#garfield Logs

Jan 20 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:01 useless the deepest thing i have are the scopes, which need 24" depth, almost everything i make is under a foot deep
00:18 rue_shop2 I'm overhauling buddy II
00:19 rue_shop2 relaying out everything
00:19 rue_shop2 re laying out everything
00:19 rue_shop2 :)
00:27 useless the entire buddy2?
00:27 useless hinges, motors, everything?
00:29 useless ok, 120 pilot holes drilled, 120 yet to go, and then drilling out to a real sloppy 10-32 clearance, maybe even a .250 hole
00:30 useless useing clip nuts, not tapping the rails, i learned the hard way to not do that
00:31 useless the bed frame is 1.5 wide, so i need a non-normal way to mount slide rails
00:33 useless i could tack weld in anothe vertical, so the cross section looks like _;_|
00:33 useless too much bother
01:14 useless is this this on?
01:15 eless heads off to the nex
01:54 TELunus Heh, I've got a computer properly running linux here, but I can't find the wirless network adapter for it I was planning on using. So I decided to plug it into my windows computer and share the wireless conection over the ethernet port. But it turns out that ever since I updated a driver over the winter break my ethernet adapter on my windows computer gives me a code 10.
01:54 TELunus Even after uninstalling the driver and re-installing an older version.
13:18 rue_bed kat, making a rack?
13:18 eless
13:18 rue_bed cool beans
13:19 rue_bed 1/4" holes, clip-not-on style?
13:19 rue_bed clip-on-nut
13:19 useless i prefer rack stuff over loose piles of different-shaped boxes of equipment
13:19 rue_bed positivly
13:20 useless spring-nut , not cage-nut, or clip-on-nut
13:20 e_bed waves to i
13:20 rue_bed hmm
13:20 useless NOT http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-32-cage-nuts-clip-in-caged-nuts-10-pcs-/310467217657 , becaue i have no way to make all those square holes
13:20 rue_bed right
13:21 useless more like http://www.ebay.com/itm/20-ea-CLIP-NUT-P-N-10-32-FLOATING-NUT-PLATE-AVIATION-PARTS-/111000232921 , or http://www.ebay.com/itm/CLIP-NUT-10-32-FLOATING-NUTPLATE-STAINLESS-10-PCS-LOT-/230560057372
13:22 rue_bed if I went to bed at 3am and now its 11am, how much sleep have I had?
13:22 useless i dunno why, but there's way more in 10-32 than 10-24 , i'd expect the 10-24 to be stronger
13:22 useless yu got as much sleep as me
13:22 useless or more, praps
13:22 rue_bed 10-32 is most of what I see
13:23 useless me too, still puzzling
13:24 useless if on a boat, some of this stuff i'd prefer to have mounted with 1/4-20 bolts, due to the chance of the boat rolling over
13:25 useless a full sized 520 vectorscope is a heavy beast
13:25 rue_bed so if rue got to bed at 3am and woke at 11am then a) rue had enough sleep, b) rue had less than 2 hours sleep, c) rue had more sleep than kat, d) rue had more than 2 hours sleep e) all the the above
13:25 rue_bed ;)
13:25 useless 3
13:25 rue_bed heh
13:26 rue_bed ugh, dosnt' help me get up
13:26 useless to much blood in your caffine stream
13:27 rue_bed the answer was, that I remounted all the batteries, circuit baords, barrier strips, and rerouted all the wires
13:27 rue_bed (going back)
13:27 useless oh
13:27 rue_bed TELunus, I might have a wireless card that will work for ya
13:28 eless sne
13:28 useless i must be allergic to life
13:28 TELunus Ok. It's for the computer I got from you.
13:28 e_bed ju
13:28 rue_bed windows wont share its network
13:28 TELunus There's a way to do it.
13:29 rue_bed why not put the wireless card in the linux machine and share the other way around
13:29 rue_bed bridging two network interfaces is easy under linux
13:29 rue_bed super easy
13:29 rue_bed brctl create br0
13:29 rue_bed brctl add eth0 br0
13:30 rue_bed brctl add wifi0 br0
13:30 TELunus Because, as I said, my ethernet card on the windows machine isn't working. To connect the computers either way by ethernet needs both ends to have working ethernet.
13:30 rue_bed oh, windows cant get the wired card to work
13:30 TELunus Well, strictly speaking it's not an ethernet card, since it's built into the mother board.
13:30 useless cat5 the two puters together, then put the wireless in whichever will use it
13:30 TELunus Ya.
13:30 useless o
13:30 rue_bed TELunus, is it disabled in the bios?
13:31 TELunus Shouldn't be.
13:31 TELunus I'd have to reboot to double check.
13:31 rue_bed :) shouldn't is a strong word
13:31 rue_bed its windows
13:31 rue_bed you prolly have to reboot anyhow
13:31 rue_bed :)
13:31 TELunus Well, bios isn't windows.
13:32 rue_bed linux cant get the network interface to work?
13:32 useless told ya: nix doesn't work
13:32 rue_bed I'm mixed up
13:32 rue_bed ok, TELunus do this, ifconfig -a
13:32 rue_bed does it show you an eth- device?
13:32 TELunus The linux computer is working just fine. I just don't have a good way of geting internet to it.
13:33 rue_bed put the wireless card in it
13:33 rue_bed linux will happily share the connection to windows
13:33 TELunus I only have one wireless card, I'm using it for the windows.
13:33 rue_bed yes, wire between the linux and the windows
13:34 rue_bed linux recieves wireless, shares to windows
13:34 TELunus but the windows computer dosn't have working ethernet.
13:34 rue_bed via a network bridge
13:34 rue_bed I thought you said the linux computer dosn't have a working ethernet port
13:34 useless you may need to "enable" it, but if it's on the mobo and not broken, windows will use it
13:35 rue_bed so windows needs to be rebooted to turn on the onboard ethernet in the bios
13:35 eless never had to reboot windoze re lan ports unless it was about renaming the de
13:36 rue_bed I'v had days when windows insists on rebooting cause I installed a font
13:36 TELunus In device manager windows has been telling me that my ethernet adapter is not starting (code 10) ever since a driver update. However it does see the device.
13:37 rue_bed if it worked, why would you update the drivers?
13:37 useless windoze is too much about rebooting, i installed the latest adobe, and it said i had to reboot, but i've been using it fine for a week without rebooting
13:37 rue_bed ok, deleting drivers is a trick
13:37 rue_bed do you have a copy of the old or origional drivers?
13:40 rue_bed wont start usually means a service problem
13:41 rue_bed odd
13:42 TELunus I only have the drivers I can download online.
13:43 rue_bed ah, and you got hte drivers form the motherboard manufacturere site yes?
13:44 TELunus Yes.
13:45 rue_bed when did you do the update
13:45 TELunus around Christmas.
13:45 rue_bed does the manuf post old driver copies
13:46 TELunus Ya, I tried going back to one of the older ones they had, but it still said the device couldn't start.
13:50 TELunus I should probably also mention that before I updated the driver I ran a utility that they told me to use that updates the NVram which apperantly helps with a problem that some people were having where the device missidentified it's self causing it to code 10.
13:50 TELunus (code 10 is failing to start)
13:52 rue_bed thats uaually boot firmware code
13:52 useless Updated: 1:29 PM CST on January 20, 2013 ; Clear ; 67.1 °F ; Clear
13:53 rue_bed have you started knopix on it to see if the card works under that
13:53 useless i dunno why some people thing January is the coldest month here
13:53 rue_bed we get more freezing post dec here than after
13:53 rue_bed but I definitly see the global warming thing going on
13:54 rue_bed it used to be *whne* will get get snow, now its *if*
13:55 rue_bed the mountian isn't getting its water reserved refurbished
13:55 rue_bed maybe I should start bottling up water for the end of summer
13:55 rue_bed anyone have an 8000L jug around?
13:56 useless how many gallons is that?
13:56 rue_bed more than 4?
13:57 eless points to the dam she almost finished, cept for the dog att
13:57 useless i was going to put ~30,000 gallons there
13:57 useless instead i have 2000 gallons in a plastic tank where my workshop was supposed to go
13:59 TELunus Havn't tried knoppix yet. I'll try that and looking at the bios when I get back from shopping.
14:00 useless the cheapest way i know of to save water, unless yu make a "water pillow" from tarps
14:00 useless http://www.ebay.com/itm/15-ft-x-36-in-Intex-Easy-Set-Pool-/310466929189
14:01 useless **IF** you can put 3ft of water in that, it's just short of 4000 gallons
14:01 useless so a lil over 2ft is 2000 gallons
14:02 useless even cheaper : http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-INTEX-15-x-36-Easy-Set-Above-Ground-Swimming-Pool-/350563064124
14:02 e_house
14:02 useless to go over 2000 gal, it *must* be on a perfectly level spot
14:03 rue_house yea, I had one with like a 3degree slope and it rolled over on me
14:03 useless but 4000 gal isn't anything to sneeze at
14:03 useless mine is ~6 inches high on one side, because it's a BUILDING SITE, where i was BUILDING my WORKSHOP #WDFRT*q4t Q$%Y gods
14:04 useless so i loose 1000 gallons just for that
14:05 useless when i got back from Fla, i could not, no way, move any dirt at all, i could not lift the mattock overhead, i could not swing it, so i put the pool-tank as is, where is
14:05 useless but i can pump over 1000 gallons per 24hrs anyhow, and in normal situations i won't be using that much water
14:06 useless if you can poke a hole in the ground and suck 1.5 gallons out of it constantly, you have more water than you need
14:07 useless yu canget up in the morning (LOL) and put 500 gallons on the garden, wash a couple loads of clothes, and still have a full tank again by sundown
14:08 useless 1.5 gallons per minute = 900 gallons per 10 hours
14:09 useless that said, if the toilet tank leaks, you could be pushing 900 gallons per day into the septic system
14:14 useless .....
14:21 useless 500 gallons is an inch of water on a 28ft x 28ft area
14:23 useless and if your pool-tank is up high in the back corner, you can gravity flow it down in a 2" pipe, controlled by a couple of washing machine valves and air muscles on a ball valve
14:24 useless put some 50psi water sprinklers arund it to scare off the bear and deer and cats that will stop by for a drink, cause they'll claw right thru the plastic
14:27 eless wanders off to talk to machinery , since there's no humans here any
14:31 rue_house I object to being called a human
17:14 eless folds up her legs appropriately and sits still for a w
17:15 rue_shop2 kat, please go to robotics and help shuggans understnad pwm
17:18 useless me? but i hardly understand Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne myself
17:19 rue_shop2 :) please?
17:19 useless i fear there may be marshmellows
17:20 useless and besides, whoever got me akilled is in #RoboTics, and i could be akilled again
17:20 useless afaik, atm i am "ban evading"
17:24 useless what part of pwm is so difficult?
17:26 rue_shop2 I lack time to explain EVERYTHING to him
17:27 rue_shop2 I did power loss calculation with him for on and off transistors, and we calculated power loss at 'half on' transistor
17:27 rue_shop2 but if someone could go over the whole duty/freq and averaging etc with him it would be great
17:28 useless simple: if the power is on 1/2 the time, then the power delivered is 1/2 what it would be at 100%
17:28 useless or, in other words
17:29 useless simple: if the power is on 50% the time, then the power delivered is 50% what it would be at 100%
17:30 rue_shop2 he's new to everything
17:31 useless if he cannot grasp that basic math, i cannot help him
17:33 rue_shop2 he does
17:34 rue_shop2 I'v got him learning electrical symbols right now
17:34 rue_shop2 someone to help him learn drawing scheamtics would be nice too
17:34 rue_shop2 http://www.visuafusion.com/robotics/IMAG0017.jpg he's working on it
17:35 useless that is a sucky schematic, i'd delete that one
17:37 rue_shop2 http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23robotics-2013-01-20.html
17:37 rue_shop2 he has been doing electronics for under 14 days now
17:37 useless then why isn't he in #electronics ?
17:38 rue_shop2 #electronics is a troll pit anyhow
17:38 useless i am a useless dumbass who actually got akilled from this irc network, i am going afk to fix myself dinner
17:38 useless if he wants to talk to me, meet me in a neutral channel later
18:44 TELunus I think I found a solution. It looks like the third computer I have in my room has an external ethernet card I can pull out an put in my windows computer.
18:45 TELunus Also, the copy of knoppix I have with me at the moment wouldn't start, so I couldn't check whether linux is seeing the device.
18:46 TELunus Well, I suppose I could if I switched hard drives between my linux and windows computers, but I don't feel like doing that at the moment.
20:28 TELunus I hate microsoft so much right now.
20:31 TELunus They've defined a struct where the first variable is an unsigned long who's value is supposed to be the size of the struct. Why on earth is it my job to figure out what size their struct type is.
20:39 rue_shop2 thats so that they dont have to use specific types
20:52 rue_shop2 kat, how do you store a lot of files
20:52 rue_shop2 the bastard kind
20:59 useless i write them to the harddrive
20:59 useless is there anotehr way?
20:59 rue_shop2 think file with a handle
20:59 rue_shop2 cross cut
20:59 rue_shop2 chain saw
21:00 useless oh
21:00 useless on a shelf, sometimes with a spritz of silicone oil
21:01 Tom_itx i toss em in a drawer
21:01 useless i very seldom use a file on the chansaw, i use a grinding stone in the dremel,, i store that stone in a plastic jar with a screw lid
21:01 Tom_itx i was helping a bud for a while so i got a regular saw grinder
21:02 useless it regular ones take too long to set up out in the field when time matters, and are too much bother at the end of the day when too tired to set them up
21:04 Tom_itx i had several chains per saw and kept up with them when time allowed
21:05 rue_shop2 so if I did a shelf that was 1/4" high and about 14" deep
21:06 Tom_itx i just toss em in my toolbox in a file drawer
21:06 useless you wanna be able to see your tools, not haveto fish them out with a screwdriver, rue
21:07 useless like Tom does, they aren't delicate, but they would last a tiney bit longer if nothing hard (like each other or scrap steel) is resting on them
21:08 Tom_itx most of mine were regrinds anyway
21:08 useless remember, each bump on the file is a sharp gouge, and if dull it won't cut
21:08 Tom_itx surplus
21:08 useless atm, 6 of mine are over on the otehr desk on a pile of aluminum filings
21:09 Tom_itx good place to keep them
21:09 Tom_itx nice soft aluminum bed for them
21:09 useless i keep using them there, so that's where they are
21:09 Tom_itx yeah mine are scattered about
21:09 Tom_itx the ones that made it outta the drawer
21:10 useless as long as you remember where they are
21:10 Tom_itx i keep several kinds
21:10 useless me too
21:10 Tom_itx round, half round, flat, triangle etc
21:10 useless same here
21:10 Tom_itx remembering is the problem
21:12 Tom_itx http://www.mcmaster.com/#ball-bearing-carriages/=l4iimr
21:12 Tom_itx holy crap that's small
21:13 useless url didn't work
21:14 useless Please wait while you are redirected to our mobile website.
21:14 useless which doesn't happen
21:14 Tom_itx mmm
21:14 Tom_itx worked ok in ff here
21:14 useless not in FF here
21:15 useless are they smaller than thses : DesignerThinking.com/fingers.html#new
21:15 Tom_itx :(
21:15 Tom_itx 1mm wide
21:15 Tom_itx linear slides
21:16 useless oh. the 8mm OD ones i use are 2mm wide
21:16 Tom_itx 2.5mm high
21:16 Tom_itx 4mm wide carriage
21:16 useless yeesh that's small
21:16 Tom_itx 12.4mm long max
21:16 Tom_itx err 16mm
21:18 useless the pages opened in IE
22:23 useless ok, all the pilot holes are drilled, what size do i want for the 10-32 spring nuts? .230?
22:49 rue_shop3 32 is my standard 10
22:49 rue_shop3 10-24 or 32?
22:49 useless 10-32
22:49 useless plus clearance
22:50 rue_shop3 .250
22:50 useless that's a lot
22:50 rue_shop3 incase tolerances are bad
22:50 rue_shop3 yes
22:50 rue_shop3 its still comfortly on the head tho
22:51 useless won't the 10-32 nut get sucked into a hole that big?
22:51 rue_shop3 2 sex
22:51 useless the screw head won't be on the mount hole in the rails, the screw head will be on the face of what's being mounted
22:52 useless what?
22:54 TELunus Sweet, the latest version of GCC aperantly supports all the new features in C++11.
23:02 useless what does this mean : [22:39] <rue_shop3> 2 sex
23:09 rue_house 2 seconds
23:09 rue_house secs
23:09 rue_house I still need more secs
23:41 eless goes
23:42 rue_house oh wait
23:42 rue_house I need a few more
23:46 rue_house kat
23:46 rue_house assist tutorials/mech
23:46 rue_house !assist tutorials/mech
23:46 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech
23:46 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/10-32a.jpg
23:47 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/10-32b.jpg
23:47 rue_house as you can see
23:47 rue_house from the images
23:47 rue_house displayed on your viewing screen
23:47 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech/10-32c.jpg
23:47 rue_house the 10-32 machine screw
23:47 rue_house (the one pictated on the viewing)
23:47 rue_house is a good fit for a .25000 inch hole
23:48 rue_house 0.25000 that is
23:48 rue_house inches
23:48 rue_house can yo usee
23:49 rue_house that is, it is clearly indicated
23:50 shuggans rue: this board design need any other components for pwm?
23:51 rue_house hello
23:51 rue_house board design?
23:51 shuggans motor drivers
23:51 rue_house you can make it like that and add the pwm when you like
23:51 shuggans the design so far... we need anythign for PWM? or jsut the existing FETS?
23:51 rue_house slight software change on how to operate the reverser
23:52 rue_house to add pwm you make a fet driver module and add it between the - of the motors part of relay circuit and the battery
23:52 shuggans Just pulled 2 TEAPO 200V 560 uF caps btw - useful for much?
23:52 rue_house start a capacitor box
23:53 rue_house a small one
23:53 shuggans these are huge :P
23:53 shuggans like almost C battery size
23:53 rue_house if it gets full, divide it by their ratings, keep doing this for all of time
23:53 rue_house yes
23:53 rue_house !assist robots/
23:53 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/
23:54 rue_house TELunus, I re-arranged a bit
23:55 TELunus Ah?
23:55 rue_house :/ a mercurry battery just landed in my supper, thats not good for it
23:56 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_II/p1040830.jpg
23:56 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_II/p1040831.jpg
23:58 shuggans LT5232 - first line, 2nd line SB540 - how do i read this
23:59 rue_house luscent technologies 5232
23:59 rue_house SB540 is prolly a date code