#garfield Logs

Jan 28 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:21 useless Tom? zhanx?
00:34 rue_bed no
00:35 eless
00:35 rue_bed max7219 (?) is a led grid driver, $5 for 10 from china
00:35 rue_bed it drives 8x 7 segment displays
00:35 rue_bed via serial
00:35 rue_bed got one, need to try it out
00:36 useless 8x7 dot matrix?
00:37 rue_bed well its 8x8 grid, it can do a 7 seg+dp mode or just a raw mode
00:37 rue_bed so 8x7seg or 64 pixels
00:38 rue_bed dk = $11 ea, china = 0.50 ea
00:38 useless url?
00:38 rue_bed I also have some 749xx keyboard decoders
00:38 rue_bed :)
00:39 rue_bed www.ebay.com search for max7219 I think
00:40 useless fairly big displays
00:43 eless has been pondering connecting a ps2 wintel keybd to a C64 and v
00:44 Lola8088 /msg rue_bed pong
00:44 useless <blink>
00:45 useless i was going to say just double-click on his nick, but that's a mirc thing
01:02 useless conceptnet still has stupid errors:
01:02 useless tiger HasA lion
01:03 useless tiger AtLocation big than
01:03 useless tiger RelatedTo strip
01:03 useless tiger IsA person
01:03 useless tiger IsA bird
01:04 useless cat IsA tiger
01:08 eless waves gn
12:25 useless (CapableOf "'ll let you know when you" "turn to leave")
12:25 useless (IsA "effect of jog" "inside")
12:25 useless (IsA "effect of killing people" "sex")
12:26 useless (IsA "effect of living life" "gining knowledge")
12:26 useless (IsA "effect of meeting girl" "sex") (true for all girls meeting girls?)
12:27 useless (IsA "effect of play frisbee" "minute")
12:27 useless so if you need a minute, play frisbee?
12:28 useless (IsA "effect of play lacrosse" "orgasm")
12:29 useless (IsA "effect of see art" "rage")
12:29 useless (IsA "effect of see old things" "wax") ("you look waxy today" "i saw some old stuff yesterday")
12:30 useless (IsA "effect of send mail" "carpal tunnel") (no wonder the mail is slow)
12:30 useless (IsA "effect of serving customer" "orgasm")
12:30 useless (IsA "effect of sleighing ride" "orgasm")
12:30 useless (IsA "effect of sleighing ride" "your nose")
12:31 useless (IsA "effect of stabbing to death" "lot")
12:31 useless (IsA "effect of go to baseball game" "orgasm")
12:31 useless (IsA "effect of go for haircut" "orgasmic")
12:31 useless (IsA "effect of fly kite" "erection")
12:31 useless (IsA "effect of fly kite" "orgasm")
12:32 useless (IsA "effect of drill hole" "orgasm")
12:32 useless (IsA "effect of do housework" "clena house")
12:32 useless (EventRequiresObject "take course" "orgasm")
12:32 useless (EventRequiresObject "take car for drive" "you to gert bcdl")
12:33 useless (EventRequiresObject "go to pub" "orgasm")
12:33 useless (EventRequiresObject "building cathedral" "orgasm")
12:33 useless (EventForGoalState "orgasm" "watch movie")
12:33 useless (EffectOfIsState "writing" "orgasm")
12:34 useless (EffectOfIsState "wait on table" "orgasm")
12:34 useless (SubeventOf "use calculator" "orgasm")
12:34 useless (SubeventOf "urinate" "you wet your shoe")
12:35 useless (SubeventOf "set cup on table" "orgasm")
12:36 useless "why do you keep picking up your coffee and setting it down again? "you know why"
12:41 useless "everyone at the executive meeting the otehr day is in the hospital" "all 30 of them? dehydrated again?" "yep, someone brought in drinks for everyone, whenever anyone set a cup on the table... well, you know"
12:42 useless it's no wonder Chris McKinstry and Push Singh killed themselves
12:43 useless imagine if you life's work was constantly polluted with porn
15:29 useless .
19:34 useless ,
19:49 useless Turing predicted that by the year 2000, there would exist machines with the storage capacity of 109 bytes2 that could fool the average questioner into thinking the machine was human for a period of 5 minutes, 70% of the time.
19:49 useless err, 10^9 bytes
19:49 useless a gigabyte
20:08 useless Cusihuiriachi <hasLatitude> "28.233333333333334"^^<degrees> 28.233333333333334
21:17 rue_house I think someone is rounding off again
21:17 rue_house kat, heh, thats tiggers database?
21:49 rue_house Lolina8088, hey
21:58 useless that's one line, yeas
22:03 useless even the Ai tests have errors : 0.71 Do bears hypernate?
22:03 useless no, they don't
22:05 useless even the format is screwed up : 0.10?can robots be human?
22:06 rue_house I can find several condtions under which robots clasify as human
22:07 rue_house wonder what screwed up the format
22:07 rue_house this keeps happening, the storage tank is now 7c over the max temp the boiler output has ever been
22:08 rue_house there is no other source of heat input
22:08 useless "Judging by some of the questions asked, is it true to say that this test will be full of shit?" <<== actual question
22:09 useless 0.44 how fasr does light travel?
22:15 useless 1.00 The human language is heading towards a vocabulary of a million words, but 75% of them are profession-specific jargon. Of the 250,000 words left, most people only know 100,000, and most people use less than 10,000 on a daily basis. Are they?literat?
22:15 useless "literat" ??
22:16 useless 1.00 Is GAC going to be as intelligent as the average American and thus be stupid?
22:17 rue_house I wonder what the 100000 words are that people get by with
22:17 rue_house I hink I just found 11
22:17 rue_house 4 more
22:18 rue_house and 1 there
22:18 useless including "hink" !
22:18 useless i suspect the words found won't appear on irc
22:18 rue_house the boiler temp is going up, but the water going in and out of it is the same temp
22:18 useless bad thermometer
22:19 rue_house oh! thats why I have tobbor going?
22:19 useless why?
22:19 rue_house shall I sort the top used wrods, trim off the upper 100000 and see whats left?
22:19 useless sort by what criteria?
22:19 rue_house freq
22:19 rue_house er count technically
22:20 useless umm, might be interesting to see the top 100000 and the rest too
22:20 rue_house well, thats seems more interesting than what I'm working on now
22:20 rue_house and I cant remember what I'm supposed to be working on
22:21 useless "the use of english on irc is terrible, with this bot you can drop random esoteric words into the conversation, improving the quality of the chat!"
22:21 useless like, "esoteric" !
22:23 rue_house bash: /usr/bin/scp: Argument list too long
22:23 rue_house too many files to use *
22:23 rue_house hmm
22:24 useless that's a wierd thing for nix to say
22:25 rue_house there are 13228 files
22:26 useless all the lines start with a tab, but replacing /t?. with /t0. will replace every entire line with 0. /tab 0. /tab 0. /tab etc
22:27 useless dir list here :
22:27 useless 05/18/2011 10:26 PM 389 Ü©.xml.txt
22:27 useless 05/18/2011 10:26 PM 345 ܪ.xml.txt
22:27 useless 05/18/2011 10:26 PM 407 Ü«.xml.txt
22:27 useless 05/19/2011 10:49 AM 975 ܬ.xml.txt
22:27 useless 05/19/2011 07:58 AM 488 Ü­.xml.txt
22:27 useless 05/19/2011 07:58 AM 488 Ü®.xml.txt
22:27 useless 05/19/2011 07:58 AM 488 ܯ.xml.txt
22:29 rue_house oh my
22:30 rue_house ok after some cleanup there are 12301 files
22:30 rue_house data is from 2005 forward
22:31 rue_house :) see, that didn't take long to capture
22:31 rue_house #avr-2005-01-26.html
22:33 useless ok
22:34 eless clogs up the lan a
22:43 rue_house it should take not more than 2 hours to download it all
22:44 useless i wasn't
22:44 rue_house then I need to convert it from html to text
22:44 rue_house then I need to break it all into 'words'
22:44 rue_house then I can sort
22:45 rue_house oh odd
22:45 rue_house it suddenly sped up a lot
22:47 rue_house oh thats nice, I already have an html2text program
22:48 rue_house 8 years should be enough data right?
22:49 eless guesses so, if anyone is talking in the cha
22:49 rue_house electronics robotics, avr and garfield
22:49 rue_house and bits of some others
22:52 eless showed this puter how to pick decent files off the Tiggr-4 and copy them to Tiggrbox..................... and fucking winxp just dropped the damned
22:55 rue_house ok, converting 12000 html files to text
22:58 useless type *.html >> total.txt
23:01 rue_house no, that would have all the markup in it
23:11 rue_house processing
23:11 rue_house 3000+ files so far
23:11 rue_house 3400..
23:11 rue_house 12000 is going to take it a while
23:12 rue_house 4400....
23:13 rue_house kat, the largest logs come from electronics, so I fear flybacks pottymouth may influence the results
23:14 rue_house 6400 files...
23:14 useless of curse they will
23:15 rue_house we will see
23:15 rue_house if its a problem, I'll just remove #electronics form the restults
23:15 rue_house 8300.....
23:17 rue_house 9800 files...
23:19 useless 9800 already? how is 12,000 "going to take a while" ?
23:21 rue_house all done!
23:21 rue_house that took a while
23:21 useless oh
23:27 rue_house now I'm just working out how to trimm off the time and nicks
23:28 rue_house and in the same swoop I can dump the results into mongo.txt
23:30 rue_house processing...
23:31 rue_house -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 768231450 Jan 28 21:18 mongo.txt
23:31 rue_house 768M of raw statements
23:32 useless ouch
23:34 rue_house sampling shows its reasonable
23:34 rue_house sampbar: I think apache is easier for hosting multiple users... lighty needs some work regarding that IMHO
23:34 rue_house icy: the problem is i cant actually get apache to do what it needs to do lol
23:34 rue_house but again I'm not that into apache... :)
23:34 rue_house so you think its best to: use symlinks for the vhosts and if bandwidth exceeded, point the symlink to a "bandwidth exceeded" vhost
23:34 rue_house I'm planing to create a hosting control panel on my own too
23:34 rue_house sampbar: that would be the easiest thing I think
23:34 rue_house icy: what language? open source?
23:34 rue_house both things not decided yet
23:34 rue_house but I think open source will be ok with me
23:34 rue_house lol ok
23:34 rue_house icy: please don't use php for it. kkthx.
23:34 rue_house language maybe php for the frontend part and python scripts to do the work under the hood, but I might also use C or D for this :D
23:34 rue_house use python!
23:34 rue_house hoffie: what would you suggest?
23:34 rue_house now I have to break it up into words
23:35 rue_house I think I have to write this one
23:41 useless ...
23:41 eless bites some Ritzy crac
23:42 useless need a nother bucket of water for toilet flushing, brb
23:43 rue_house soda/beer
23:43 rue_house cool,
23:43 rue_house why
23:43 rue_house not
23:44 rue_house your
23:44 rue_house chip?
23:44 rue_house -20?
23:44 rue_house I
23:44 rue_house mean
23:44 rue_house like
23:44 rue_house below
23:44 rue_house freezing
23:44 rue_house bro
23:44 rue_house ShadwLynx:
23:44 rue_house I
23:44 rue_house did
23:44 rue_house the
23:44 rue_house math
23:44 rue_house on
23:44 rue_house soda/beer
23:44 rue_house peltier
23:44 rue_house cooler
23:45 rue_house wholy gizzard, breaking it into words and removing whitespace took the data down to 3.5M
23:45 useless from 768M of raw statements? something is wrong, unless you also deleted duplicates
23:46 rue_house not yet
23:46 useless run 100 lines and see if you get 1 byte
23:47 useless because you seem to be reducing it by 219 times
23:47 rue_house let me try something
23:47 rue_house maybe something was mis-interperted as an EOF
23:47 useless at 219x, removing whitespace from 219 lines will give you one line
23:52 Lolina8088 Hi all!
23:52 Lolina8088 How goes?
23:52 useless ¡!¡ all hi
23:52 useless hmm
23:53 Lolina8088 heh hehheh heh
23:53 useless ¡i¡i¡i¡i
23:54 Lolina8088 Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White
23:54 Lolina8088 I'm just learning
23:54 rue_house processing again
23:54 rue_house your right
23:54 eless puts some crab and horseradish sause o
23:54 Lolina8088 Bam.
23:54 rue_house zippo:/files/programming/c/english/tobbor/html# ./a.out > words.txt
23:54 rue_house 768231450 chars processed
23:55 rue_house ok kat! 368M of words!
23:55 useless that sounds more reasonable
23:56 rue_house I see some binary junk, prolly from people using colour, gonna adjust my filter
23:56 rue_house alphanumberic and puntuation?
23:56 eless looks at the 2.4Gbytes of wikipedia links (THIS linksto THAT) , and notes there is nothing saying WHY it is linked to there,,, like maybe (THIS has_nothing_to_do_with THA
23:57 useless yeas
23:57 useless but then, 4,3 has a punctuation in it
23:58 eless pollutes rue's text samp
23:58 useless oops
23:59 useless 5ú6§2è1£14é14s3§ 1l7o4ø13|<7s 3á4t 1+14h14ê 321.744G13ß7Ý3t4ë1§ 14ö14f 10w6¦1k12i4¶1e10Ð12î6â 5£5ì10ñ6|<1s 12+4H1¦10§ 4l1í3n3k6s4t13ð 7+2H10Á4T 3ã14ñ2d 2n1¤7+12ë4§ 12t6h13è4®2é 6î12s 13ñ5°12+13h6ï7n14g 2§14a13y7¦14ñ4g 10W12H5¥ 13i3t 5î3
23:59 useless 14û3§5é3£7ê3s3§ 12l10ð1¤3|<14s 3ª5+ 3t7h10ë 1023.246G10ß5ÿ10+13e10§ 1°10f 10w3¦2k6i10þ5ë10Ð13î10à 1£10ì10ñ3|<2s 6T10H5Ì10§ 13l10í1n10k1s7+6º 13T1H12Ã1+ 3á1ñ5d 1n1o7t6è13§ 1+12h1é3®1ê 5î1s 1ñ6ø5t12h14ï10n14g 2§14â4Ý14¦14ñ6g 5W12H14Y 10i14+ 6î4s 
23:59 useless readable?
23:59 rue_house hissssssssssssssssss colour!
23:59 rue_house :)