#garfield Logs

Dec 10 2012

#garfield Calendar

00:38 TELunus Well, my last exam is the 17th.
00:47 rue_mohr you comming back to the coast?
00:47 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/271069555259?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
00:47 rue_mohr think its a scam?
00:52 TELunus It might be, dunno.
00:52 rue_mohr I'll tell you if it arrives
00:53 TELunus I will be on the coast from the 13th till the 16th, and the 18th or 19th till the 24th, and probably most of the 26th till the 1st.
00:54 TELunus Anyway, I've got an exam tommorrow, so I'd better get to sleep.
00:54 rue_mohr is it on physics?
00:55 rue_mohr math?
00:55 rue_mohr I was thinking about gravity, thought of some intereting things
00:57 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Silver-4GB-2-8-LCD-Touch-Screen-MP3-MP4-Player-FM-Recorder-Digital-Camera-4G-/280965375123?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416ad76493
00:57 rue_mohr oops, for an extra 1.33 could have had almost the rest of the phone
01:00 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/2-8-4GB-4G-Touch-Screen-Mp3-Mp4-MP5-Player-1-3M-Camera-/320972089529?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item4abb6d68b9
01:00 rue_mohr i-cough cough chough
01:20 rue_mohr damn I want to return 2 mp3 players to ebay and get one of the at&t unlocked touchscreen phones instead
01:28 rue_mohr iamturnip, what do you think of the prices for the above? can $50 go far ther with that you or fg would handle?
01:30 rue_mohr I want to buy more, but I'll wait the 30 days for what I got to arrive
01:30 rue_mohr return the junk to london drugs
03:56 Tom_itx did you blow off kat again?
08:57 rue_mohr she got all funny about me talking with dice
09:05 TELunus rue_mohr: It's an exam for a design project course. I'm not sure what to expect.
09:08 rue_mohr design an antigravity gun!
12:13 iamturnip rue_mohr: you mean the fake looking mp3 thingy on ebay
12:13 iamturnip we never see that kind of stuff
12:13 iamturnip when do it is broken
20:05 rue_mohr old touchscreen phones?
20:05 rue_mohr I stilll keeping an ear out for a touchscreen wifi device for controlling robots
20:06 rue_mohr I should ask whats up with the chap adding the bathroom
20:27 iamturnip rue_mohr: just a friend working on a project, dont know much about it
20:27 iamturnip rue_mohr: we dont see phones anymore
21:01 rue_mohr huh
21:14 rue_mohr iamturnip, it would be good to mention I can help with what people can do legally or otherwise
21:14 rue_mohr always gonna make sure its safe tho