#garfield Logs

Jan 23 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:00 useless i dunno, i don't know rpgs
00:02 useless "we brought the enemy to it's knees by firing (Nintendo) RPGs at them"
00:14 useless ...
00:28 useless anyone?
00:34 useless Jan. 22, 2013 -
00:34 useless Regular aspirin use is linked to an increased risk of vision loss with age, a new study found.
00:34 useless The study of nearly 2,400 Australian men and women found those who routinely took aspirin were more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration. The results were published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine.
00:46 useless :-( gnite then
02:17 rue_bed yikes
20:43 rue_house kat, I have a 48V battery bank, and a 54.4V supply to charge it
20:43 rue_house ideas for a zero-dropout current regulator?
20:44 rue_house to charge
23:08 useless yeas
23:09 useless problem *may* be that if you charge using the genny the voltage may not be as high as 54.4 , which is only 13.6v per battery
23:10 useless do you have any volts above the 54.4 you can run circuits from?
23:11 useless if you do, then yo can use npn and increase your efficency a lot
23:12 useless else, use pnp ,, and if you can, and *maybe* you can, pull the main pnp pass bases down to 36v, not all the way down to gnd, altho that will unbalance the pack eventually
23:13 useless else, find some big TO-3 mosfets, so yu don't need to deal with base current, only gate voltage
23:31 useless if the voltage is really 54.4v, you don't need a charger, cause it won't get the 12v packs over 13.6v anyhow
23:32 useless a charge balancer would be a good idea, so if one goes to 15v and the other is at 12.2, something interesting can happen to bring down the 15v and raise the 12.2v
23:42 useless ...
23:42 eless goes away a
23:53 rue_house yes I was thinking of making a balancer
23:53 rue_house good practise for antoher project