#garfield Logs

Feb 01 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:24 eless2 prefers steel behind a wood stove, not something made of fuel with pennies hammered int
00:30 rue_house having to eat i so damn annoying
00:30 useless2 i discovered that if i took a 5ft tall C-shape of sheet steel, and let it clamp around the back of he wood heater, like C= , it would draft air under the heater and up the back, making airflow with no fan
00:33 rue_house I'd be intrested in the weight difference of a given volume of air at some different temps
00:33 useless2 it's significant
00:34 rue_house I was feeling the draft off the heater and thinking about the equiv fan
00:34 useless2 if the door tween downstairs and the utility room doesn't latch, warm air down here in winter can move the door open
00:34 rue_house dos 6.22 how do you mbr a disk?
00:34 useless2 in summer, cold air coming down at nite can close the door off
00:35 useless2 i don't remember
00:51 rue_house I got it
00:52 rue_house had to use a floppy with the target drive as the master and run fdisk
00:52 useless2 but you don't have a floppy
00:53 rue_house I had to assemble an old machine with one
00:53 rue_house it just proves tho, the world still needs floppies
00:56 rue_house I got two things on the list done, dos machine built and new workstation swapped in
00:56 rue_house mazing how much quieter the shop is without a 2U server running
00:57 rue_house and the night is severly over
01:11 useless2 it is so nuts the amount of code i haveto write and test to recover from mistakes humans have made in databases
01:13 eless2 has decided to not bother with bed to
01:14 useless2 partly because it's 1/3 over already, and partly because enough drugs to knock me out will keep me out all day tomorrow too
01:16 rue_house !time
01:16 tobbor My watch says its 11:08PM Thu Jan 31 2013
01:17 rue_house I was supposed to be in bed at 9:45
01:17 rue_house one of the cats didn't come in
01:17 rue_house she's getting grounded tommorow
01:17 useless2 heck, she's prolly watchng you, and going to ground you for staying up so late
01:19 useless2 code is runing, i am going to put my paws up, eat a snack, before it crashes on some idiot error in the db again
02:59 useless2 i'mm be darned, it hasn't crashed yet
03:00 useless2 course, the puter is so busy i cannot get the taskbar to pop up
03:00 useless2 oh, Tiggr is getting some radar and satalite images
03:13 useless2 holycrap, i have never seen the ram use so high: 6.13gigs
19:57 Lola8088 YaY FriDay
20:36 rue_shop2 yay!
20:36 Tom_itx who is lola8088?
20:36 Tom_itx new one here i believe
20:37 rue_shop2 yup
20:37 rue_shop2 local
20:38 rue_shop2 :) I have one of the 12V machines booking dos from a smartcard
20:38 rue_shop2 er
20:38 rue_shop2 whatever
20:38 rue_shop2 it works, see if the parallel port works
20:39 useless2 http://openeuphoria.org/forum/120630.wc?last_id=120657#120657
20:52 rue_shop2 it would be nice if the world were consistant, wouldn't it?
20:54 Tom_itx that would be a perfect world and we all know that won't happen
20:54 useless2 it is consistant, i am useless
20:57 useless2 it does not matter what i can do, it matters that there are people who actively kill my work, even tho it hurts other people when they do
20:58 rue_shop2 you have to be amused they point you to your own solution for a problem a) they wound't admit ever existed, b) they wouldn't post when you submitted
21:00 useless2 eunet wasn't started as part of openeuphoria, and i was part of both, a group in openeuphoria couldn't kill eunet except by absorbing it, so they did, and removed all my code, even tho OTHER people are now asking for it AGAIN
21:02 useless2 and i have reported memory leaks in Eu for over a month, they claim it's fixed, but it isn't
21:03 useless2 [04:23] <useless2> this is stupid, i downloaded and tried Euphoria-4.0.5-Jan30-2013 , and even tho i am processing under a megabyte at a time, memory use climbs by a megabyte every few seconds
21:03 useless2 [04:30] <useless2> Euphoria-4.1.0-29-Jan-2013 just starts up and dies without doing anything
21:03 useless2 [09:57] <mattlewis> useless2: I get the same thing...I remember getting a similar error recently, but I thought it was fixed
21:04 useless2 [09:57] <mattlewis> I'll contact iamlost to see what's going on with the eubins <<== iamlost/jimcbrown is the one who keeps editing my posts, and he keeps other things on the site fucked up as well
21:04 useless2 [10:07] <mattlewis> aha...it was here: http://openeuphoria.org/ticket/832.wc
21:04 useless2 [13:36] <useless2> using Euphoria-4.0.5-Jan30-2013
21:04 useless2 [13:36] <useless2> couldn't alloc 55200 bytes
21:04 useless2 [13:36] <useless2> Your program has run out of memory.
21:04 useless2 [13:36] <useless2> One moment please...
21:04 useless2 [15:04] <mattlewis> hmm...that one should have the replace() memory leak fixed
21:04 useless2 [15:05] <useless2> i agree
21:05 useless2 It looks like a conflict due to a custom makefile was preventing the eubins from properly updating. This should be fixed now. Matt <<== that would be another mistake by iamlost/jimcbrown/etc
21:06 useless2 iamlost/jimcbrown/etc and CoJaBo are enforcing their views of the RFC docs, disregarding that RFC = REQUEST FOR COMMENTS , and is no law, or even a standard
21:07 useless2 the programming language is to enable the programmer to use their computer, the language isn't there to enforce anyone view of the use of the computer
23:01 eless2 sits quietly crying under the t
23:03 e_shop2 rolls a catnip ball thru the table
23:04 eless2 watches it g
23:05 e_shop2 makes a hot chocolate for
23:05 rue_shop2 keywords
23:05 rue_shop2 :
23:05 rue_shop2 transistor
23:05 eless2 becomes distra
23:05 rue_shop2 resistor
23:06 rue_shop2 arduino
23:06 rue_shop2 java
23:06 rue_shop2 python
23:06 useless2 mosfet
23:06 useless2 capacitor
23:06 rue_shop2 cpu
23:06 useless2 inductor
23:06 useless2 socket
23:06 useless2 plug
23:06 rue_shop2 :)
23:07 rue_shop2 programming and mechanical stuff...
23:07 rue_shop2 uh
23:07 rue_shop2 lathe
23:07 useless2 circular saw
23:07 useless2 jig saw
23:07 rue_shop2 tap
23:07 rue_shop2 er
23:07 Tom_itx bastard file
23:07 useless2 drill press
23:07 Tom_itx die
23:08 rue_shop2 torx
23:08 useless2 power screwdriver
23:08 useless2 pozidrive
23:08 useless2 allen
23:08 rue_shop2 philips
23:08 rue_shop2 robertson
23:08 Tom_itx george
23:08 rue_shop2 :)
23:09 useless2 soic8, soic16,......
23:09 useless2 dip8, dip14,.......
23:09 rue_shop2 heh
23:09 useless2 Fahnstock
23:09 Tom_itx qfp
23:09 rue_shop2 whatstock?
23:09 useless2 guy's name
23:10 rue_shop2 oh
23:10 Tom_itx erector set
23:10 rue_shop2 maybe this should be question and not neccissarily buzword centered
23:10 rue_shop2 ferrite
23:11 Tom_itx galena
23:11 rue_shop2 LED
23:11 useless2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahnestock_clip
23:11 Tom_itx lead
23:11 rue_shop2 oh those
23:11 rue_shop2 right, I knew that...
23:11 rue_shop2 floppy-disk
23:11 rue_shop2 he's 14
23:12 Tom_itx ok i got this table filled out
23:12 Tom_itx but i don't know how to expand it
23:12 useless2 air pressure
23:12 rue_shop2 compressor
23:12 Tom_itx bootloader part lookup table
23:12 rue_shop2 I see "have you ever used any of the following tools?" question
23:13 useless2 soldering gun
23:13 useless2 soldering iron
23:13 rue_shop2 solder
23:13 useless2 centering punch
23:14 useless2 spring-loaded punch
23:14 rue_shop2 calipers
23:14 Tom_itx what's the next one up from 9600
23:14 rue_shop2 isn't that an autopunch?
23:14 rue_shop2 19200
23:14 Tom_itx between 15200
23:14 rue_shop2 baud
23:14 useless2 dial calipers, even
23:14 rue_shop2 I dont have any :)
23:15 Tom_itx i gave a pair away
23:15 Tom_itx brown n sharp
23:15 useless2 idc press
23:15 Tom_itx i use jorgensen clamps for that
23:15 useless2 i use a vise
23:16 Tom_itx i've been known to slam them in a drawer
23:16 useless2 wirewrap gun
23:16 useless2 etching chemicals
23:17 useless2 mechanical pencil, eraser pencil
23:18 useless2 hot air gun / shrinkwrap
23:18 useless2 dvm
23:18 useless2 oscope
23:18 useless2 signal generator
23:19 useless2 chip clip
23:19 useless2 microclips
23:20 useless2 book
23:20 useless2 solder sucker
23:20 useless2 antacids
23:21 useless2 wire nuts
23:21 useless2 crimp tool and connectors
23:21 useless2 arc welder , resistance welder
23:21 rue_shop2 visegrips
23:21 useless2 reamer
23:22 useless2 dremel
23:22 rue_shop2 programming related...
23:22 useless2 pascal
23:22 useless2 basic
23:22 useless2 euphoria
23:22 useless2 snobol
23:22 useless2 prolog
23:22 useless2 fortran
23:22 useless2 cobol
23:23 useless2 ada
23:23 rue_shop2 javascript
23:23 useless2 html
23:23 useless2 rdf
23:23 rue_shop2 zif
23:23 rue_shop2 sorry
23:23 rue_shop2 gcc
23:23 useless2 watcom
23:23 useless2 ming
23:23 rue_shop2 opengl
23:24 useless2 lisp
23:24 useless2 i think wikipedia has a list of languages
23:24 rue_shop2 that about buzwords IN a langauge
23:24 rue_shop2 I cant think of really anything
23:24 useless2 too many of them
23:25 rue_shop2 for is a bad example
23:25 rue_shop2 so is while
23:25 useless2 how about good shop practices: write down what you did and with what materials, tape inside the box, post on wall
23:26 rue_shop2 I get them to do a journal
23:26 useless2 k
23:26 rue_shop2 one of the important things in the journal is noting what you were working on so you know what to start on next time
23:26 useless2 i don't wanna hear from you in 14 yrs asking what i made the pizza restraint system out of
23:27 rue_shop2 that said me and the curren student stopped our journals about oct of 2011
23:27 useless2 tsk tsk
23:28 rue_shop2 yes yes
23:28 rue_shop2 it went a bit open ended for a while
23:29 rue_shop2 !thislog
23:29 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23garfield-2013-02-02.html
23:33 useless2 just think, the stuff we may be most familiar and comfy with, those kids have never heard of or seen
23:34 rue_shop2 this guy has used lego
23:34 rue_shop2 what the lego controller called
23:35 useless2 i could swear i hear rain, but radar sais it isn't
23:35 rue_shop2 NXP
23:35 rue_shop2 ?
23:36 useless2 parts company names?
23:36 rue_shop2 I think its the lego controller
23:36 rue_shop2 heh
23:36 rue_shop2 telunus, hey
23:38 rue_shop2 hehe
23:39 rue_shop2 NXT
23:39 rue_shop2 mindstorms
23:47 rue_shop2 sych tests: if a screw turns counterclockwise is it stripped?
23:47 rue_shop2 :)
23:48 useless2 no water leaks that i can see, and no rain
23:51 zhanx i quit
23:51 rue_shop2 what are you quitting?
23:51 useless2 quit what?
23:51 useless2 you never quit
23:52 zhanx every time i work out i get accused of taking steroids
23:52 rue_shop2 zhanx, its a race between you and rifraf
23:52 useless2 ah
23:52 rue_shop2 you need to see who can make a dancing robot first
23:52 zhanx k
23:52 zhanx he will win i am back in a high tempo unit
23:53 zhanx that believes if you can bench 345 20 times your taking drugs
23:53 zhanx fun day sorry
23:53 useless2 so tell him to blood test yu or step into the ring
23:53 zhanx failed jump master school also today
23:54 useless2 ouch
23:54 rue_shop2 ok so kat, I'm trying to make sure this isn't too much of a cutdown for kids who dont start knowing much
23:54 eless2 hands zhanx a wingsuit and a jet
23:54 zhanx miss understood directions due to the fact i was not in the room for them getting asked if i was on steroids
23:54 anx wants those th
23:55 e_shop2 wonders if and of the ladies ever changed their last name to direction just to be call miss direc
23:55 zhanx lol
23:55 rue_shop2 mrs
23:55 useless2 "there's a light rain over Iran tomorrow, you'll jump with wingsuit over the water, and fly as low as possible before hitting the jetpack to land
23:55 rue_shop2 ok suggestions:
23:55 rue_shop2 Circle any of the following you know about:
23:55 rue_shop2 transistor
23:55 rue_shop2 resistor
23:55 rue_shop2 mindstorms
23:55 rue_shop2 arduino
23:55 rue_shop2 java
23:55 rue_shop2 python
23:55 rue_shop2 plotter
23:55 rue_shop2 mosfet
23:55 zhanx i got a captain obvious in the battalion
23:55 rue_shop2 FRC
23:55 rue_shop2 capacitor
23:56 rue_shop2 cpu
23:56 rue_shop2 inductor
23:56 rue_shop2 reprap
23:56 rue_shop2 torx
23:56 rue_shop2 meccano
23:56 rue_shop2 ferrite
23:56 useless2 FRC ?
23:56 rue_shop2 LED
23:56 rue_shop2 PCI
23:56 rue_shop2 compressor
23:56 rue_shop2 calipers
23:56 rue_shop2 wirewrap
23:56 rue_shop2 CNC
23:56 anx circls
23:56 rue_shop2 multimeter
23:56 rue_shop2 baud
23:56 rue_shop2 oscilloscope
23:56 rue_shop2 marrette
23:56 rue_shop2 visegrips
23:56 zhanx sTOP
23:56 rue_shop2 dremel
23:56 rue_shop2 pascal
23:56 rue_shop2 javascript
23:56 rue_shop2 opengl
23:56 rue_shop2 NXT
23:56 useless2 marrette?
23:56 rue_shop2 Have you used any of the following tools?
23:56 rue_shop2 screwdriver
23:56 rue_shop2 hammer
23:56 rue_shop2 wrench
23:56 zhanx we all circle 99% of them
23:56 rue_shop2 vise
23:56 rue_shop2 dremel
23:57 zhanx and tools hello?
23:57 rue_shop2 drill
23:57 rue_shop2 soldering gun
23:57 useless2 rue, sheesh, put it on a webpage already
23:57 rue_shop2 lathe
23:57 rue_shop2 jigsaw
23:57 rue_shop2 hehe
23:57 rue_shop2 better than being a private and having the last name parts
23:57 rue_shop2 first robotics competition
23:57 rue_shop2 wire-nut
23:57 rue_shop2 yes, how about the 12 yr kid
23:57 zhanx true
23:58 rue_shop2 punishment: corpril
23:58 anx is still mad about t
23:58 zhanx busting a soldier
23:59 useless2 "have you ever been in a perambulator? Do you have a license to operate one?"
23:59 zhanx nope
23:59 rue_shop2 ok so do you think that will be a good little questionare for the new kids?
23:59 useless2 yeas
23:59 zhanx but i have a license to drive a tank