#garfield Logs

Jan 17 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:16 rue_house kat, nice pizza resizer
00:25 useless it is, who could known 5 gallon buckets from Home Depot were microwave safe?
00:32 useless instead of flat pizza, i have up-curled edges, like ,_____,
01:27 useless i am not finished with this yet : http://designerthinking.com/MTFla.html
01:29 rue_house :)
01:29 useless surely you are not smiling at http://designerthinking.com/MTFla.html
01:31 rue_house no
01:31 rue_house curled pizza
01:32 useless yeas, the curl made nice handles
01:32 rue_house :)
01:32 rue_house which one is the anti-inflamitory?
01:33 useless thatwas great payback on so little time to make it
01:33 useless huh?
01:33 rue_house I wrote on the advil, taking that
01:33 useless umm, ok
01:39 useless rue, regarding advil, screw that: http://designerthinking.com/images/misc/screw-in-top2.jpg
01:39 useless btw, that screw is recycled there, it's from one of those 300 cable boxes
01:40 rue_bed :)
02:13 useless i goto bed, gnites
12:49 useless weather forecast here is wonderous: today was forecasted to be 56F, it's now 36F and falling
13:21 eless ponders............ a robot cannot own land, but what if a trust was set up, the land in the trust's name, administered only by a law firm, which did nothing but pay land taxes from the money in the trust, and robots sold firewood to keep the trust fun
13:23 useless depending on things, enough trees would die of (old age, storm damage, disease, insects, forest fire, etc) and fall down, to be cut up and stacked as firewood, to cover the administrator fees and taxes each year
13:24 useless with solar panels to power the Ai.......... ?
13:25 useless call it a nature preserve, the robots being protected also
13:28 useless a 166kw solar array selling power to the powerco would put $100/month into the trust also
13:29 useless your Ai children would have a safe place to grow up after you die
13:30 useless "The Nature Conservancy" owns land and islands in this same manner
13:30 useless but they have no robots
13:38 useless some humans have done this for their pets: the trust covers all costs for the life of the pets
13:43 useless say the trust must maintain the buildings and stockroom, so if the Ai makes a new bin in the stockroom for a new chip, the trust must stock it
15:17 useless good thing i have food for 3 weeks, propane heat and light for over a month, and WD-40 in all the outside locks (car, gate padlock, etc), 500 gallons of inside water, 20 gallons of prepared RO water, and extra gloves,
15:17 useless good thing i have food for 3 weeks, propane heat and light for over a month, and WD-40 in all the outside locks (car, gate padlock, etc), 500 gallons of inside water for washing and toilet flushing, 2 weeks of drinking water, and extra gloves,
15:18 useless and other stuff
15:18 useless so i can be lucky if the food lasts, i don't freeze, and the locks don't freeze solid, i have water to flush the toilet , and fresh dry gloves to weather every time i go outside
15:18 eless believes in planning to be "lu
15:19 useless because the roads here will be impassable tonite, and everyone will try to raid the stores for milk and bread
15:19 useless it's what they do: milk and bread always run out
15:21 useless and all those ovens people throw out at the recycling center all summer, come with very inexpensive "drying racks" for winter use
15:21 useless yep, it's a winter snow storm, complete with thunder and lightning
15:25 useless atm it looks prtty on radar : http://classic.wunderground.com/wundermap/?lat=33.34888&lon=-87.69287&zoom=7&type=hyb&units=english&rad=1&rad.num=1&rad.spd=25&rad.opa=70&rad.stm=1&rad.type=N0R&rad.type2=&rad.smo=1&rad.mrg=0&wxsn=0&svr=0&cams=0&sat=0&riv=0&mm=0&hur=0&fire=0&tor=0&ndfd=0&pix=0&dir=0&ads=0&ib=1&tfk=0
15:32 useless the posted official weather forecast for today is still 48F, it hasn't hit 40F all day, and is 33F now
20:04 rue_house hmm
20:04 Tom_itx hmm?
20:05 rue_house do something or fall asleep
20:05 Tom_itx i had the nap but i could do another
20:07 Tom_itx if something doesn't happen soon i probably will
20:12 zhanx rue won't be on much soon, i got jump master school along with pathfinder and air assault lined up in the next couple of weeks
20:12 rue_house hehe
20:12 zhanx army decided i need to learn more or something
20:13 zhanx i am now in a AFAR so i have to brush up some skills
20:13 rue_house I put in more of those ankle breakers your so fond of
20:13 zhanx fun
20:14 zhanx i let all the smoke out of my cnc, power is an issue here i think
20:14 zhanx gonna desolder the chips and replace the psu with an ups and go from there
20:15 zhanx not mention my location relative to a certain interface site that changes the channel on my tv on a regular basis
20:15 Tom_itx that sucks
20:15 zhanx i had to tape over the ir sensor
20:21 zhanx taught my wife how to rig a parachute today she loves it
20:21 zhanx she want to jump now
20:21 zhanx wants
20:21 zhanx my s key is sticky/ sticking lately
20:44 useless tape over the IR sensor? you being spied on with an audio-to-IR transmitter bug?
20:46 useless i wish i could find why i have a huge 100Mhz signal in my bedroom, it trashes the FM band
20:49 eless is dizzy for no known re
21:19 rue_house zhanx, iirc last i saw, a plane trip is about $100, if you jump out half way, will they take you for $50?
21:19 rue_house kat, are you fed?
21:47 zhanx rue_house, no clue i fly for free
21:49 rue_house I meant if you took her on a civilian plane to jump out of
21:52 zhanx k
21:52 zhanx no clue
22:21 rue_shop3 iamturnip, I just got a 48V, 8A power supply
22:21 rue_shop3 :/
22:21 rue_shop3 suppose you dont need of one still eh?
22:23 useless no, i am not
22:25 useless the guy shot by cops in Hawaii last week was from Alabama, he repeatedly rammed every cop car he saw with his pickup, injuring several cops, in related news, Alabama governor is going to sue to stop Obama gun control, is going to put right to gun ownership in Alabama constitution, i expect Hawaii to ban pickup trucks
22:27 zhanx i think that might happen
22:27 zhanx but i know for sure
22:27 zhanx i am not going to trade my guns for cash. the fight will not be nice for my guns
22:28 useless i require a gun for dog control, since the state and county won't enforce the laws here
22:28 useless that said, i am not in favor of guns, i would prefer the dogs be dealt with
22:28 zhanx i require a gun cause the rest of the world is stupid
22:29 zhanx kat i offered before and now i am closer
22:29 useless i agree, but on a boat out int he ocean, i won't haveto wear one at all times when outside
22:29 useless wat a sec, ggt
22:32 useless wow i am dizzy
22:34 eless points zhanx to how it went in Fla : http://designerthinking.com/MTFla.html (not finished with that page
22:36 useless nc isn't all that much closer
22:36 zhanx compared to ny?
22:36 useless umm, you on irc from a bivouac??
22:37 zhanx no i jumped c17 today hollywood
22:37 useless ah
22:37 useless big arsed airplane to jump out of
22:37 zhanx true
22:38 zhanx i need 6 more jumps and off to jump master school
22:38 useless you could toss a M1 out of one of those and ride it down
22:38 useless M!A1
22:38 zhanx and burn in
22:39 useless i didn't know anyone jumped from C17, you do it for altitude, speed, or noise?
22:39 zhanx jumpers
22:40 useless i'd rather just walk off the end of a C130
22:40 zhanx a c17 can mass attack more soldiers
22:40 useless that's for sure
22:40 zhanx never did that
22:41 zhanx walk off a c130 nope, a casa or uh-64 or uh-60 yes
22:41 useless the dog population is down at, i had to kill another rott in my driveway , someone got a really big hunt dog and made it look like a car hit, otehr dogs disappeared, i saw some guy putting up a missing dog poster the otehr day
22:42 zhanx ok worn out ran 5 miles off the drop zone full kit calling it early
22:43 useless well, i'm glad you're ok otherwise, and the knee is holding up
22:43 zhanx knee is brass, gold
22:44 useless sounds heavy
22:44 useless watch out who you use it on ;-)
22:44 zhanx the damned bolt is protruding since i dont scar
22:44 useless protruding?
22:45 zhanx i see another doc tuesday for it
22:45 useless you can't walk around with bolts sticking out, it's an infection hazard
22:45 zhanx body doesnt want it
22:45 useless you don't want a bot fly larvae infection, trust me
22:46 zhanx i know but...... its coming out etc
22:47 eless wonders if you can grow zhanx on a electrically charged implant, same as growing coral on rebar in the o
22:47 zhanx ok bed time kat you know i am good to hook
22:47 useless happy sleeps
22:47 zhanx maybe
22:47 zhanx i am abnormal anyways, i dont scar
22:47 zhanx go figure
22:48 useless you don't *need* to scar to heal
22:48 useless scars can cause more problems than they are worth
22:48 zhanx no i have had bones come out the skin no scars
22:49 useless just guessing here: plastic surgeons #2 income is from removing scars
22:49 useless but you can heal
22:49 zhanx but another time got a jump in the am ( need a few more in next couple of days for jump master)
22:49 useless ok, best luck!
22:49 zhanx thank
22:49 zhanx s