#garfield Logs

Nov 26 2012

#garfield Calendar

19:35 rue_mohr does it have a processor?
19:40 any57030114 many processors
19:53 rue_mohr oh
19:53 rue_mohr are they serial processors?
20:04 any57030114 i dunno
20:06 any57030114 the computer looks to be 6ft tall, maybe 50ft wde
20:06 rue_mohr maybe its 7km of ipads packed carefully
20:08 any57030114 maybe it's marshmellows
20:13 Tom_L they should have left them on one big wafer
20:13 Tom_L and wired em
20:14 any57030114 i dunno, if they are on one big flat disc, what if they did optical com ports aimed str8 up at a mirror to reflect to all the other cpus?
20:15 y57030114 thinks of this stuff in advance, you
20:17 any57030114 did you hear of "The Epiphany™ architecture" ?
20:18 any57030114 http://www.adapteva.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/epiphany_arch_reference_3.12.10.03.pdf
20:23 any57030114 i think what they did was make a raw disc of 4096 or more dual personality ARM chips, all wierd up and sideways, and then lay over them gobs of ram
20:37 any57030114 Nov. 26, 2012 -
20:37 any57030114 A teenager and his parents were swept out to sea one by one after the boy tried to save their pet dog, which was overtaken by 10-foot-waves while running on the beach.
20:37 any57030114 it's a DOG
20:38 any57030114 The dog managed to find its way back on shore and survived.
20:48 any57030114 Facebook has over 600 million users, and each
20:48 any57030114 of them could be considered an entity.
20:49 any57030114 they'll prolly be glad to hear that