#garfield Logs

Jan 31 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:03 rue_house now I can go to bed
00:03 rue_house I'm happy, I got things done
00:04 Lola8088 good!
00:04 rue_house wish I had a bit more time on the newb instructions
00:04 rue_house ah well
00:04 Lola8088 would you classify yourself as a perfectionist?
00:05 rue_house no, more of a perfectionee
00:05 rue_house ;)
00:05 Lola8088 heh hehheh
00:06 ifny rue_house: you got a kitty?
00:06 rue_house two kitties
00:06 rue_house oh, you have some kitty problems dont you?
00:06 ifny me?
00:06 ifny naw
00:06 rue_house oh
00:06 ifny well, just the usual ones
00:06 ifny i'm in the waiting period before the next one.
00:07 ifny (in other words.)
00:07 rue_house ifny, your going to give me warning before you come down so I can make hte place 1/2 descent right?
00:07 ifny oh goodness yes
00:07 rue_house ifny, :( awe
00:07 rue_house how old was?
00:07 ifny i don't think we're going to come in this window; i'm feeling kinda crappy (and broke) and i don't know what my buddy is doing.
00:07 ifny rue_house: my kitty?
00:08 rue_house yea
00:08 ifny well he's a rescue but probably around 8 or 9 now
00:08 ifny you should toilet train your kitties!
00:08 rue_house oh, he is, thats good!
00:08 ifny no more litter
00:08 rue_house I was going to
00:08 rue_house I'm still working on teaching them to talk tho
00:08 rue_house they have achived two syllables
00:09 ifny well, they don't have the equipment for talking english mang
00:09 ifny but they have the equipment to piss in your toilet
00:09 rue_house yes, I know a fellow who was working on that, I should see how it went
00:10 rue_house ifny, meet Lola8088
00:10 rue_house Lola8088, meet ifny
00:10 Lola8088 Hi!
00:10 Lola8088 :D
00:10 ifny hi Lola8088
00:10 rue_house ifny is a...
00:10 ifny nice ta meet you
00:10 rue_house Lola8088, is....
00:10 ifny mm hmm
00:10 ifny :P
00:10 e_house scrathes his head for a few
00:10 Lola8088 heh ehh ehe ehhe
00:10 ifny rue_house: it's ok, we know.
00:11 rue_house ok ok
00:11 Lola8088 cheers
00:11 rue_house ifny, is a cyclist guru
00:11 ifny rue_house: this is what i used for my cat (terrible website) http://www.citikitty.com/
00:11 rue_house and Lola8088 is a bakery guru
00:11 ifny mm nice
00:11 ifny i like baked stuff
00:11 rue_house oh thats different
00:12 rue_house ifny, radio cyclist guru?
00:12 ifny it's different?
00:12 Lola8088 I just bought my first short wave
00:12 ifny nice
00:13 ny misses the days when you could pick up loads of stat
00:13 Lola8088 How long ago was that?
00:14 ifny mm, maybe 10 years?
00:14 rue_house kat is a pro steel fabricator
00:14 e_house points to usele
00:14 rue_house she's been having problems with her nickname recently
00:14 ifny but on a clear night you can probably still pick up some funky sheet
00:14 ifny how about lessusedto
00:15 Lola8088 I want to find a numbers station
00:15 ifny rue_house: you might have problems with the cat training cos you have a roomie and only one toilet tho eh
00:15 rue_house numbers?
00:15 rue_house ifny, yea, toilet training the roomie would prolly be harder than the cats
00:16 ifny hehe
00:16 Lola8088 stations where numbers are repeated in a "random" pattern
00:16 rue_house !roll 20
00:16 tobbor rue_house rolls a 17 and a 1 and does 1 damage
00:17 Lola8088 so far I've found a fundamentalist christian broadcast and an asian station that I suspect is in chinese
00:20 ifny Lola8088: yeah that's about what i remember last time i tuned in
00:20 rue_house telunus, is one of my previous robotics students who is in university
00:21 Lola8088 Ifny... have you ever heard a numbers station?
00:21 ifny coolest thing i ever got wasn't numbers, it was a message using the phonetic alphabet
00:21 ifny it was a really long message.
00:21 rue_house hahah
00:21 ifny i couldn't tell if it repeated
00:21 ifny i was in lebanon at the time
00:21 rue_house how about if its was a digital audio stream?
00:21 ifny and the voice was a very pleasant british woman's
00:22 ifny it went on for hours
00:22 ifny i recorded it (ran a cable to my md recorder)
00:22 Lola8088 cool
00:22 ifny have it somewhere
00:23 Lola8088 I want a holodeck.
00:23 rue_house I want to be abel to go fly off to the moon whenever I feel the desire to do so
00:23 Lola8088 maybe i should start up a second life account
00:26 rue_house hahaha
00:26 Lola8088 is it anybetter? last time I saw it was 5 years
00:26 rue_house the decoder in the display driver chipset has the following character set
00:26 rue_house 0
00:26 rue_house 1
00:26 rue_house 2
00:27 rue_house 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-,H,E,L,P, (blank)
00:27 rue_house hahaha
00:30 rue_house aha, common cathode displays
00:38 eless2 wakes for a mo
00:39 rue_house kat meet Lola8088
00:39 rue_house kat meet ifny
00:39 rue_house ifny, kat
00:39 useless2 hi, hi
00:40 eless2 makes stuff, almost any stuff, using other s
00:40 rue_house hmm, they must have gone afk...
00:41 rue_house :/
00:41 rue_house they will be back
00:41 rue_house http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5WNjRnfhqPU/UE-0BZeTkvI/AAAAAAAAAZI/4nJ65sZDKog/s1600/inmoov_robot_arm_3d_print3.JPG
00:41 rue_house good joint teqnique
00:41 rue_house I see some issues tho
00:41 useless2 rue, new way (untested yet) to remove foam from metals (new fridges, old water heaters) : pressure washer
00:42 useless2 in related news, got some cheap stainless steel sheet for making into equipment panels (fridge doors)
00:42 ifny hi useless2
00:42 ifny nice to meet you as well
00:42 rue_house OOOoo
00:43 useless2 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 4.bp.blogspot.com.
00:43 rue_house kat, the pressure washer I have surely coulndn't touch the hot water tank I peeled
00:43 rue_house huh
00:44 rue_house shall I replicate the image?
00:45 useless2 pressure washer has a hydraulic pump n the machine to boost pressure enough to cut lumber
00:45 useless2 sure, if you want me to see the eimage, make it available to me
00:45 useless2 mine will even cut soft rock, so cutting foam should be easy
00:49 Lola8088 Baby woke up, Mama put him back to sleep.
00:49 useless2 can somene put me back to sleep?
00:50 Lola8088 I could bake you some cookies?
00:50 useless2 i don't know, i may eat them, but i already weigh too much
00:51 Lola8088 I'll make them flax/oat/blueberry... so they are good for you cookies. :D
00:52 useless2 The server at uniat5401.ag5.mpi-sb.mpg.de is taking too long to respond.
00:53 ifny somebody say cookies?
00:53 Lola8088 hmmmm... I have an idea...
00:54 useless2 ideas keep me awake, i keep having them and thinking of them
00:54 Lola8088 Rueberry Cookies. Like a breakfast cookie for Rue so he gets more actual nutrition to feed that massive brain.
00:54 rue_house http://s1325.beta.photobucket.com/user/drfenning01/media/inmoov_robot_arm_3d_print3_zps73ece9bf.jpg.html
00:54 rue_house will that work?
00:55 eless2 drinks whey milkshakes for pro
00:55 Lola8088 try hemp seeds?
00:55 Lola8088 wait... you can't get them in the states, can you?
00:55 useless2 prolly get me arrested
00:55 Lola8088 yeah. Sorry. Excellent easily digetsted protien.
00:56 useless2 rue, that is a robot arm?
00:56 rue_house kat, did that link work?
00:57 rue_house supposadly
00:57 rue_house not mine
00:57 Lola8088 time for another STNG
00:57 rue_house the parts are 3d printed
01:01 useless2 remind me what foaf is?
01:01 Lola8088 freind of a freind?
01:02 useless2 no
01:03 useless2 it's a xml epresentation of some kind, but my brain is off atm
01:03 useless2 <foaf:Person rdf:about="#danbri" xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/">
01:03 useless2 <foaf:name>Dan Brickley</foaf:name>
01:03 useless2 <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://danbri.org/" />
01:03 useless2 <foaf:openid rdf:resource="http://danbri.org/" />
01:03 useless2 <foaf:img rdf:resource="/images/me.jpg" />
01:03 useless2 </foaf:Person>
01:04 Lola8088 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-foaf/
01:05 useless2 hmm
01:06 useless2 http://www.foaf-project.org/
01:12 Lola8088 yarg...
01:13 Lola8088 why are just about all homeschool resources christian?
01:13 Lola8088 Seriously... reading this grade one "science" curiculum is a joke
01:14 useless2 because it takes a special person to believe in their imaginary friends
01:15 Lola8088 he ehheheheh ehhe I'm going to use some of these, but I'm going to shop them so everywhere it says "god" it will say "mom"
01:16 rue_house heh
01:16 Lola8088 "Thank you, Mom, for the beautiful mountains.
01:16 useless2 i usually translate it as "dog" because here they don't know the difference
01:17 Lola8088 sounds like you should move to the westcoast
01:17 useless2 costs too much
01:18 Lola8088 "Mom made the world beautiful."
01:19 Lola8088 I suppose physical objects become anchors after a while.
01:19 rue_house hmm
01:19 useless2 physical objects? like the price of the land to move to? the fuel for the car/truck to get there? any rent money paid per month? those are physical?
01:20 rue_house you could substitute 'time' so far
01:20 useless2 yeas, trying to move to Florida cost me a year
01:21 Lola8088 well... the move to digital monitary is really just the change of the "idea" that the paper money is worth something. I don't understand why the envelope is worth less than the cheque I put in it.
01:21 useless2 same reason you are worth more than the car you drive in?
01:22 Lola8088 I'm a waterbag... the car is metal (mostly) different properties granted to each
01:22 useless2 yes, but those ascribing values gennerally will place you above the steel
01:23 Lola8088 depends on the waterbag making the judgement. :)
01:24 useless2 true, "worth" is a word i have huge problems with
01:24 eless2 is useless, because, she isn't being used in any
01:24 Lola8088 you don't use yourself?
01:25 useless2 sometimes
01:25 useless2 i make things that please me, but others seldom understand
01:26 Lola8088 sometimes I watch star trek and eat popcorn with chop sticks. only my mom understands that.
01:26 useless2 sounds challenging
01:27 Lola8088 it's pretty easy... and it keeps the keyboard clean
01:27 Lola8088 regulates the flow of popcorn to mouth
01:27 Lola8088 heh ehehhe heh eh
01:27 useless2 true, it would
01:28 Lola8088 if I could make anything... what would I make...
01:28 eless2 sighs,, in the olden days, i used <tags> which had no name, then came sgml, and that exploded into xml, html, rdf, foaf, and owl, none are interchange
01:29 Lola8088 what would you make if you had no $/time constrictions?
01:30 useless2 a nice place to live on the west coast, or florida
01:30 Lola8088 I like florida, but not the gulf coast anymore
01:31 Lola8088 my grandparents have a winter home there, and my mom lives in California
01:32 useless2 i tend to find humans intrusive, mosty the dogs, and the burning garbage
01:32 useless2 i may be better off at sea
01:34 Lola8088 I lived on a boat for a few years
01:34 Lola8088 it was very liberating.
01:34 Lola8088 When I was a kid I lived on an island with no electricity and no neibours.
01:35 Lola8088 boat access only is nice.
01:35 eless2
01:36 useless2 i have started a boat, and lost a boat (cost of moving, it's still down there, i'll never see it again)
01:37 Lola8088 jeeze... boats are free here. there are so many that are just sinking because no one is taking care of them
01:37 useless2 problem with a boat is it is a transportation device, it's not a living space
01:37 useless2 cannot get one here
01:38 ny would love to live on a
01:38 ifny Lola8088: where are these boats that are free?
01:38 Lola8088 you local Ifny?
01:38 Lola8088 er... sunshiney coast?
01:39 ifny vancouver.
01:39 ifny just got back from the gulf coast tho…well, new orleans that is.
01:39 ifny not sure if that counts :P
01:39 Lola8088 ifny... you know where the skookum chuck rapids are?
01:40 ifny Lola8088: nope unfort
01:42 Lola8088 well... if you take the ferry to gibsons from horseshoe bay... and drive to the end of the highway, you reach egmont. (that's where the rapids are)... there are at least a dozen boats there that you could have. :)
01:42 ifny woo
01:44 useless2 why aren't othe people "having" those boats?
01:45 Lola8088 because no one wants to take care of them... everything costs money
01:45 useless2 step 1 ) remove them fromt he water to save dock fees, and stop deterioration, and prevent sinking
01:45 rue_house oo really free boats?
01:46 Lola8088 moorage, fuel, upkeep, the ocean is a great way to speed up entropy
01:46 Lola8088 rue... I had no idea! You like boats?
01:46 e_house might be abel to +1 the robot boat pro
01:46 rue_house I just ned a boat to make it from
01:47 Lola8088 rue: aluminium, wood, fiberglass?
01:47 rue_house I was thinking fiberglass
01:47 Lola8088 length?
01:47 rue_house and poking on some uh
01:47 rue_house I'm asleep
01:47 useless2 must have length
01:47 rue_house airfoils... but for water
01:47 rue_house called
01:48 rue_house hydrofoils
01:48 rue_house yea
01:48 rue_house making it so if you hit something they break away safe
01:48 Lola8088 you want a fancy pants speed sailboat with hydrofoils?
01:48 rue_house I think 16'
01:48 rue_house vancouver and back
01:48 rue_house make it RC controlled, so it can be remotly docked in the bay(s)
01:49 rue_house just grab the remote and bring it in when you want to go to van
01:49 Lola8088 dude.
01:49 rue_house same on other side, no worries about the last ferry
01:49 rue_house I need to get my boat ticket
01:49 rue_house er anchor
01:50 rue_house in the bay
01:50 rue_house ok its hurting to think
01:50 rue_house to bed!
01:52 useless2 maybe just a 2x6 on a hinge on the ceiling, so the impact with head also knocks me back into the bed, asleep
01:53 Lola8088 have a tea
01:54 useless2 i already ate ,,,, what's-it's-name root
01:54 Lola8088 valerian?
01:54 useless2 yeas
01:54 Lola8088 it works if you are relaxed already
01:54 Lola8088 are you stressed out?
01:54 useless2 can't relax, i have ideas :-(
01:55 Lola8088 maybe stretch a little?
01:55 Lola8088 i do yoga when I can't sleep
01:55 useless2 did
01:56 Lola8088 do you meditate?
01:56 useless2 not any more
01:57 Lola8088 how come?
01:57 ifny goodnight rue_bed & rue_house!
01:57 useless2 my mind is already too cluttered, thinking about unclutetr only clutetrs worse
01:58 Lola8088 that's kindof the point, to turn it off, not think of other things...
01:58 useless2 yeas, i have been asking for an of switch
02:13 useless2 ...
02:13 eless2 wanders
02:13 Lola8088 night night
20:17 useless2 ambiguous sentence: "rue puts on some Meatloaf"
20:21 rue_house odd, I dont even like meatloaf
20:22 useless2 then why are you wearing it?
20:28 eless2 goes away again
21:53 Lola8088 HI hi hi hi hi hhi hi hih hi hih i hihi.
21:53 rue_shop2 hi
21:53 Lola8088 (sorry, I ate suger)
21:53 rue_shop2 hehe
21:53 Lola8088 whacha doin?
21:54 rue_shop2 trying to blame the fart on someone else
21:54 Lola8088 he e heh ehhe heh eh doesn't work if the other person is a cat.
21:54 rue_shop2 its hard, there is nobody else here
21:55 Lola8088 you wanna have dinner at my place sometime?
21:55 Tom_itx the cat?
21:55 Lola8088 your mom told me you are never actually going to ask me out to do anything and to me
21:55 Lola8088 heh ehh eh yeah... the cat.
21:56 Lola8088 er... rather it's up to me to bug you into doing stuff
21:56 Lola8088 She's very handy, your mom. But I end up with way too much stuff from the Sally.
21:57 rue_shop2 heh
21:57 rue_shop2 possibly, I have a new robotics student on sat. have a bunch of stuff to get ready for a starter
21:57 rue_shop2 ying to get the shop into a half orderly state
21:57 rue_shop2 ying = so I'm trying
21:58 Tom_itx just a 555 circuit...
21:58 Tom_itx how hard is that?
21:59 Lola8088 I'm busy till sunday, after that it's a free for all
22:00 rue_shop2 I decided I have them make a 7 segment parallel port thing and then do some BASIC programming for it
22:00 rue_shop2 I have to make an air mulscle howto for the mechanical part
22:00 rue_shop2 Lola8088, ok
22:00 Lola8088 when ever i get on morgan.freenode... I always read incoming txt like morgan freeman
22:03 rue_shop2 I'v misplaced an elephant in my shop, large african, big grey thing, anyone see it?
22:03 rue_shop2 I hate it when this happens
22:04 Lola8088 i thought you said no pachaderms in the shop?
22:05 rue_shop2 aha! it was filed under P
22:05 rue_shop2 didn't think of that
22:05 Lola8088 you specifically said... no pachaderms
22:05 rue_shop2 wan't that for the house?
22:05 Lola8088 ooooooooh... I stand corrected. You are right.
22:06 rue_shop2 I DO try to keep my rules reasonable
22:06 Lola8088 well... now we know why.
22:06 useless2 why?
22:07 Lola8088 because rue can't find pachaderms in his shop.
22:07 useless2 o
22:10 rue_shop2 I did a bad thing
22:10 rue_shop2 I wrote up this whole program to introduce kids to the robotics and the shop
22:10 rue_shop2 I have no provision for what they know comming in
22:10 rue_shop2 :/
22:11 useless2 easy: skip ahead 2 lines for each step they already know
22:12 useless2 give them a printout of buzzwords, tell them to write their name at the top, and circle words they don't know
22:13 rue_shop2 "direct booting from disk is no longer supported, please remove disk and reboot" ... but its a hard drive...
22:13 rue_shop2 kat, THAT is a really good idea.... I like it
22:13 e_shop2 adds that to the todo
22:14 rue_shop2 wait, kat, do you have time to draft up a proposal buzzword list?
22:14 useless2 i did 10 hrs ago
22:14 useless2 look around, write down things you see that they'll be touching
22:16 useless2 "keep your hands exposed to air, if you are about to put your hand into something that contains no air, don't put your hand into it. This includes the molten aluminum"
22:16 useless2 "the weedwhacker and mower blades also contain no air"
22:26 Tom_itx rue_shop2, remember the parport led chaser?
22:26 Tom_itx do that
22:27 Tom_itx as a prelude to the 7 seg
23:29 rue_shop2 I'm just gonna go for the 7 seg, I already did the writeup to make it
23:30 rue_shop2 otherwise its the same
23:30 rue_shop2 I think it has a bit more fun potential
23:30 rue_shop2 righ tnow I need to get a dos machine up
23:33 rue_shop2 damnit, the start menu dissapeared
23:45 useless2 there are soooooooooooo many mistakes made by humans in databases, i haveto believe they are intentional, to trip up Skyne,, i mean Tiggr
23:46 rue_shop2 arg, how do I set dos up here
23:46 rue_shop2 no more floppy drives
23:49 useless2 i dunno, i had to swap to winxpee because of file sizes
23:50 useless2 and puter netwerking
23:54 rue_shop2 how do I install dos without a floppy drive?
23:54 rue_shop2 I dont thin kit can be done
23:55 useless2 install a hd with it already installed
23:56 useless2 question: if the kids cannot get dos installed on a puter, how will they make use of what they have learned running dos ona computer?