#garfield Logs

Jan 25 2013

#garfield Calendar

22:16 eless made another booboo, she thought someone c
22:19 eless s
22:21 Lola8088 Hello!
22:21 useless hi
22:21 eless looks embarrass
22:22 useless hi?
22:23 Lola8088 Hi, sorry, kids running around causing havoc!
22:23 useless oh
22:23 Lola8088 How
22:24 Lola8088 's your night? or is it night where you are?
22:24 useless it is nite here, 10:11pm
22:24 eless offers to share leashes for the
22:25 Lola8088 :D
22:25 Lola8088 They could use them.
22:25 Lola8088 it's 8 where I am
22:26 Lola8088 Almost bed time.
22:26 useless i wish i was where it's midnite
22:26 useless or 7pm, either way
22:26 useless or maybe noon
22:27 Lola8088 How come?
22:27 useless midnite would put me in theAtlantinc ocean off the Bahamas, 7pm, wold put me off the west coast of usa/Canadia, and noon would put me in the NZ/Oz area
22:28 Lola8088 mmm... NZ... that would be good. I'm in BC, it's 8pm here.
22:29 eless nods, thinking you were near rue somewh
22:30 Lola8088 Yeah... he's here too :)
22:30 useless are you one of us geeks who make strange things?
22:31 useless i mean, beside the human kids
22:31 Lola8088 Not the same kinds of things
22:31 eless decided to not make human kids, no way, no
22:31 Lola8088 I was told it wouldn't happen... but it did... twice. :)
22:32 useless i like the smell of baking cookies, red hot steel, and just right cornbread, but the steel lasts longer
22:33 useless there is a cause kown for the kids happening, you aren't going to bed with the right sex to not have kids
22:33 useless known
22:33 useless that "opposite sex" thing almost alwys results in kids
22:35 useless <cough> so much for humor
22:35 eless looks at the floor and shuffles her
22:35 eless coughs some more at the dust she stirre
22:35 useless tobbor, !seen a clean floor in here
22:36 useless !seen a clean floor in here
22:36 eless slaps the
22:36 useless i give up
22:39 Lola8088 I'm trying to get my friends pics off of her ancient phone...
22:39 Lola8088 I like the smell of lighting an oil lamp with a large wooden match
22:46 eless has several oil lamps, but uses bic ligh
22:51 useless i also keep 2 propane lites at the ready
22:51 useless one propane lite, or 2 kerosene lamps, can keep the bedroom warm, no matter the temperature outside
22:52 useless i have a ittybitty propane camp heater too, but it's too much heat
22:55 useless so far this winter, the power has stayed on, and i have not needed anything but the one 900w portable heater, and i turn it off at nite and when i goto town
23:04 Lola8088 We've done well here also. There was a period where there were several brownouts for no more than a couple of hours. We heat the house with wood and run propane stove & hot water, so I could be without power for an extended period of time.
23:04 Lola8088 only problem is the well is electric, but i've got a geni for that
23:05 eless pumps from the stream for water, but has a 2000 gal tank outside by the house, and 500 gallons in the ce
23:09 useless atm, the toilet runs endlessly, so it's off, and i flush with a 5 gal bucket, which is more reliable anyhow
23:10 rue_bed Lola8088, wanna work on the binary clock this weekend?
23:10 rue_bed kat, first character needs to be ! not
23:10 useless huh?
23:11 eless looks at
23:11 eless does miss having wood
23:12 rue_bed !seen katsmeow-afk
23:12 tobbor katsmeow-afk was last seen in #robotics on Nov 10 19:59 2012
23:12 useless [22:23] <useless> !seen a clean floor in here
23:12 useless [22:23] * useless slaps the bot
23:12 rue_bed your first charater was a space
23:12 rue_bed !seen rifraf
23:12 tobbor RifRaf was last seen in #robotics on Jan 25 03:33 2013
23:13 eless missed r
23:13 eless bets rif doesn't miss
23:13 rue_bed he's prolly there now, so your missing him
23:13 useless he isn't missing me
23:14 rue_bed he dosn't know your back
23:14 rue_bed how could he
23:14 useless tell him about my finger? http://designerthinking.com/fingers.html
23:16 rue_bed ok, we shall see
23:16 useless you won't tell him, will you?
23:16 rue_bed the kid in me wants to stay up all night and play
23:16 rue_bed I did, he's afk
23:16 ifny rue_bed: do set!
23:16 ifny er
23:16 ifny do eet!
23:17 rue_bed ?
23:17 ifny damn spellcheck
23:17 rue_bed the fogie in me wants to be asleep an hour ago
23:17 rue_bed and the middle age guy in me just wishes the other darn cat would come in
23:17 eless has no guys in
23:18 rue_bed I did eat
23:18 useless that didn't sound right
23:18 rue_bed hahaha
23:18 rue_bed oh dear
23:18 rue_bed see, I woulnd't have noticed
23:19 rue_bed I want to make an air table for testing propultion drives
23:19 rue_bed I also want to strip down
23:19 rue_bed all the printers on the deck
23:19 useless think i can sand the dried paint off tomorrow and apply a stain to the steel to keep it from rusting?
23:20 rue_bed stain?
23:20 useless like gun blueing
23:20 rue_bed I have no data in this field
23:20 rue_bed heat it up red hot and quench in oil?
23:21 useless no
23:21 useless i don't wanna warp it
23:21 rue_bed is it a boat?
23:21 useless i heavily braced it for welding, each frame is 2ft x 3ft
23:22 useless no, 19" rack rails
23:22 rue_bed oh
23:22 rue_bed tremclad?
23:23 rue_bed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf4-AMQWl6g
23:23 rue_bed says rif
23:23 useless bed frame, wire brushed, welded, ground, then rustoleum, gloss black (paint brush) and maybe a spray hammertone
23:24 useless FF is making a jerky mess of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf4-AMQWl6g
23:26 useless why does he have dual twitchy motors?
23:29 rue_bed thats a good question
23:29 rue_bed I odnt have any audio in bed, so I dont know
23:48 useless .
23:57 eless goes away