#garfield Logs

Jan 16 2013

#garfield Calendar

00:53 useless uh oh, Rand Corp's "IntroToComputers_ECD-13" for their UNIVAC1 has a typo
00:53 useless "There 63 possible characters available; "
00:54 useless ouch : The memory of the Univac has the capacity to "store" or "remember" 1000 words
00:59 rue_house maybe they mean its an 6 bit machine
00:59 useless 12bit
01:00 useless Charles Darwin brought a hooker with him on voyage
01:00 useless Darwin's great buddy was Joseph Hooker, the intrepid botanist and explorer.
01:04 rue_house hhe
01:06 useless The Memory contents are subjected to a Periodic Memory Check every three
01:06 useless fWcondso Each tank is read into the HSB, the HSB checker sempling each digit
01:06 useless to insure its oddnesso
01:07 useless fWcondso = seconds
01:09 useless a computer operator console : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Museum_of_Science%2C_Boston%2C_MA_-_IMG_3163.JPG/220px-Museum_of_Science%2C_Boston%2C_MA_-_IMG_3163.JPG
01:11 rue_house man shakes potato and shouts "THIS STUPID POTATO THINKS IT CAN FLY!!!, STUPID POTATO!!!", man throws potato as far as he can
01:12 rue_house who won, pototo or man, I think potato
01:12 useless Originally priced at US$159,000, the UNIVAC I rose in price until they were between $1,250,000 and $1,500,000. A total of 46 systems were eventually built and delivered.
01:12 useless UNIVAC I used 5,200 vacuum tubes,[6] weighed 29,000 pounds (13 metric tons), consumed 125 kW, and could perform about 1,905 operations per second running on a 2.25 MHz clock.
01:13 useless so a VIC20 with 4k of ram and 1Mhz, but including the typist keybd and a video output, at $300, was a HUGE bargain
01:15 useless a 1k memory for a univac : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mercury_memory.jpg
01:24 useless i am thinking most operations of a computer do not need to be in the cpu
01:25 useless the same circuit to do dma can be used to do string insert and trim operations, or garbage collections, or printer buffering, of display screen updating
01:26 useless the same circuits controlling the dma memory pointers can compare other data too
01:27 useless the cpu gets left with the task of poking all the peripheral modules, which are all runing max speed on difefrent busses and doing difefrent things, and just organising them so they do what's needed
01:31 useless for instance, 2^48 pointers, handled by a 48bit pointer, incrementer, decrementer, offset indexer, comparator,,, can also handle the feed from 48bits worth of string comparisons (if strng1 = string2 sorta thing)
01:33 useless any ole 8bit cpu can cause a 48bit register to increment, and clk 6 74ABT574's to put the result on a buss to somewhere
01:46 useless RabGDI controls axonal midline crossing by regulating Robo1 surface expression
01:46 useless P
01:57 useless [01:37] <useless> from : http://www.meetup.com/RedMountainMakers/events/94914522/
01:57 useless [01:37] <useless> Show and Tell
01:57 useless [01:37] <useless> Tuesday, January 22, 2013
01:57 useless [01:37] <useless> 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
01:57 useless [01:37] <useless> This location is shown only to members
01:57 useless [01:40] <useless> i know you do not believe me, so i uploaded a screen capture : http://designerthinking.com/MAKERS.GIF
01:58 useless so, i cannot go, and those people i can email or irc won't tell me where to meet the makers group
01:58 useless they have never met me irl, and don't want to
08:30 rue_bed wow sad
08:36 useless .
08:36 useless i cannot win with humans
08:41 useless if ybit / heath is in #RoboTics, ask him why he won't tell me where it is
08:50 useless A security check on a US company has reportedly revealed one of its staff was outsourcing his work to China.
08:50 useless The software developer, in his 40s, is thought to have spent his workdays surfing the web, watching cat videos on YouTube and browsing Reddit and eBay.
08:50 useless He reportedly paid just a fifth of his six-figure salary to a company based in Shenyang to do his job.
08:51 useless "Evidence even suggested he had the same scam going across multiple companies in the area. All told, it looked like he earned several hundred thousand dollars a year, and only had to pay the Chinese consulting firm about $50,000 (£31,270) annually."
08:51 useless The employee no longer worked at the firm, Mr Valentine said.
08:56 rue_house wow, neat idea
08:56 rue_house outsource the work and correct the english when it gets back
08:56 rue_house na, I hate the way other peopel code
09:03 rue_house kat, isn't their maker space address posted on the origional maker map I used to find them?
09:04 rue_house summary
09:04 rue_house Tuesday, January 22, 2013 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
09:04 rue_house Bring something to show off to the group. Any project is welcome whether it be completed, half finished or just plans. We want to see what you are working on or what inspires you. Any discipline is welcome from knitting to robotics. Show us what you are making or any project that you think we need or would like to see. As always the meeting is free to attend and participate in, but if you would like to be a full member please bring cash or ch
09:04 rue_house eck to pay your monthly dues. Meeting is BYOB and refreshments/snacks are more than welcome.
09:04 rue_house location
09:04 rue_house Steven's 1619 Bent River Cir
09:04 rue_house ?
09:10 TELunus Kat, I made myself a member, I can confirm that it is apperantly at Steven's house which is at the address rue_house mentioned.
09:11 TELunus There's also a map link, but it's just a link to a google maps search for that address.
09:18 rue_house TELunus, morning
09:18 rue_house running for class yet? :)
09:27 eless looks conf
09:28 useless how does it show you the address?
09:29 useless "As always the meeting is free to attend and participate in" (but we won't tell you where it is unless you pay first) ???
09:29 useless TELunus , are you in the Bham area?
09:40 useless roughly 40 miles, 45minutes to an hour drive
09:43 useless how can you become a member if you can't get to a meeting to pay dues?
10:07 useless i was about to say the pics on http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-25A-1000V-Metal-Case-Bridge-Rectifier-SEP-KBPC2510-/350680828842 and http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-15A-1000V-Metal-Case-Bridge-Rectifier-SEP-KBPC1510-/140804401425 are the same, but they aren't
10:17 useless how would you convince someone to spend money on 4 lead acid batteries and a 48vdc to 115vDC convertor for lights, if they could buy just one 12v battery and a 12vdc-120vac convertor?
10:19 useless there's not much else you can run on 115vDC, but you can run walwarts and laptops and desktops and monitors and radios and tvs and other stuff off the 120vAC, even if it's cheap and horrible "modified sine"
16:41 TELunus Useless, when they say a member, they just mean a member online.
16:42 TELunus rue_house, I went to classes about 5 minutes before you asked.
16:44 TELunus Kat, to become a member online just go to http://www.meetup.com/RedMountainMakers/events/94914522/ and click the signup button on the right hand side.
16:44 TELunus Sorry, I meant the join us button.
16:45 TELunus They ask for a real name, email, and password. They then send you a confirmation email, and once you have confirmed they get you to give an introduction to yourself and maybe a few other details. Then you can see where the event is.
16:49 TELunus !help
16:49 TELunus !time
16:49 tobbor My watch says its 02:40PM Wed Jan 16 2013
19:29 useless so, mostly, "being a member" is meaningless?
19:52 rue_house so, dispite the so far, do you think you might go take a look?
19:57 useless i can show up there, yeas
19:58 useless i worry that showing up when they did not tell me where to show up might be considered stalking, and the police be called
20:07 rue_house you can argue the website says anyone is welcome
20:07 rue_house take your power supply and show them if it goes well
20:07 eless
20:08 rue_house I mean well, I hope you know that
20:08 eless
20:24 eless ponders this 5 gal bucket, and how to use the bottom 6 inches of it separately from the top 4 inches o
20:26 rue_house compromised honeycomb
20:26 useless i found a use for the middle 4.5 inches
20:26 useless hate to be using the middle, and not using the bottom of the bucket or the top
20:26 rue_house hmm
20:27 rue_house is the bucket round or hexagonal
20:27 rue_house or trapazoidal
20:27 useless round, typical 5 gal paint / plaster bucket
20:27 rue_house hmmm
20:28 rue_house the kind of bucket thats way too thin to cut the bottom out of, turn on its side, and make a tube boiler for a mini locomotive out of?
20:28 useless i spose i could put the top on it, and arrange it so gravity holds stuff to the bottom and the to the underside of the lid
20:28 useless it's plastic, you can't boil in it
20:29 rue_house yes, verry unsuitable
20:29 rue_house I have an idea kat
20:29 useless that's great, rue
20:29 rue_house attach a screw on lid for a jar to the bottom of the lid of the paint bucket
20:29 rue_house put things in the jam jar and screw it to the lid bottom
20:30 eless listens,, g
20:30 rue_house I also suggest installing a handle on the top of the paint bucket lid to pick the lid up with
20:30 rue_house you could even, if you could find correcltly sized jars, put a jar in the jar
20:31 rue_house russian doll effect
20:31 useless how would this benefit me?
20:31 rue_house you could put multiple things in there without them getting mixed up
20:32 useless pic of the type of bucket : http://designerthinking.com/images/garden/startofroofgardenm.jpg
20:32 rue_house say, for example if you wanted to store bleach, hydrochloric acid, and gasoline in the same container
20:32 useless but they'd all be hanging upside down, i'd haveto hold it over my head and look up between them and with a flashlite
20:33 rue_house hmmm
20:34 useless i need to go keep the hacksaw blade warm, i'll do that while you hmm, bbiaf
20:34 rue_house I think I'm going to go to the shop to avoid making supper
20:40 eless takes pics of the hacksawed bu
21:23 useless http://designerthinking.com/uwave-rim.html
21:25 useless of course, now i know it works, i can clean it up
21:31 useless i need to fix the html too
22:45 useless ....
23:30 TELunus Rue, why doesn't tobbor have a help command?
23:32 useless rue, why isn't Tiggr in here?
23:33 useless oh, i remember