the bipeds!"
01:27 useless2 i tried to wake up all day, and i finally succeeded :-|
06:57 Tom_itx rue_house, i'll try running them one at a time later on
08:29 useless2 perturb
08:35 useless2 arg : the 4414 program counter is 11 bits wide , even with external ram
10:47 eless2 ponders making a STK-KAT with a 4414 between a few sockets and the ISP jack on the Dr
10:49 useless2 the biggest problem might be how to tell the 4414 what it's programming, like how to physically enter that data
11:13 useless2 atmega 328 is just a bigger 168?
11:13 useless2 so it's ATmega 48A/88A/168A/328/328A ?
11:15 useless2 it's wierd so many parts use the start of the name to signify the family, but Atmel uses the last digit
11:37 useless2 ATmega48 - 88 - 168.pdf
11:37 useless2 ATmega164 - 324 - 644.pdf
11:38 useless2 ATmega 48A-88A-168A-328-328A.pdf
11:38 useless2 ATtiny24 - 44 - 48.pdf
11:38 useless2 ATtiny25 - 45 - 85.pdf
11:39 useless2 AT90S4414 - AT90S8515
11:41 eless2 notes the 4414 would interface easily with her 20Mhz adc chips .... drat , no multip
11:44 useless2 see, at 20Mhz, the avr can shut off one side of a class AB* audio amp, and measure the output transistor's base-emitter drop to get their temperature, and keep triggering two simultaneous flash adc to measure wattage (voltsCE x amps) across the transistors
11:44 useless2 then it can adjust the operating conditions for lowest distortion and safe operation
11:48 useless2 Sanyo made a set of audio output transistors with separate diodes on thetransistor silicon, and separate pins for that diode, just to measure the temperature
11:49 useless2 that's one of the things i wanted to do 5 yrs ago
11:54 eless2 notes that if she can burn pinecones for energy and use thermal solar, she could save $125/mo,, and maybe drive more and heat/ac more of the house,, or run more of T
11:58 useless2 course, if the fans and pumps for a burner furnace pull 10amps, forget it, because i can use the 10amps for heat and ac directly and not burn anything
11:58 useless2 <cough>
11:58 eless2 goes back out
15:02 useless2 $20 total : 20ft long 3" dia aluminum sailboat mast, a bigblock engine starter never used, two 10" plywood blades, one 10" combo rip-crosscut, one 10" 40t carbide, one 10" 60t carbide, one 10" rip carbide, one 10" metal cutting carbide (all blades never used)
15:07 useless2 67F outside, passed 4 places burning stuff on the way home, all were people living in mobile homes
15:08 useless2 so nice day to be outside, but you gotta breathe the smoke from trash fires
15:13 Tom_itx true trailer trash
15:56 useless2 nice use of wheels to turn a corner, or a round, in this case : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWtJqdzw5as
18:07 eless2 found her limit on the evening "news": "next, what Justin Bieber .." <click
18:08 useless2 the smoke is enough tomake eyes sting outside now, i had to come in
18:08 Lola8088 What's the smoke from?
18:09 useless2 humans burning anything they have that they no longer want
18:09 Lola8088 ahhh... gross
18:10 useless2 mattresses, carpet, animals, the plastic food wrap, tires, you name it
18:11 useless2 and they never make a FIRE and burn it up quickly and ferociously, they make it smoulder for hours, some people have piles that smoke 24-7 in the late summer when there isn't enough rain to put it out
18:12 useless2 i have been collecting what organic material i can for compost, mulch, etc,, because the actual soil out here is very thin, 4 inches if you are lucky, then you hit rock hard clay
18:14 useless2 yet the pastor's house across from a crutch, i mean church i pass by has dozens of burned spots in the yard around the house where they rakes the leaves only 5ft then set them on fire
18:15 useless2 they have large expanses of clay ground on the property, and can't figure #^%^N@$%Y@$ to put the leaves where it would help the earth, instead they burn the leaves on top of the still living grass
18:16 useless2 they have a farm tractor there, they could be doing some good, but they don't
18:18 useless2 they put in a concrete driveway, on top of the clay, which in some places put the drop off at the edge of the concrete such that it can damage the tie rod ends and lower ball joints of any car falling off the driveway, and it's really narrow too
18:19 Lola8088 seriously?
18:19 useless2 yeas
18:21 useless2 it's a good 10" up in the air in some places, because the ground is too hard to economically dig deeper, altho why they needed 10" thick concrete is a wonder also
18:22 Lola8088 Strange. very strange.
18:24 useless2 the humans across the street did something similar, but only 4 inches thick, and much wider, no curves,,, their driveway, 4" above ground ends abruptly at the road, which is at ground level, no telling how much tire damage they've had there, it's got to be like driving up over a curb
18:25 Lola8088 bizzaro land. You live in a very strange place.
18:25 useless2 it is
18:27 Tom_itx it's the south
18:27 Tom_itx that's how it is
18:27 Lola8088 It's Bizzaro Land... I lived in Californa for years... it's Weirdo Land over there.
18:28 Tom_itx are you naive Ca?
18:28 Tom_itx as in canadian
18:28 Tom_itx not californianianian
18:28 useless2 "naive" ?
18:28 Lola8088 yeah, went to SoCal in 89 for 7 years.
18:28 Lola8088 Evian?
18:28 Tom_itx native
18:29 useless2 ah
18:29 Lola8088 Evitan?
18:29 Lola8088 heh eheh e
18:29 rue_house hmm
18:30 eless2 looks worried at the new usa sanctions against Iran, it's like the usa-japan in 1941 all over a
18:30 Lola8088 <shudder>
18:30 Tom_itx i'm more worried what they're doing to the state of healcare
18:30 useless2 what healthcare?
18:31 Tom_itx the kind i can't afford
18:32 Tom_itx they want us to become govt dependants
18:32 useless2 they'll never cover dental and eyewear, and they have no real cure for back injuries, so i simply cannot participate
18:32 Tom_itx you won't have the optino
18:32 Tom_itx it will be required that you have it
18:32 useless2 a what?
18:32 Tom_itx if you can't afford the insurance the government will give it to you
18:33 Lola8088 optino... it's a small latin option.
18:33 useless2 nope, because they won't attach it to medicare, which i have (part A only)
18:33 Tom_itx increasing the rate every year
18:33 useless2 i had to cancel part B to pay lawyers
19:18 useless2 ...
21:50 rue_shop2 there is kat!
21:52 Tom_L preload it with 53000 and it's nice steady count
21:53 rue_shop2 k
21:53 rue_shop2 kat, are you in for some avrtronics?
21:53 Tom_L d = 53000 at the beginning too
21:53 Tom_L and fix the ports i mentioned in robotics
21:53 Tom_L for the 2313
21:53 Tom_L unless her's isn't common cathode
21:54 rue_shop2 their individual
21:54 rue_shop2 but she has no breadboard...
21:54 Tom_L aarg
21:54 Tom_L rif doesn't get the fun in this
21:54 eless2 is sorta as
21:55 useless2 what's 53000 for?
21:55 Tom_L a counter
21:55 Tom_L so it rolls over at 65535
21:56 eless2
21:56 useless2 is there a bnez for that?
21:57 Tom_L a who?
21:57 Tom_L oh this is c
21:57 useless2 branch of not zero
21:57 useless2 o
21:57 Tom_L for the 7 seg
21:57 rue_shop2 kat, would you prefer programming the avrs in asm or C?
21:58 useless2 C if i had a clue, but my brain is off atm, rue, i'd rather watch you talk and learn that way tonite
21:59 rue_shop2 hmm
22:00 useless2 i just woke from a nap, and only woke to eat antacids
22:00 rue_shop2 I'm inclined to use C with the avrs, that way, if I need any descent math (muliplying, or floating point) Its all done for me
22:01 rue_shop2 kat, can I prompt you to obtain a breadboard?
22:01 rue_shop2 can you buy a $3 off ebay?
22:01 rue_shop2 I can send you a link if you like
22:02 rue_shop2 I'm just sitting down to look at the project code again
22:02 useless2 what link?
22:04 Tom_itx http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/programming/7seg_hex_cathode.c
22:04 Tom_itx likely needs adjustment for your 7 seg displays
22:04 rue_shop2 to a $3 breadboard
22:05 useless2 Connecting Arduino Uno to a breadboard.
22:05 useless2 arduino.cc/forum/index.php?topic=129604.5;wap2
22:05 useless2 Oct 29, 2012 – I thought it was due to bad quality cheap breadboards (I got one for $3 and it was like this). Didn't realise there was a reason for this!
22:05 rue_shop2 mine were ok, bit stiff
22:05 rue_shop2 long time since I'v had a new breadboard
22:05 useless2 " to a $3 breadboard" didn't work as an url
22:06 Tom_itx did you get the code?
22:06 Tom_itx prolly need a .h and makefile too
22:06 Tom_itx we should let you edit those from the first blinky
22:06 Tom_itx and save in a new dir
22:07 rue_shop2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-830-Tiepoint-Mini-Solderless-Breadboard-Prototype-Tie-Point-Test-Board-/280936534539?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41691f520b
22:07 rue_shop2 cost went up, $4 now
22:07 rue_shop2 NA price is $7
22:07 rue_shop2 (not delivered)
22:08 useless2 Price:
22:08 useless2 US $3.38
22:08 useless2 free s&h
22:08 rue_shop2 yes, I misquoted
22:08 rue_shop2 to me, thats "$4"
22:09 Tom_itx no
22:09 rue_shop2 ok so were just sending the raw adc values from the T85, and your going to process them on the 4414
22:09 Tom_itx 4 days
22:09 rue_shop2 buy it now
22:09 rue_shop2 its not bid
22:09 Tom_itx not $4 4 days
22:10 Tom_itx for you
22:10 Tom_itx dollar a day
22:10 rue_shop2 oh heh
22:10 rue_shop2 not if its "required shop equipment"
22:10 rue_shop2 different budget
22:12 rue_shop2 kat, as these are 10 bit values, and I'm sending 16 bits, why dont I use the 16th bit to say ifits channel 1 or 0 and continiously retransmitt the values as fast as I can?
22:12 rue_shop2 hmm
22:12 e_shop2 thinks on this
22:13 useless2 because if you ar sending them as fast as yo can, it's not sync'd
22:13 rue_shop2 the sync is by the 16th bit, will tell you what channel the lower 10 bits are of
22:14 rue_shop2 it can only read one channel at a time anyhow
22:14 useless2 but after the 16th bit is the 1st bit of the next "as fast as you can"
22:14 useless2 how will i tellthem apart?
22:14 rue_shop2 6 extra bits, so I could encode up to 32 channel number in there...
22:14 rue_shop2 asynchronous data, you let the start and stop bits sort it out
22:15 rue_shop2 use the hardware uarts
22:15 rue_shop2 9600 baud would keep up with the adc I think
22:15 rue_shop2 but that said, you have 4 or more chips to keep up with
22:16 useless2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-830-Tiepoint-Mini-Solderless-Breadboard-Prototype-Tie-Point-Test-Board-/280936534539 = Delivery:Estimated between Tue. Feb. 26 and Thu. Mar. 14 ,,,,,,,,,, why do i want it in 5 weeks?
22:16 rue_shop2 for the mecha i want to use synchronous cause I can run it faster
22:16 rue_shop2 it'll arrive in about 22 days
22:16 rue_shop2 all mine do
22:17 rue_shop2 you could pay $7 + $15s&h to get one from the states and have it in 3 days...
22:17 rue_shop2 same board...
22:17 useless2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-PCB-Breadboard-Protoboard-700-Points-Holes-Solderless-Bread-Board-SYB-120-/300825357647?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item460a96ad4f;_ylt=Ag2T1R5a637MfFuQ.D6RkxYPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTNzYXJnczZpBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBTY2llbmNlU0YEcGtnA2Q5MDFmZjI0LWE1NzItMzczYS1hMzIxLTE5ZjFhOTAxZWFkMARwb3MDNARzZWMDdG9wX3N0b3J5BHZlcgM5YWY5NDMzZi02ZmVmLTExZTItODdmZS1lN2NlYWMzNWEyOGQ-;_ylg=X3oDMTFsMmxkdGs2BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdA
22:17 useless2 Delivery:Estimated between Mon. Feb. 11 and Fri. Feb. 15
22:17 rue_shop2 carefull of the white ones
22:17 rue_shop2 dont get that one
22:18 useless2 why?
22:18 rue_shop2 white ones like that -> EVIL
22:18 rue_shop2 get one Like the one I showed ya
22:18 useless2 but i made the url as long as possible
22:18 rue_shop2 :)
22:18 rue_shop2 830 points
22:18 useless2 psst, this works too : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-PCB-Breadboard-Protoboard-700-Points-Holes-Solderless-Bread-Board-SYB-120-/300825357647
22:19 useless2 anything after the ? on a ebay url is the tracking cookie
22:20 rue_shop2 ok, you know sometiems I trim them
22:20 rue_shop2 sometimes I can find the ?
22:20 useless2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-PCB-Breadboard-Protoboard-700-Points-Holes-Solderless-Bread-Board-SYB-120-/300825357647?this%20is%20a%20tracking%20cookie%20just%20for%20you!
22:20 rue_shop2 no 830 points
22:21 rue_shop2 and that the same white one
22:21 useless2 i know
22:21 rue_shop2 stop feeding me cookies! :)
22:21 useless2 i still dunno whyt he white on is evil, or why i willw ant a breadboard in 4 to 5 weeks from now
22:22 rue_shop2 in my experiance, the white ones like that are crap
22:22 rue_shop2 the 830 point ones like I showed ya are good boards
22:22 useless2 but http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-830-Tiepoint-Mini-Solderless-Breadboard-Prototype-Tie-Point-Test-Board-/280936534539 is white
22:22 rue_shop2 its a translucent white, and its masked with coloured stripes
22:24 useless2 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Solderless-Breadboard-Protoboard-2-buses-Tie-point-830-/270763676246
22:24 rue_shop2 thats good
22:25 rue_shop2 $5 is a good price
22:25 rue_shop2 $7 is ok, $8 is a ripoff :)
22:26 rue_shop2 http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/TW-E40-1020/438-1045-ND/643111
22:26 rue_shop2 ^^ please observe as demonstrated there
22:26 rue_shop2 :)
22:27 useless2 you know i have 300 of these, why aren't they worth anything?? : http://stores.ebay.com/miamielectronics/Tuners-/_i.html?_fcid=1&_fsub=2601368011&_localstpos=35128&_sid=998885651&_stpos=35128&gbr=1
22:27 useless2 because $14 x 300 = $4,200
22:27 rue_shop2 http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/TW-E41-1020/438-1046-ND/643112 <-- dosn't it make you want ot make a jumper making machine?
22:28 rue_shop2 10 available, 2 sold
22:28 rue_shop2 listed longer than since apr 2012
22:29 rue_shop2 prolly paying more for having them listed than is making in sales
22:30 rue_shop2 ok, well
22:30 rue_shop2 I have to re-divide this project
22:37 useless2 bought
22:37 useless2 Estimated Delivery: Sat. Feb. 9 - Wed. Feb. 13
22:40 rue_shop2 cool
22:40 rue_shop2 I think it will serve you well
22:50 rue_shop2 ok I have an adc changing the 7 segment displays, this is fun
22:51 useless2 cool
22:51 rue_shop2 I dont think its wroth a video
22:51 rue_shop2 you saw the 7 segments counting?
22:53 rue_shop2 I like the decimal point in the middle of the integer value,it makes it look so much more sophistocated :)
22:53 useless2 a video?
22:54 rue_shop2 did you not see?
22:54 useless2 no
22:54 rue_shop2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuNvEgS4VOY
22:55 rue_shop2 oh my, I didn't taka pic with it hooked to the micro...
22:55 rue_shop2 blast
22:55 useless2 that looks wierd, it wasn't 0..9
22:56 rue_shop2 hold up
22:56 rue_shop2 thats me manually operating the data line state
23:00 rue_house posting...
23:09 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_lQRRS0oxk&feature=youtu.be
23:12 useless2 what is happening in that video?
23:13 rue_house how do you mean
23:14 useless2 umm, the atmega is serial shifting segmentdata into the serial-in/parallel-out registers wheich are driving the displays?
23:14 rue_house yes
23:14 useless2 oh, cool
23:15 rue_house Its close to how we were gonna do with the '374 it would just be a signal polarity check to change it over
23:15 rue_house I'm just using it now as a placeholder display cause I dont want to rebuild a mutiplexed display
23:16 eless2
23:17 rue_house tom now has working, tested 7 segment code
23:18 useless2 the 7seg_hex_cathode.c ?
23:19 rue_house prettymuch all there
23:23 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmTW61MLm68 oh god! at 4:53 he give it a knife!
23:29 useless2 he has trouble holding it then stabs himself in one eye while getting a clser look witht he otehr eye
23:31 useless2 is this my finger or the banana? <cut> oops! i was hoping to use that later tonite with girlfriend, the other thing must be the banana
23:32 useless2 can't hold the knife or the banana, not sure yet what will be for breakfast
23:33 useless2 obviously, cannot touch anything with hand while stepping
23:33 rue_house :)
23:34 eless2 suggest stabbing it with a fork, better to lose an inch off the end than making banana mush with one hand while trying to pick up the knife with the other
23:43 rue_house :)
23:47 useless2 "grab the knife firmly. ... NONO, by the HANDLE , now go wipe the blood up....."
23:49 useless2 "when i said to chop the carrots into .020 thick pieces, i didn't mean lengthwise"
23:49 rue_house heh
23:49 rue_house oh if you had speakers }:/
23:51 useless2 "Nao, those are dial calipers" <Nao proceeds to pound a screw into a sheet of steel with them>
23:54 useless2 "it appears the patient bled to death while waiting 8 hours for her personal robot to fetch a tissue paper to stop the bleeding"
23:56 useless2 "Nao inappropriately used the same procedure for extracting tissue from a box as eggs from a carton.... can we get someone to clean up that mess?"