#garfield Logs

Feb 02 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:00 eless2 can build a
00:00 rue_shop2 oops
00:00 zhanx sweet i so want one
00:00 rue_shop2 wallmart
00:00 zhanx i will mount a crows on it
00:00 zhanx wallmart is walmart fyi
00:01 rue_shop2 damnit, I'm supposed to make an airmuscle howto
00:01 e_shop2 glares at the channel for distracting
00:01 zhanx umm
00:01 zhanx screen shots and with a macro camera from lens that i am making right now from spare parts?
00:02 useless2 you are the one who flooded it, i was sitting under the table
00:02 zhanx under a table?
00:02 eless2 points t
00:02 zhanx oh i pass my physical fitness test
00:03 useless2 with all those steriods, naturally
00:03 useless2 wait
00:03 zhanx i placed 3rd over all with a 297 out of 300 and first since surgery
00:03 useless2 with steriods is unnaturally
00:03 zhanx yep something like that
00:04 zhanx i thought i was gonna fail the run
00:04 zhanx knee has been rough lately
00:04 eless2
00:04 zhanx swear i got a concussion from jumping a sherpa
00:05 zhanx smacked my head on the lift door
00:05 useless2 why wer you jumping short asia guys?
00:05 zhanx and got sucked out the plane
00:05 zhanx its a plane type
00:06 zhanx C-23
00:06 useless2 with skis?
00:06 zhanx nope at fort bragg now
00:07 useless2 http://designerthinking.com/racks.html
00:07 zhanx yep i suck, thats nice work
00:08 useless2 hardly
00:08 zhanx nope. i cant do that
00:08 rue_house "Its crispy but it tastes kinda chalkie... WAIT A MINUTE!"
00:08 eless2 looks confused,,, it's just a lil lite boring metalwor
00:09 zhanx its clean
00:10 rue_house so, if you smaked your head jumping out, was anyone able to recover the plane?
00:10 useless2 heh
00:11 zhanx i was number 3 jumper, not the pilot
00:11 useless2 planes can fly with holes n them, it just depends on where
00:11 zhanx true
00:11 rue_house esp if its a door frame ripped off
00:12 useless2 rear dor, sure, side doors are more difficult to fly if missing
00:12 rue_house so was it a procedure error on your part or a non-compliant door
00:12 useless2 the door became compliant
00:12 rue_house dont you wear a helmet when jumping?
00:12 zhanx my error
00:12 rue_house ah
00:12 zhanx and yes but the door is 5'8"
00:12 rue_house too tall?
00:13 telunus Hey Rue
00:13 zhanx and i was thinking 6'
00:13 zhanx didnt duck enough
00:14 zhanx fyi kat thats a lot of switches?
00:14 zhanx buttons?
00:14 rue_house hey
00:14 zhanx telunus, ?
00:14 useless2 the video switcher has a ton of buttons, the KVM has 16, there's a lot of jacks
00:14 zhanx k
00:15 useless2 i need to make a 16-in/4-out sgva/dvi/hdmi switcher
00:16 zhanx over my head
00:16 telunus Yes Zhanx?
00:16 zhanx hi nice to meet you
00:16 zhanx i am the resident moron
00:16 rue_house so we should be looking for an article of the nature "military plane crashed during a training excersize when a 18" section of the cargo door frame came dislodged..."
00:16 zhanx rue no i fell out
00:16 zhanx its a bottom exit
00:16 useless2 zhanx is the resident expert on spider robots
00:16 telunus Ah, I've seen you around before. Guess you never noticed me. I'm often quiet.
00:16 zhanx k
00:17 rue_house I bet that dependant on who is flying
00:17 zhanx and nope kat i am a steroid taking moron
00:17 zhanx i was only 266 at my weight in
00:17 useless2 i'm a suicidal useless, glad to meet you
00:17 zhanx we make a great pair
00:20 telunus Spiders eh? Helped Rue with buddy much?
00:21 zhanx not really its more of a co-op
00:21 zhanx i am retarded rue aint etc
00:21 telunus I see.
00:22 useless2 but, he isn't useless!
00:22 zhanx but i am
00:22 useless2 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=zhanx%20robot&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhackaday.com%2F2010%2F02%2F11%2Fveteran-robot-features-eight-legs-and-beagleboard%2F&ei=fK0MUZ2PCoKC8AT5tICQDg&usg=AFQjCNHdovffVsr6n7xYmr1E5-khR6CPMQ&bvm=bv.41867550,d.eWU
00:23 zhanx yea i did build that once
00:23 zhanx i was drunk i think
00:23 telunus By spider bots do we mean 8 legs in particular, or would hexopods be included.
00:23 zhanx both
00:23 zhanx the math is easier for 6 vs 8
00:23 telunus Ya.
00:24 zhanx inverekinmatics for 6 with 2dof is easy
00:24 zhanx i cant spell wtf
00:25 useless2 i can spell wtf :-)
00:25 zhanx darn
00:25 zhanx i can't find my 10M-ohm resistors to finish off this drum set
00:26 useless2 that's pretty high value
00:26 rue_shop2 I can mail you some, they will only take about 3 weeks to get there
00:26 zhanx aluminium foil as a sensor
00:26 useless2 1/2 a microamp at 5v
00:27 zhanx i can get some tomorrow
00:27 zhanx i got 5 of 9
00:27 useless2 oh, touch sensor?
00:27 zhanx yep
00:27 zhanx no clue how it works
00:28 useless2 easy: any voltage on you turns on the jft you are using,, you are using a jfet, right?
00:28 zhanx nope
00:28 zhanx :D
00:29 zhanx coding odd stuff
00:29 useless2 mosfet? opamp?
00:29 zhanx nope
00:29 useless2 vac tube?
00:29 zhanx 2 wires and resistor is all
00:29 zhanx rest is code
00:29 zhanx digital
00:29 zhanx :)
00:29 useless2 what do the wires connect to?
00:30 e_shop2 goes to make the muscle h
00:30 eless2 wonders if zhanx saw her robot fi
00:30 zhanx ground and a 5v high pin with a resistor in between the two, high pin is a antenna also
00:30 zhanx nope kat
00:31 useless2 this puter is sooooooooooooooo slow atm,, try http://designerthinking.com/fingers.html
00:31 zhanx nice
00:32 useless2 thanks, i need to build a lean-able clamp for the drill press vise to finish it
00:33 zhanx clue i am gonna hot air rework my cnc tomorrow if i get time
00:33 zhanx replace a *few* chips
00:33 zhanx power surge killed them
00:34 useless2 ouch
00:34 zhanx also adding shielding
00:34 zhanx i might be close to a certain massive broadcast station
00:34 zhanx that turns off my tv
00:34 rue_shop2 I hate CBC too
00:35 zhanx turns on certain things due to power
00:35 zhanx my o-scope peaks with just a copper wire when they broadscast
00:35 zhanx broadcast*
00:36 useless2 power a tower-climber robot with the power ;-)
00:36 rue_shop2 telunus, can you help me find a pdf of some small, simple lego instructions
00:37 zhanx rfid powered!
00:40 rue_shop2 I thought lego instructions had sub-assembly identities
00:41 useless2 my fangs are tender, just started brushing them again
00:42 zhanx fun
00:42 useless2 well, for two years or mor no one would say i was worth more than a cat or a dog, and humans don't brush their cat/dog teeths, so i didn't brush mine
00:43 rue_shop2 I brush when I'm borred
00:43 zhanx i brush twice a day
00:43 rue_shop2 no they just take pics of the sub-asembly
00:44 useless2 that's because you ARE woth a damn, zlog
00:44 useless2 zhanx
00:44 useless2 i am not
00:44 zhanx your opinion you know mine on you
00:44 rue_shop2 http://cache.lego.com/bigdownloads/buildinginstructions/6048922.pdf
00:45 useless2 but no one has said it in years
00:45 zhanx fyi your not useless if you made a difference
00:45 rue_shop2 it helps that there are limited methods for attaching the prices
00:45 useless2 so i figured my worth had all run out
00:45 rue_shop2 peices
00:45 zhanx rue not looking at a pdf if you can't figure out lego
00:46 zhanx kat you got a few more
00:46 useless2 a few more what?
00:47 zhanx helping people like me
00:47 telunus https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lego.com%2Fr%2Feducation%2F-%2Fmedia%2FLEGO%2520Education%2FHome%2FDownloads%2FBuilding%2520Instructions%2FPreschool%2Fts.20101019T151804.bi_9335_PassengerPlane.pdf&ei=PbMMUfOvOIGziQLD9oCQCw&usg=AFQjCNEruM-JD_Y-5OOMNjs1la1a0Vi2QA&sig2=EOdhjTEnkziDUSrmt5yH4Q&bvm=bv.41867550,d.cGE&cad=rja
00:47 zhanx 2 almost 3 years ago i was dumb
00:48 useless2 nah, you just needed a few pointers
00:48 zhanx after you and somewhat the absent minded rue helped me i am not a moron
00:48 zhanx i was bad at first
00:48 zhanx yea i can/could code
00:49 telunus "am not a moron" moments ago you were telling me otherwise.
00:49 useless2 the othe day some guy argued at me that i could not get my groceries to my car, i wanted to shoot him and then shoot me
00:49 useless2 i get that crap from humans any time i go anywhere
00:49 zhanx telunus, tis how it goes i am 6'4 like 265 and airborne ranger etc. people don't expect me to be smart, but kat and rue
00:50 zhanx kat its like a said before its how you project yourself
00:50 zhanx people never tell me how to do things
00:51 useless2 no it isn't, all they see is old white hair lady in wheelchair, must need help
00:51 zhanx yes it is
00:51 useless2 maybe if i sat there with a toy rifle
00:52 zhanx or its you not saying shit. they want to help so fuck it
00:52 useless2 flashing sign "LEVE ME THE FUCK ALONE"
00:52 zhanx led array go!
00:53 useless2 me not saying shit? if i am waiting on traffic to clear, by myself, alone, who am i to be talking shit to?
00:53 zhanx if they want to help is that bad?
00:53 useless2 yeas
00:53 zhanx why
00:54 useless2 maybe it's all the exercise i got that day, maybe i don't want them then saying "they always need help"
00:54 useless2 i can take care of my self, damnit, don't tellme i cannot
00:54 zhanx damn
00:54 useless2 and hearing it every 15 minutes as i am grocery shopping is too much
00:55 zhanx kat get over it. we age. it sucks, be glad that people care just a little bit
00:55 useless2 i got swamped by such assholes at the checkout once, i let them have the cart and went back around the store, duplicating my previous shopping
00:55 useless2 but they do not care
00:55 useless2 that's it
00:55 zhanx pride is a mofo
00:55 useless2 they do not care
00:56 useless2 if they cared, then my words would mean something, the needs i voice would be dealt with
00:56 zhanx no its kids
00:56 zhanx look at both side
00:57 useless2 for instance: i can cross the street, i do not need that, it's not help, but if i say i need help with a neighbor's dog??? i get SHIT
00:57 zhanx i thought you moved
00:57 useless2 i tried, but i am back in Fla
00:57 useless2 er
00:57 useless2 Ala'erut2[45by7pq48tqio; ehjg l/kjrmvopa e
00:57 useless2 s
00:57 useless2 fuck
00:57 useless2 Alafuckingbama
00:57 zhanx yep
00:58 zhanx invite me over been telling you that
00:58 zhanx will take care of that
00:59 useless2 fist month i was backhere, i had to shoot two, one was a rott, groweling at me in my driveway
00:59 useless2 will the locals help with that? nope, they don't care
00:59 zhanx hence what i said
00:59 useless2 try http://designerthinking.com/MTFla.html
00:59 useless2 it's not a finished page, no pics there yet, but it's a start
01:00 useless2 water company here cut off my water, why? because they didn't care to call the guy and tell him not to
01:01 useless2 that's why i built a water system, such that it is
02:50 rue_shop2 iamturnip, I'm cleaning out everything less than a 533Mhz motherboard ;)
02:51 rue_shop2 the only thing I can miss about these boards is the floppy connectors
02:56 rue_shop2 hmm PLL chips...
02:56 rue_shop2 kat, any PLL chips you found on your tuners?
02:58 useless2 umm
02:59 useless2 no
02:59 useless2 there's some programmable dividers in a few, which are used in plls, but not complete pll in a chip
03:01 useless2 you can just as easy make one with any preloadable counter, and preloading a 1 or a 0,, or 01 or 11
03:02 useless2 0, 01, 10, 11
04:27 rue_shop2 ooo what programmable dividers?
04:27 rue_shop2 ok I outgraded 12 motherboards
04:40 rue_house its funny how even a fimple filter like "it has to work" weed out over half the equipment
04:57 shuggans useless2: have 3 mosfets ganged - how does this resistor+capacitor thing need to go?
08:19 Tom_itx rise n shine rue_bed it's time to cook the bacon before the kiddies start peering in the window
11:01 rue_house only new one today, the regular said he cant show today
11:08 eless2 wonders what it means to "putise" som
11:10 useless2 because people can be de-putised, and even de-deputised, but not putised
11:31 useless2 rue, make a bloody fast parport that plugs into a pata cable,, after that, make one to plug into the usb,, after that, one to plug into the sata cable
11:32 useless2 and make them accessable, on windoze
11:33 useless2 so any app can read and write to it like it's a harddrive
11:35 useless2 so we can write("z:\house\livingroom.xml","<lights> all on</>")
11:35 useless2 or
11:35 useless2 so we can write("z:\house\livingroom.xml","<lights> all on | "&$datetime&"</>")
11:36 useless2 and
11:36 useless2 so we can read("z:\house\kitchen.xml","<fridge> </>")
11:37 useless2 because atm, the only way i can do that easily would be with a C64 or vic20
11:38 useless2 and with them it would be even eassier than tricking the OS , i wouldn't need to fudge the drive system, i can use any of the hardware io ports
11:50 useless2 ...
11:50 rue_shop2 kat, linux works more like that
11:51 rue_shop2 devices are represented as files
11:51 rue_shop2 a driver can create /dev/kitchen-fridge and when you read it, it spits out the data from the fridge
11:51 rue_shop2 identity: fridge1
11:51 rue_shop2 temp: -4c
11:52 rue_shop2 milk: 0%
11:53 rue_shop2 root@freebee5:/home/dan# cat /proc/uptime
11:53 rue_shop2 130648.01 252262.94
11:54 useless2 but linux needs recompiling every day
11:55 useless2 it's the driver that's needed, on any OS except one that allows access to the hardware
11:56 rue_shop2 no it dosnt
11:56 useless2 all "modern" OSs make life more difficult in some ways
11:56 rue_shop2 I suppose I better start making use of my time incase nobody shows up
11:57 useless2 is nobody the new kid?
11:58 useless2 see, my idea is that if it's a pata/sata/usb dongle that looks like a harddrive, then the OS is irrelavant, and any sbc (beagle/arduino/STAMP) can be plugged into the otehr side of the dongle
11:58 rue_shop2 I ditched 12 motherboards last night
11:59 useless2 :-((
11:59 rue_shop2 I have a huge pile of 64k/256k sram cache chips here
11:59 rue_shop2 I got a pretty good pile of jumpers out of it too
11:59 useless2 i have pounds and reels of ram chips, and no pcb driller
11:59 rue_shop2 lots of white, red, and green ones
12:00 rue_shop2 kat, why dont you secretly build a pcb driller
12:00 useless2 because knowing me, i'd mention it, or make a webpage about it, and then i'd be found out and made fun of again
12:00 Tom_itx hehe
12:02 rue_shop2 ugh I just unplugged buddyII, I was trying to not do that
12:08 Tom_itx i wonder if there is any way to get dos to recognize usb as a drive
12:14 rue_shop2 I was wondering that yesterday
12:15 rue_shop2 could 95 doit?
12:15 rue_shop2 if so, there may be a .sys file you could load in config.sys
12:15 e_shop2 looks at
12:15 eless2 looks at the f
12:16 m_itx peeers up from under useless2 looking down upon
12:16 useless2 i was talking about a hardware dongle to make it useable on ALL OSs, and you guys are making it OS-specific with specialised drivers again
12:21 rue_shop2 oh I didn't catch that properly
12:22 eless2 shakes her head at her lack of ability to use english, and wanders off aimle
12:31 rue_shop2 no I just skim read
13:14 useless2 if you are not assigning any imprtance to my words, why should i bother saying them?
13:16 rue_shop2 your words are more valuable if I read properly
13:16 useless2 if my words aren't important enough to read, how can i ever possibly be useful?
13:16 rue_shop2 I just do too many things at once
13:17 rue_shop2 I have a dog tag that says "SEP 2009" should I give it to zhanx?
13:17 useless2 yeas, but your inability to read is making the roadblock that i cannot overcome, no matter what i do, or how i feel about myself
13:17 useless2 sure
13:19 rue_shop2 roadblock! thats a great idea!
13:20 rue_shop2 where can I find some quick instructions on making asawhorse!?
13:20 useless2 it wouldn't matter if i knew, and i don't have that indexed
13:23 eless2 feels sick and heads for the
13:27 rue_mohr wonder what happened to the robotics student
13:27 rue_mohr I tried to call and it went to message
13:29 rue_shop2 kat, I wish you had more faith that I know your smart
13:30 rue_shop2 1k 2.2k 3.9k 4.7k 5.1k 5.6k 8.1k 10k
13:31 rue_shop2 I dont think I can remember all my multiplers anymore
13:32 useless2 doesn't matter, the "non-standard" values no longer cost more
13:32 rue_shop2 right, but if your looking for a resistor, helps to be able to have a mental list of part of the range
13:32 useless2 it costs as much to stock 2k, 2.1k and 2.2k
13:33 rue_shop2 kat did you have anything you were going to do with that word list?
13:33 rue_shop2 I cant remember why I made it, I thought you needed to knwo what the most popular word was
13:34 rue_shop2 or I went on a tangent after hearing that people use a typical vocab of about 100k words
13:34 useless2 do you need a constant update of how busy this puter is, to know i cannot use that wordlist right this minute, even tho i said before you made it that i was not in a hurry to get the list?
13:35 rue_shop2 its interesting to think that every thought a person could have fit within a vocab of 100k words
13:35 rue_shop2 language being the expression of thought
13:35 Tom_itx i typically use hand expressions while driving
13:35 rue_shop2 hahah
13:35 useless2 most humans here don't think, they have rigegrs that cause them to regurgitate previously heard phrases, with really bad enunciation
13:36 rue_shop2 but you could verbalize your thoughts in less than 100k words to them
13:36 rue_shop2 kat, I was in a carehome and 'met' someone REALLY scarry
13:36 rue_shop2 if his words had been text on a computer, I'd not have passed him the turring test
13:37 Tom_itx i had one that said he would kill me if he could get out of his chair
13:37 useless2 ok
13:37 useless2 there'
13:37 rue_shop2 he was babbaling comments and questions that were only loosely related to what was going on
13:37 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, nice :/
13:37 Tom_itx good he couldn't get up
13:37 useless2 s humans in charge of the legal system here who believe i should be in a carehome, because i obviously am useless
13:38 rue_shop2 hmm, after this busy robotics class (me listens to the cricket) I have a bunch of thigns to get done
13:39 useless2 that's nice
13:39 eless2 goes out
13:39 useless2 grabbing gun first, of course
13:41 rue_shop2 must have visitors...
13:41 rue_shop2 alabama greeting
13:42 e_shop2 keeps cleaning the
15:37 useless2 happened again: someone insisted if i picked up something off the floor, that i'd fall on my head
15:38 useless2 and only *me*, not if the clerk who picked up something, and not the person arguing at me who also picked up something, BUT ONLY ME
15:41 useless2 and, my car insurance sent bills to the wrong address, so i never got a bill to pay, so they canceled my insurance, and said they didn't have a change of address on file for me, but gave the bill collector the correct address
15:47 useless2 she said if someone with an armload of groceries dropped something, she'd pick up the item for them
15:48 useless2 so i pointed out that thearmload of groceries was a symptomology of needed some such help, but i had no symptomology, so why did she jump up and run over to me?
15:48 useless2 she said she was just offering, i said fine, why?
15:48 useless2 she said she didn't want to discuss it any more
15:48 useless2 i never did get an answer
15:49 useless2 why did she think so little of me that i might lose control of my body and fall on my head for picking up something?
15:50 useless2 that is didn't know my own abilities, that maybe i was unaware of my surroundings, that i was incapable?
15:50 useless2 she refused to answer
16:15 useless2 k-meleon is showing a webpage with a javascript refresh, and is using 6.28 Mbytes, FF is sitting there showing NO webpages, running NO scripts, and is using 163 Mbytes
18:38 useless2 wikipedia not only has Infobox , it has infobox, Geobox, saudibox, Navbox, navbox, Campaignbox, Chembox, chembox, Taxobox, Starbox, Superherobox, drugbox, Pfam_box, basketballbox, wrugbybox, WPMIXInfobox, and that's just in the 1% i havelooked at
18:40 useless2 so there's a few days of computer time wasted
18:49 useless2 <title>Category:Articles with Statistical mechanics topics template</title> cmbox
18:49 useless2 <title>Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the State of Florida</title> mbox
19:19 useless2 mycomorphbox
19:20 useless2 Asbox
19:21 useless2 footballbox
19:21 useless2 Comiccharacterbox
19:21 useless2 Superteambox
19:22 useless2 Supercbbox
19:22 useless2 Graphicnovelbox
19:45 rue_shop2 ok I think I found all the little piles of motherboards everywerhe
19:45 rue_shop2 I'v thinned out atleast half of them
20:14 useless2 another app crash, human error in Wi.xml.txt
20:46 useless2 and anotehr error: some editors have added more than one infobox
20:47 rue_shop2 kat, how many of what computers do you have maxed out?
21:33 rue_shop2 but I'v done alot of cleaning in the shop
21:34 rue_shop2 and I'm putzing
21:34 rue_shop2 I get alot done putzing
21:40 Lola8088 You are very hard to keep track of...
21:42 Tom_itx key:
21:42 Tom_itx don't try
21:46 Lola8088 i guess...
21:46 rue_shop2 :)
21:46 rue_shop2 I'm wiring that chip up
21:46 rue_shop2 I plan to stay up all night, how about you?
21:47 rue_shop2 I should just put the jukebox on random
21:47 Tom_itx which one? the 8535?
21:47 Tom_itx 324
21:47 rue_shop2 324 with the max7219
21:47 Tom_itx what's a 7219?
21:47 rue_shop2 8x 7 segment driver
21:48 rue_shop2 does all the muxing
21:48 rue_shop2 :)
21:48 Tom_itx oh nice
21:48 rue_shop2 or it can be used for 8x8 matrix
21:48 rue_shop2 $1 on ebay
21:48 rue_shop2 I liked the idea too much tho, so I bought another 10 for $5
21:48 rue_shop2 so I'm banned for 6 days for overspending
21:49 rue_shop2 (also put $2 on a stereo 3w amp)
21:49 Tom_itx so when you get unbanned get some of those cheap smps
21:49 rue_shop2 heh
21:50 Tom_itx i like em
21:50 rue_shop2 ebay is running out of $1 items
21:50 Tom_itx or that one dude's pic for a buck
21:50 Tom_itx :D
21:50 rue_shop2 I may have to start buying a $2 every second day
21:50 rue_shop2 haha
22:09 useless2 i brought a #35 bit in here, and went searching for a drill battery, and now cannot find the bit
22:10 Tom_itx should be fairly visible
22:10 Tom_itx maybe it rolled away
22:11 rue_shop2 faries
22:11 rue_shop2 always with the faries
22:11 rue_shop2 hmm this machine has a parallel port
22:12 e_shop2 looks at toms usb progra
22:22 eless2 looks all sw
23:01 rue_shop2 bouce bounce
23:18 useless2 box is being made, rackmount, of course