#garfield Logs

Jan 18 2013

#garfield Calendar

14:10 useless ...
14:16 eless was reading some stupidity after hearing stupidity o
14:16 useless <quote>
14:16 useless Oxycotton is actually oxycontin which contains oxycodone. oxycontin is a prescribed drug. Oxycodone is a very strong narcotic pain reliever. It is meant to be taken in pill form not broken, eaten, or crushed. </quote>
14:16 useless so, "taken in pill form" , but "not.... eaten" , so how is the pill applied?
14:18 useless http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=oxycotton
14:22 eless puts a cotton tshirt in a hyperbaric chamber overnite, then takes it out, crushes it, and eats a por
14:26 useless this means, if someone asks you to sell them some oxycotton, you can, you sell them what they asked for, oxygenated cotton isn't illegal , afaik
14:40 eless ponders nitrogenated cotton as a replacement for "oxy-cot
16:56 useless $3.50 min wage in 1968 = $23 in 2012 dollars
16:58 useless but then, praps if "cost of living" raises weren't ever give, the same multiplier would affect housing costs, and a 2012 $150,000 house would sell for $22,765, or rent for $227/mo
17:03 useless to put it another way, a 2012 dollar is worth 15 cents in 1968 dollars
17:06 useless that means the last full year i worked was "worth" $117,000 in 2012 dollars
17:06 useless strange how i am useless now
19:09 Tom_itx made better in 68 too
23:52 useless LCD TV USE 820uF 35V 105? 10 pcs Capacitor
23:52 useless Store: Calvinh's Warehouse
23:52 useless Seller User Id: discoversonic
23:52 useless Feedback: 98.4% positive, 4,399 reviews
23:52 useless Time left: 10d 10h left1/29, 9AM
23:52 useless $10.49
23:52 useless Buy It Now
23:52 useless +$1,004.90 shipping