#garfield Logs

Jan 26 2013

#garfield Calendar

12:10 rue_shop3 hahaha
19:23 useless .
19:24 rue_house -
19:25 useless ;
19:26 eless wonders what the exhaust tempeature is of rue's burner house heater t
19:32 useless i mean
19:32 useless '
19:35 useless i say the wrong thng and humans quit talking to me
19:35 useless i dunno why
19:36 zhanx fan died i am sucking resin fumes
19:36 eless is afraid to say anything
19:44 m_itx passes around a plate of hot fresh peanut butter coo
19:46 eless sits quietly in #dum
19:50 zhanx there, 36 rgb leds soldered to the wires
19:51 zhanx pita
19:51 zhanx kat stop being dumb damn it
19:52 useless i do not know how i am being dumb
19:53 zhanx useless sits quietly in #dumbass
19:53 useless i asked rue an intelligent question, and he quit talking to me, i do not know why
19:53 useless it happens all the time
19:56 zhanx well seems to me
19:56 zhanx we all work on stuff
19:56 Tom_itx if he's like me, he doesn't sit right on the keyboard. i like doing other things as well
19:56 zhanx aka i am making a drum set to bet rgb leds to music, tom does shit and so do you
19:56 zhanx rue is crazy busy
19:57 useless i often am sitting playing solitaire, because anything i do is stupid
19:57 zhanx i got to a stopping point for a break after soldiering 36 leds
19:57 zhanx only you say that
19:58 zhanx kat i am using aluminium foil, leds and disposable tuff ware and a t-shirt to make drums
19:58 zhanx people like use dont do stupid shit
19:58 zhanx us
19:59 zhanx between the three of you ( with you being a major part) i learned a ton and learned a bit more.
19:59 zhanx i make shit now
20:00 useless i been trying to come up with a cheap heat exchanger material, easy to use, easy to find, but choice of materials bepends alot on pressure and temperature, so i asked rue, and got silence
20:01 zhanx copper if possibleif not then fiberglass bt its a pita
20:01 useless copper is pricey, fiberglass cannot take any heat, and rue uses dozens of sticks of $7 emt
20:07 useless i should have kept my mouth shut
20:09 zhanx ok
20:09 zhanx brb hot glue time
20:21 useless 1" emt 10ft long $8 has 2.5ft of surface area. 2ft x 8ft $10 roofing tin has 16ft of area
20:23 useless $3.20 per sq ft for conduit vs $0.62 per sq ft for roofing tin
20:23 useless and the tin is thinner, for faster heat flow
20:26 eless gives up in t
20:56 rue_house cool
20:56 rue_house so its cheaper
21:04 useless why can't anyone just say i am worth a damn, worth more than a cat or a dog, and say it in real life??
21:05 rue_house you are, you dont seem to hear it tho
21:06 useless no, i hear i helped you make yourself better, but i am still worthless, and NOONE wills ay i am worth a damn irl
21:09 rue_house oh kat
21:09 rue_house THAT was a fine contradition
21:15 zhanx https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-kXhKMvp4frA/UQSNOjttA8I/AAAAAAAADn0/Z-2ucGPu8Vs/s640/2013-01-26%252021.12.49.jpg
21:22 rue_house the coder of this loves pointless global variables
21:22 rue_house and goto
21:24 zhanx goto end
21:24 zhanx goto 1:
21:24 zhanx goto goto
21:32 rue_house I got rid of the gotos
21:32 rue_house that part hurt my brain
21:33 rue_house I'v ditched the last of the REALLY unneccissary global varaibles
21:33 rue_house there were stacked if's of the same condition
21:33 rue_house if (a = 0)
21:33 rue_house if (a = 0)
21:34 rue_house er whatever
21:34 rue_house it was sutpid
22:00 zhanx heads are on need to make them tight and program it https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HVcwIkqdn6E/UQSi_m9IaqI/AAAAAAAADoc/HYctFapT6rw/s512/2013-01-26%252022.45.36.jpg
22:01 zhanx my 6 dollar drum set
22:02 zhanx backside https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-oleNdOi0hZQ/UQSjxEbtDYI/AAAAAAAADok/p49qra3glME/s512/2013-01-26%252022.49.00.jpg
22:03 rue_house hah
22:03 rue_house hows it sound?
22:03 zhanx not sure yet